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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Lauchlan is shite.

  2. How much will they be paying Jeff Hardy to go with them?
  3. I can't believe a piss-poor wind up from Muggy has sparked this.
  4. Confidence is one problem he really does have. His brother is generally the polar opposite and will finish any chances straight away, if he should score. He'll get a game for a second divison team easy, if not in the first. Good stuff. I imagine he'll get a game against Elgin as a trialist if he's not signed by that point.
  5. MCL is constantly biting at the Trust and will take any opportunity to shoot them down. I doubt he'd be doing it if they weren't so involved at the club. I realise we're spending more than we earn (I'm not completely stupid, believe it or not) but fortunately our BODs are very good as well. Buy a programme at the cup game and you'll probably get your answers in regards to finances. How much debt? No idea. I'm content for the moment in the knowledge that wages are being paid on time and there is no knowledge of angry creditors.
  6. David was a but unfortunate. I imagine it was the same at County. A lot of hard work but just unfortunate in front of goal. He'd probably better on the wing as he does have skill. Who was he with again? Presumably he's a striker? We're severely lacking in that department, down to two.
  7. I'd believe you if you had any evidence. You've shown nothing. Mugay was unintentional, I'll edit.
  8. It might surprise you but I'm privy to certain information from the club. You're talking shite. Daily Muggle Exclusive: "Muggy lies then gets upset". Imagine the horror of the 10 million people who buy the newspaper in Muggyland
  9. I think Husband is a better player than Brown. He just couldn't get in a midfield which was really on-form. Very composed on the ball and you could tell he had a touch of class. I imagine he'll be able to offer something to your team in th future. Brown, on the other hand, doesn't look very confident at all. Got sent off earlier in the season for a reckless challenge which came from shite control of the ball. If he wasn't on loan from Hearts, I don't think he'd be playing. Our make-shift right back has been better.
  10. Good one, Muggy. However, I think I prefered you as the sniveling suck-up as opposed to the liar. Chris Malone to Dundee was an absolute belter compared to this one.
  11. Just looking at SHC's comment again. Brilliance.

  12. Here's the quote from the letter I received giving the election information. "For the post the Club requested that the nominees came from the exisiting LFL Trust Board, as this will ensure continuity with the ongoing work being done over this season and into the future." The AGM is in February so anyone wanting to take the opportunity to eventually get elected to the board can apply to get on the Trust board then. Are you suggesting that a supporter outwith the trust should have been elected when the trust are the ones that are giving the money?
  13. So that the work between the community, the trust and the club can continue smoothly for the first 2 years.
  14. I'd think nothing of it. He did it with us last season. We'll see if he still goes to Dee games once he's left, that's the real test.

  15. Aye and what divisions were we in when you were involved? Think that's more down to it, that and lack of advertising again.
  16. Belter of a goal at the weekend. A good player in the making and you're no getting him this time ^_^.

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