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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. I suspect it's pish, but if true it represents a massive, massive let off.
  2. Would asking for a link be too much trouble, or, as most of us suspect, is this a load of pish?
  3. How many of these 300 do you think will be deeply shitting it that Livi might be gone tonight?
  4. Most Livi fans, without doubt. Everyone else? I don't think there's a single non-Livi fan on here that would lose a wink of sleep. Much like if any club other than the one you support is in the shite.
  5. They will probably examine financial statements etc etc etc. Either that or something has come up and a way has been found/fiddled* to save Livi, and indeed the SLF from an administrative hell. (*delete as applicable) Nope. He's a paranoid nutter, with a drink problem, who has seriously delusional issues.
  6. Not defending him to the hilt as such, but a large number of his posts suggest the only way forward was for these anti-Massone groups to work with him, rather than against him. This stance surprised me too somewhat as i seem to recall MCL being really critical of the regime when they were due him cash.
  7. It's been a joke for some weeks. I guess the only discussion for the SFL now is whether or not they leave us with a 9 team First Division, or promote Airdrie and Cowdenbeath. In this event, surely these two would be entitled to some financial assistance, given that they've got squads prepared for their respective league campaigns. It's hardly fair to promote Airdrie and sentence them to possibly being humped every week (apart from four 1-0 wins v Dundee ) in front of potentially dwindling crowds. As has been said before, a side in title contention, winning games and scoring goals in the second is more likely to have a larger support than a team being annihilated week-in, week-out in the first.
  8. That might account for a number. There was still quite a divide until even a week or two ago. I think we're now narrowed down to OK-We-Finally-Realise-Massone-Is-A-Clown versus MCL.
  9. Clearly MrGruther isn't going to entertain him now. Which kind of removes the possibility of salvation through a late change of heart. Does this mean that the only remaining option is liquidation, or will McGruther have something else up his sleeve?
  10. Fair enough for this weeks events. But the previous one (or possibly both) were Friday nights.
  11. I don't think Cowdenbeath or Berwick rent 10,000 seater stadiums which they would need to have a certain % full every week to be viable.
  12. The second one (and possibly also the first) were Friday nights. I'd think almost any other club in the Division would comfortably have more than that if they were trying to get rid of a fuckwittedly hopeless Chairman. We had fairly well attended protests vs Angus Cook and i'd expect Morton fans must have been out in numbers vs Maniac Scott. Anyway the point i'm making, is that anyone who was considering coming in might look at that and think "if thats the hardcore support, i'm wasting my time here".
  13. That will certainly account for a lot of them. But AFAIK the first rally had 60 or so, the second from 100-150. It's not a great sign is it?
  14. Uhhhhhh it's upside down lads. Another worrying aspect for anyone considering taking over this mess at such a late stage... At two supporters rallies outside Almondvale plus yesterdays meeting, there's been a combined total of under 500 fans. In fact it's maybe nearer 300. If Livi have a core support of 1000+ (mentioned somewhere earlier in this thread) then where the f**k are they, and why are they not showing those running the thing how much they want it to be saved. Sitting on your arse at home hoping for a miracle definitely won't achieve a thing. Respect to those who have at least put in the effort however.
  15. Last seen having to sell his £750,000 home and move into a Council house. I think he's also been declared bankrupt. In fact: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-51...llion-debt.html Four fucking million
  16. I guess this will be the acid test of how much Livingston (as in the town) wants senior football to remain. Anything under a 2000 home crowd would be pretty damning.
  17. Surely the club concerned would have to be consulted if they were switching an away fixture back to Almondvale?
  18. A tad impractical. The Marrs (who created the mess in the first place) were apparently due £7million. Should they have got that back? The other major creditor was HBoS. They agreed to restructure the debt to £7million or so. This was then written off as a sweetener in another business deal. I don't have the full details, but something to do with Bob Brannan agreeing to run through a massive outside business deal in exchange for the debt being written off. Why should that be repaid? After all, the Bank were willing to do this in order to make much more money from a business deal.
  19. Whats worse is that i almost got a punch in the puss for it. Went with my Hibs-supporting mate to tannadice. As we were leaving the Hibs end, Hearts scored in the last minute to beat St Johnstone. At which point i said "fucking yassss". Cue my mate looking at me in sheer terror shaking his head. Not one of my finest examples of timing.
  20. I vaguely remember that season as i used to go to Forfar games when Dundee were away. Didn't you totally pump them 5-1 twice away then somehow conspire to lose in the one home game? That one sticks out because it burst a 10 team accumulator that would have won me £350
  21. Does no one proof read this buffoon's statements before he releases them? What a fuckwit. He's got £350,000 sitting in his bank account, but WLC are only getting £100,000 of it. What a swampy. Whatever the outcome is, it'll be messy and will probably drag on for some time. It's been said many times before but i think the Trust need to be looking at getting those fans who are serious about keeping a football team in Livingston and either look into investing in Livingston Juniors, or starting again from scratch. Very hard work, but at least you'll find out who the true fans are, as the hangers-on who can't be arsed with anything that might entail lower division/non-league football will f**k off back to supporting Rangers or Celtic from their living rooms. Others will know more about my next point then me. IF Livi are wound up, i take it the Council own the stadium land, and can therefore do what they see fit with it, ie housing/retail development etc? If so, then i don't think they'll have too many qualms about taking serious action against Livi.
  22. I'm guessing that there's some history between you and KFTS. Must say, it does seem a bit weird that someone who supports AFC Wimbledon (6/7 years old) can look down their nose at a club that is twice as old. Bit weird that.
  23. Both of those plus probably hoping someone will come riding to the rescue to save them the hassle
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