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Ranaldo Bairn

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Everything posted by Ranaldo Bairn

  1. Was the guy on the left in your year, or the one above? Recognise him too.
  2. I'm almost certain that the guy on the right is Dayle Robertson who plays for Arbroath!
  3. As an innocent Diddian, I know I shouldn't ask, but (inhales through teeth) what's the H about?
  4. Sand and Waters, or is it Rivers are others.
  5. My Mrs has just informed me she has bought tickets for a gig in March by the band 'One Republic'. As a committed METALHEAD, having had a quick look on Youtube, their boyband-ish looks doth cause me great concern.
  6. Poet: is the MacNamara / McLean thing a relic from Falkirk days together, or more recent?
  7. I raise my glass to the finest sub-editor in Christendom for the following headline in the Courier... Perthshire scientist's premature ejaculation treatment can't come quickly enough By Paul Reoch, 24 September 2013 12.51pm. Updated: 4.20pm. Professor Mike Wylie. One of the inventors of Viagra, who originally hails from Perthshire, is set to launch a treatment for premature ejaculation. Professor Mike Wyllie who still has a family home in Luncarty, was one of a team of scientists who developed Viagra and is now keen to promote the spray-on medication, Tempe. Tempe has been judged safe and effective by the European Medicines Agency and is expected to be available by private prescription next year. Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects at least one in four men. In trials, the spray was claimed to be beneficial. Dr Wyllie, formerly of Pfizer and now of small British biotech firm Plethora Solutions, said: “Premature ejaculation doesn’t just make the patient feel bad, it does affect the partner and can completely destroy relationships. I feel this could save relationships.” The Tempe spray contains low doses of two anaesthetics and is claimed to only take around five minutes to work. A pocket-sized can is estimated to last a year and it is hoped Tempe’s preliminary approval for sale is rubber stamped by the European Commission in the next few weeks. Tempe will only be available on private prescription initially but it is hoped it will be judged cheap enough in the long-run to be prescribed to some men on the NHS. With sales of Viagra worth £1.3 billion a year, the new drug has the potential to be a blockbuster. Dr Wyllie, who attended Redgorton Primary School and Perth Academy, will not receive any royalties from the sales and only has a very small holding in Plethora Solutions. He added that he was motivated by scientific curiosity and that the launch will be a triumph for a small British company. John Dean, a past president of the International Society for Sexual Medicine, said: “Whilst premature ejaculation is not a life-threatening condition, its consequences can be serious. “This is a chronic, debilitating problem, affecting both men and their partners.”
  8. Phew, that was a bit spawny by Seattle. Feel sorry for TB. Long morose bus trip home for them...
  9. Oh I forgot. Whenever I go running in cold temperatures, when I get back, my nose then proceeds to run like a tap for the rest of the day. Still, it makes endorphins to make you feel good, eh?
  10. I remember him, Garry O'Connor and Allan Ferguson destroying us in a Scottish Cup QF at TFS.
  11. First run over four miles in getting on for 18 months. It's really, and I mean really, shite to struggle round a hilly run in 40 minutes, with a couple of walks included, that I could zoom round in 34 before. Can never get the time to build up fitness properly these days. It's so frustrating.
  12. I'm not eccentric! Only 0.0549!

    1. welshbairn


      Don't believe it unless you've been tested by Scientologists.

    2. Ranaldo Bairn

      Ranaldo Bairn

      My membership of the Flat Earth Society will keep them at bay...

  13. I'm not eccentric at all! Only 0.0549!

  14. No; as your man says, stars do not live that long. Of course, your body consists of heavy elements which were created in stars and thrown around the Universe as they exploded and died. That's a fantastic thought to keep in mind I think.
  15. Ps only one million years after the bb no galaxies had formed yet.
  16. No, apart from the faintness and size of the thing. The degree of redshift would be frightening, what's the record now, 7.5 or something? That means the space between us and it is expanding at 7.5 x the speed of light.
  17. In all seriousness, can someone please tell me definitively who is on the two boards of rangers? The football club's board, and the, ahem, holding company's board. You know, the first holding company they've ever had. All the statements released these days seem to use club and company interchangeably. I know that was the case for the deceased club, but it's confusing around the new one.
  18. I thought Stranraer. Clyde were the first to come out and say no to division 1, I thought.
  19. Dundeebarry did a thorough critique of the lassie some time back. Tattoos, gloves and t shirt all got his in depth analysis; it's worth a read if you can be bothered trawling back for it.
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