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Scotty Tunbridge

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Everything posted by Scotty Tunbridge

  1. Arbroath seem to be really good/overpowered in this one.
  2. £50 for the year to have the full Simpson’s back catalogue on demand (despite the issue above). As well as any Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars film is good value in my book. An age filter would have been nice but how much more stuff would you actually get out of it with one?
  3. It wasn’t Caulk maybe the wrong choice of words. I’m a pencil pusher I know little about diy stuff. Both clear and White were unibond bathroom sealant. I just think the white stuff takes longer to dry or I’ve used too much of it compared to the clear stuff.
  4. I did, also stood in the filled bath as I did it. The white shit still hasn’t dried properly 24 hours on may have to re-do it.
  5. Re-sealed the bath. Any joiners or people that have re-sealed a bath before agree that white sealant/caulk is absolutely shite? Clear seems to be much better.
  6. Finished this last night. Stuck with it and powered through just to see how it would turn out. Wish I hadn’t bothered now the ending absolutely shat on what was already struggling to be a decent show. The twist was ridiculous and the dinner party at the end beyond stupid.
  7. Any suggestions of songs to start while washing my hands so I know how long 20 seconds is? Happy birthday x2 is useful I’ve heard.
  8. Am I allowed to cut the grass tomorrow if it’s still dry?
  9. Give it’s the Sun I’ll take it with a pinch of salt. Massive news if it’s true though.
  10. James May:- Man in Japan is an ok watch to pass the isolation time.
  11. Disregarding any old firm/big team pish, is that not a bit ridiculous from Celtic as it could encourage sados I mean people to gather outside Celtic park?
  12. How would offering contract termination be beneficial for Hearts? They’d still need to pay up the contract of anyone who took it surely.
  13. Now free on steam until 25/03
  14. Yeah 31st of May is standard contract end date for all Scottish Clubs. (Even Killie!!![emoji33][emoji33])
  15. I would only have seen McGowan staying if we had stayed up, which is looking pretty possible by default . But if it does start back and we go down he’ll be off ski. Miller id say no chance regardless what division we are in. Unless there is some sort of gentleman’s agreement/clause that we have to accept any offers for him with him maybe getting a cut off the fee.
  16. As much as the supermarkets are issuing the dont panic buy memos they will be rubbing their hands at the amount of shit going through the tills. Probably making up for a poor Christmas period.
  17. f**k off troll 75% off the fan base* will tell you the same thing. Les gray basically said it again tonight on sportsound *insert joke about that 75% being just me, Rodger and Bert or some pish.
  18. But how many grand parents would seriously do that? The grand parents in a lot of situations are most likely going to be living mortgage free but may not have enough monthly income from pensions or have enough savings to help their children financially during this time. But they know their sons and daughters need to go to work to keep a roof over said grandchildren’s and children’s heads. So will feel they can’t say no, a pish situation. Some wee Irish granny on the news said exactly that, she’ll be looking after the grandkids as her daughter needs to go to work.
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