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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. Not quite. Skyline Drifter pointed out the exact reasoning earlier in the thread. I think it was something like ... 15 points was arrived at to make relegation a likelihood, but at least give Accies a chance. IE not render the remaining fixtures completely worthless. 15 points is not a set in stone punishment. Given the way in which Rankine, McDougall etc have behaved recently, i wouldn't be at all surprised to see a much heavier punishment.
  2. I could be wrong, but i think that's EdinburghLivi on here. If so, i'm surprised. He's usually a lot more level headed on here.
  3. I'm afraid the fault lies entirely with the 5 mongs now running Livi. You are going to get fucking hammered i'm afraid. Aye Livi Lions is working. And hilarious.
  4. That's a completely off-the-wall, but worryingly accurate depiction
  5. I trust the SFA will now join the SFL in the "self interested Blazers" group. Rankine and McDougall have made an absolute c**t of this.
  6. Indeed. I'll be fucking amazed if WLC aren't in receipt of a few FOI requests in regard to this affair.
  7. Livi Lions should be most amusing this evening. What happens next is interesting... Rankine has pissed off a few people in high(ish) places. To what extent are Livi going to get hammered for the East Stirlingshire fiasco? Let's assume it's 15 points ... that could be enough, coupled with piss poor away form, and a likely loss of their better players to ensure a 2 season (minimum) stay in Division 3. Is Rankine going to hang about throwing good money after bad?
  8. Aren't Livingston playing a bit of a dangerous game here? IF the appeal fails, they will be staying in Division Three, with the SFL able to exact a penalty (which cannot be appealed) for the failure to fulfil the East Stirlingshire fixture. I would imagine the SFL board would be looking to absolutely hammer Rankine for causing them so much bother. Should the appeal fail, i wouldn't be ruling out expulsion from the SFL as punishment for the East Stirlingshire (non) game.
  9. Joy Division .... live in Amsterdam bootleg thingy. Interzone playing just now
  10. 1. They were in Interim Administration, which is still a contravention of the rules i believe, ie part of Insolvency Proceedings. 2. Of course they won't be demoted to the 3rd. They are under the auspices of the SPL, which has a procedure set in stone. 3. You're getting desperate now. 4. Livi were not demoted for being in Interim Administration. They failed to submit to a previously promised bond, which is by far the most likely reason. We've been over all this before in this thread Ayrmad. Only a few pages back in fact. I can only assume you have the attention span of a goldfish, or more likely, are shit-stirring.
  11. Yesterday... Bacon Roll in the morning Soup & a cheese rolls at lunch Steak Pie, Toast and Scones for tea Courtesy of Falkirk Tryst GC Fuckin' great
  12. Baked Tattie with mayonnaise and loads of mature cheddar cheese. Braw!
  13. If you *really* didn't give a f**k, you'd not have even bothered replying. Would you?
  14. You seem to have somehow confused "Banter" with "Outright Idiocy".
  15. Couldn't be fucked cooking anything so... A tin of Baxters Chicken & Veg Soup wi a couple of rolls. Diets fucking suck
  16. The bottom line however is that at the first meeting McGruther/Livi5 were apparently able to provide the bond. At the second they weren't. Of course i'm sure they didn't just say that at the first meeting, then hope that not being able to provide it at the second meeting and hoping it was too late to f**k about with fixtures wasn't in their thinking at all... The rules state something along the lines of Insolvency Proceedings. Being "close" to being in the shit doesn't constitute Insolvency Proceedings.
  17. 1. The bond is not a suitcase full of hard cash. It's a signed document stating that the owners would cough up should the season start, things go tits up and Livi fail to fulfil their fixtures. In any case however, at the first meeting, the bond wasnt a problem. It suddenly became a problem a week later. Why was this? 2. If they went into Interim or Full Administration then they would also be hauled up. 3. Unless Ayr went into interim or full administration then why would they have been? The whole reason action has been taken against Livi is because they have gone into Interim Administration. I'm assuming Ayr didn't. Being "Close" to administration means f**k all. Contravention of the rules only occurs when a club goes into Insolvency proceedings. No, of course i wasn't there. However i'm fairly sure all hell would have broken loose had the bond been provided, and Livi still been relegated. There's not been a fucking peep from any of the McGruther/Livi5 group regarding the bond. The only quote was apparently from Brown McMaster, alluding to the fact that the promise to fulfil fixtures, (ie the bond) was not forthcoming. To my recollection, neither McGruther nor Livi5 have denied this. THAT'S why they were punted down two Divisions. *Edited for spelling
  18. What's harsh about it? SFL: OK Livi, you can stay in Division One, as long as you lodge a bond to fulfil your fixtures. Livi: Aye, no bother. Week later... SFL: So, can you provide the bond? Livi: Errr, Naw. SFL: You best be moving on then, you've got Division Three to prepare for. Seems fairly straightforward to me. If Livi had done what they said they would do at the first meeting, instead of blackmailing the SFL with a "Its Division One or else", and failing to lodge a bond that seemed a week earlier to not be a problem, then the SFL would have kept them in Division One, with nothing worse than a 10 point penalty. They only have themselves to blame for this nonsense.
  19. I made myself a Chicken Jalfrezi curry, with a load of rice and a couple of naan breads. Fucking lovely it was.
  20. This link might prove handy for anyone that doesn't have sky http://www.justin.tv/gotera10
  21. Going ahead with today's game doesn't excuse Livi's behaviour over last week's game i'm afraid.
  22. It's surprising to say the least. Surely the creditors are going to tell them to GTF when they try to put a CVA in place?
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