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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. McMillan runs around like a mad man in midfield. I love him. Diani also looked very good tonight. A step above Jason Holt.
  2. https://donateaticket.com/donate/bonnyrigg-rose/ https://donateaticket.com/donate/dalbeattie-star/ Donateaticket sites for 2 of the 5.
  3. I'll be backing CSS when I'm in Edinburgh and Livi aren't playing. A pretty short walk for me to their ground and enjoyed it when I went for a friendly a few years ago.
  4. I think Souda was and Serrano and Lawson have been good for us but I would agree with your overall point. A lot of garbage brought in from foreign markets. The partnering with top Premier League teams sounds a lot more promising. Would love to get another Matija Sarkic.
  5. Really shows what a terrible result that 6-0 was. We should have shut up shop at 3-0.
  6. On another note, there's a good chance that we would finish 5th with 2 draws. I really hope we can pull some good performances out our arse for these final games.
  7. Not convinced it actually suits the squad balance but Martindale seems determined to utilise Devlin on the right hand side despite it leaving us wide open. A 3 might give us more protection.
  8. Goalkeepers 30. Brian Schwake - 2023 32. Max Stryjek - 2023 40. Gary Maley - 2022 (?) Defenders 2. Nicky Devlin - 2022 5. Jack Fitzwater - 2023 21. Jack McMillan - 2022 23. Jackson Longridge - 2023 27. Jon Guthrie - 2022 Ayo Obileye - 2023 (1 year extension option) Midfielders 6. Marvin Bartley - 2022 7. Keaghan Jacobs - 2022 8. Scott Pittman - 2023 10. Craig Sibbald - 2022 18. Jason Holt - 2023 39. Carlo Pignatiello - 2022 (?) Strikers 9. Bruce Anderson - 2024 11. Alan Forrest - 2022 14. Josh Mullin - 2023 15. Matej Poplatnik - 2022 (1 year extension option) 19. Salim Kouider-Aissa - 2022 (1 year extension option) 20. Gavin Reilly - 2022 37. Jaze Kabia - 2023 38. Jack Hamilton - 2022 Cristian Montano - 2023 (1 year extension option) In Bruce Anderson - Aberdeen Cristian Montano - Port Vale Ayo Obileye - Queen of the South Out Efe Ambrose Raffaele De Vita Jay Emmanuel-Thomas - Aberdeen Djibril Diani - Grasshoppers (Loan return) Steve Lawson Alan Lithgow Robby McCrorie - Rangers (Loan return) Scott Robinson Julien Serrano - Monaco (Loan return) Ross Stewart - Hearts Aaron Taylor-Sinclair Scott Tiffoney Updating this for next season. Does anyone else think we might revert to a back 3?
  9. I think Tait going off changed the game more than Middleton coming on. St. Mirren were wide open after the change in formation which seemed completely unnecessary based on the balance of play at the time. Goodwin fucked it.
  10. Argentinian Fernando Giarrizzo 2008/09. Looked a great player before he was emptied for spitting on someone. Agree on Montano, he looks very useful.
  11. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/7069426/livingston-port-vale-cristian-montano-transfer/
  12. Obileye confirmed. https://livingstonfc.co.uk/livingston-fc-sign-ayo-obileye-on-pre-contract-agreement/
  13. St. Johnstone will win at Celtic Park to make any result here pointless but I have a feeling we'll put a second string out. 0-3.
  14. Tiffoney is better than Poplatnik, that's why we mention him.
  15. https://www.allnigeriasoccer.com/read_news.php?nid=39781 Story here.
  16. Maybe one for @craigkillie. I am not sure if there will be a change this season but I believe there was a deadline in July for submitting UEFA representatives that came up during the Hearts saga.
  17. Are you being ironic ? Pubs open indoors here under the current (too slow) roadmap that day too ? They're also currently limited to arbitrary 2 hour limits on indoor bookings which is not the case in England but I'm sure you knew that. Can't say I expected much less from your contributions which have largely been "look what a cautious shambles England is", while being an apologist for SG when they have given more cautious advice.
  18. Haha wholeheartedly agree. Just hope it's another Livi win over the Saints when we get in!
  19. 2 weeks until the pubs open indoors down here. Really hope the SG come under a lot of pressure to reopen in line with England. I'm stunned no one is running on a 'reopen faster,' ticket for the election.
  20. I upvoted this but have no idea what a grun is. West Coast term?
  21. I think you made his day. You could hear him glowing when he talked about his teammates and his time at the club. Such a humble guy as well. Really, really great interview. Can't complement it enough.
  22. On this point, what a mistake sending them both out on loan. Tiffoney, in particular, would have been a great option for us recently. In my opinion, he's better than Poplatnik. Hamilton soon will be too, if he isn't already.
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