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Everything posted by mo83

  1. To make Scottish fitba great again we need one team in Dundee not 2!!
  2. To be fair that does kinda happen?If you finish bottom of league 2 you play the winners of the lowland league v highland league game in a play off to remain in the league or to go out just like what happened to East Stirling and then Berwick Rangers a few years later they got beat so joined the lowland league and we introduced Edinburgh city and cove rangers.
  3. Yes he did.He was on about selling the "best product" to sky and having the best teams in the league all the time derbies like hibs v hearts,celtic v rangers,dundee v utd .
  4. He wants all the top teams in the league I understand that.But if you have been rank rotten like Dundee and Hearts have been this year you deserve to come down?Cant just stay in the league because your the so called "big teams"
  5. Dundee Fc technical director Gordon Strachan made some interesting comments yesterday about Scottish lower league football.One comment stuck out to me mr Strachan said "The teams in the bottom two leagues at the moment ,in general,how many players have they produced over the last 14 years?" For Montrose Fc the two that spring to mind that came through the youth system would be Martin Boyle and Aaron Taylor Sinclair am sure their could have been more but will start their.How many players has your club produced over the last 14 years?
  6. Amateur Club sounds promising! Nah in all seriousness hope the rovers find someone who can wheel and deal and get the best out of the squad they have and whomever he might bring in.
  7. Just away to Skype call all other 19 one after the other....Will let you know how I get on.
  8. This has to be the wake up call Brechin needed,time to get the finger out and get a good squad together for the next campaign.You have got out this one by the skin of your teeth I would like to think/hope Mr Ferguson had no influence probably never find out,do feel sorry for Kelty and Brora mind you total lack of respect for LL and HL clubs.
  9. Jay Stein their is a blast from the past, we had him at Montrose for a bit.Good wee player from what I remember. What is he up too these days?
  10. [emoji471][emoji1628][emoji471][emoji1628][emoji471][emoji1628]What a fucking day/night....[emoji460]️[emoji460]️[emoji460]️[emoji460]️[emoji460]️
  11. 100% Big Sena and Cammy F were fantastic loan signings.
  12. Hopefully just 1 or 2 to tie up and sign on and strengthen the squad from their.
  13. Goalkeeper's I'd keep Flem again to be fair and look for another keeper to keep him on his toes,I was expecting a wee bit more from Lennox and thought he would have came in and cemented his place as number 1 but he has not really done that.Saying that if he was to stay I wouldn't be against it at all he never played much before going us maybe just needs more game time. Lewis Milne- I'd like to think I he would sign for us again seems to enjoy it and is a very handy player. Liam Callaghan- Good squad player would keep if we couldn't get any better. CJ- Would keep him aswell seems a likeable lad and seems to want to play for Montrose which is good. Terry Mason + Paul Watson- Would keep these two aswell been with us through thick and thin and ate getting better the older they get! Matty Alan- 100% keep great future in the game easy play at a higher level. Lewis Hawke- Jury still out a bit no seen enough of him,Sp has liked him for a while so can see him staying. Think Yano might hang up his boots now concentrate on the sideline along with Ross.Not looking for much again when it starts again 2-3 players at most I would think.
  14. Just watched the highlights where is this boy from looks decent?
  15. Anyone know who isn't signed up for next season yet whenever it does start back?.I remember seeing webby,steevsie and a few others signing contract extensions.
  16. Not a fucking chance here.Love Saturday's watching the Mo wouldn't be the same without it.
  17. Maybe not at the minute.But both more than capable off stepping up to championship.
  18. Cant see Ballantyne or Alan leaving Montrose both love working with Sp....Hands off!
  19. Farewell to Blair Lyons.....Its been a pleasure!Huge loss a massive gap to fill for next term.
  20. Now the dust has settled a bit congratulations to the rovers for their title win.Not they would have wanted to fo it but hey ho not your fault.Hooe you enjoyed your days out in Montrose!
  21. Very harsh decision on you guys but the show must go on.You have 2 very capable league 1 players in Blair Lyons and Big sena who we had on loan.Two very good players we had at Montrose it's a pity we will see them in the same league.
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