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Everything posted by GypsyTillIDie

  1. Erm, yes, yes it does. Everything I have, from polo shirts to shirts, all get buttoned up to the top. Polo shirts look stupid as f**k without being properly buttoned (well, in my opinion anyway). Rooney to score first, and Man U to win half-time/full-time, yeah?
  2. I can only drink that stuff if it's: a) from a glass bottle, b) roasting hot day and c) after playing football Otherwise it tastes disgusting.
  3. No bother, just wondered if the shops here had started to re-stock it again. Sure have, been twice when I was younger.
  4. I can't answer any of those questions, Adam, but I did just notice you have 'Um Bungo FTW' under your avatar. I was in Portugal last year and drank it everyday, and as a kid I had it all the time, but I didn't think you could get it here? Is there anywhere that does sell it in the litre bottles?
  5. Nope, not posted once since his resignation post in said thread. Shame, too, I quite liked him as a poster.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if we got billed for that - embarrassing stuff from a minority of our support.
  7. Cheers, we were either going to see it 3-D at the IMAX* or just normally at the cinema. Sounds good though. * IMAX is all in block capitals apparently.
  8. Is the iMax worth it? I know it's 3D and everything, but it's going to whack me near £15 to see a film with the bird. Just wondering what peoples' thoughts were on it, not been to it in years since I went as a kid with my mum. Do you still use those ridiculous glasses?
  9. I saw Leap Year on Saturday (not through choice, obviously). Pretty woeful, typical american rom com with a few funny bits here and there. Nothing side splitting hilariious though. 3/10
  10. Computing studies is so boring to study for. I feel like I'm just reading over the same stuff over and over again. Blah, cannot be bothered.
  11. If she lived nearby then this is what I'd have done in all honesty, but she lives in Prestwick and I don't have time to go down there this week due to my exams. Delivery is the only option, and after reading yours and Dunc's posts then I'll probably head down to the florists in the morning and get them ordered. She better appreciate them!
  12. Very good. I'm starting to think the £30 would be better off spent elsewhere, for instance booze for when she can drink again after the operation. Sure, the flowers will look pretty for, what, a week? Then they'll start to die and eventually smell, and then they'll be in the bin.
  13. I'm wide awake right now, whereas normally at this time on a Sunday I'm nearly falling asleep. And my girlfriend's going in for an operation tomorrow and I'm wanting to send flowers to her house, but it's bloody expensive - I mean, 30 odd quid? What a larf.
  14. I think that the kitchen football chant thread is one of the greatest things I've ever read, but I can't think of anything funny to add to it.
  15. I think I'm seeing him tomorrow at some point, so if the chance occurs then I will be having a wee word in his ear. It's doing my box in that he won't take no for an answer, and it's making her unhappy, which in turn makes me feel kind of sad as well. It's been over a week as well so we thought that if we weren't in his face, doing 'coupley' things then he'd come to terms with it all, but obviously he hasn't. And I can't believe I'm getting the offer of hauners over the Internet. I'm honoured.
  16. I worded that sentence poorly. Things are great between us two, couldn't be better, it's just that there's this other lad who's interested in her and seriously won't take the hint and f**k off. Coincidentally this lad is one of my best pals.
  17. Remember the uproar on here when he said that the first time?
  18. If you are who I think you are, then you didn't shut the hell up once yesterday. Anyway, pttgoyn is: 1) Clyde are balls and we're getting relegated. 2) Things are really complicated with the girl I'm seeing. 3) pieandbovril.com seems to have gone a bit crazy over the last few days.
  19. Valentine's Day How did I get persuaded into watching this steaming pile of shite? Awful, stay clear. Jessica Alba's in it for about 5 minutes and that's it. Gah. 2/10
  20. Ah, trying to insinuate that she is made up. Smart stuff, The Phoenix. Not as if you've tried that line before on here, is it?
  21. Apparently my pal is trying to 'touch' (as she put it) the girl that I'm seeing the minute I'm not there. CREEP
  22. Sorry to interrupt this hilarious quoting thing above me, but one of my pals is doing my absolue box in. She phones me, out of the blue, and started rabbiting away. I must have seem disinterested and she said, "Oh, didn't realise you were sleeping, it doesn't matter". I texted back saying, look, I really couldn't be arsed talking to you on the phone and that I wasn't sleeping. Well this must have awoken the beast. Getting a barage of texts calling me a liar, no gooder, basically that I'm scum for lying to her over one fucking phoen call. What a complete nut job. Then she brings it back to her dad leaving her or some pish. I mean, how melodramatic can one person be? Jesus joany. Must be her periods or something.
  23. Basically that's what it is. The plan was to hook them both up at the party, he was fannying about and not speaking to her, I got talking to her and the rest is histroy, I guess. I never intended for it to happen, it just did. She's way out of my league, but I don't give a f**k.
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