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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Reports of gunfire in Sevastopol, Crimea.
  2. Twitter, being a sewer for humans' worst thoughts, is basically full of loads of comments under the video blaming "foreigners", blaming the SNP, saying the police should be armed and even some screwball asking Joe Biden if he'll ban machetes as a result.
  3. The big 2 will always try and get their way, regardless of how we worded a brief website statement. It's the no vote that matters.
  4. Glad we've come out in opposition of the shite conference league idea.
  5. My kids got a Christmas card, a birthday card, photos of the team and an invite to a kids Xmas party, which went ahead but we couldn't make due to a conflicting appointment. Edit: and they got club pens.
  6. You probably got off light given that he's shafting Dumbarton up the arse.
  7. You're always on shaky ground when agreeing with snudge. You'll be sporting ridiculous facial hair next.
  8. St Pat's manager told me the other day they had 100 fans at games. But as i said on another thread recently, is anyone actually a "fan" of an amateur team? Other than going to see your mates play or watching for 5 minutes while walking past. And the first smartarse to mention Queens Park will get a people's elbow.
  9. Fingers crossed. Just like Broomhill, Bonhill isn't in Dumbarton.
  10. The only tenants are Broomhill. We own the stadium.
  11. If you're going to be pedantic; Peterson Park is in Knightswood, not Yoker. And people refer to open goal/bsc/Broomhill interchangeably as a) they all are, were or have been the same club and b) nobody cares about them enough to differentiate between their current guises.
  12. Nah it'll be less like a merger and more like a plan to move us and give them the ground. I wonder if their director has a property business amongst his portfolio of dissolved companies?
  13. I texted something similar to a mate earlier. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  14. Who actually supports Broomhill? Like who is a regular attendee and fan of them? Looking at attendances from their brief history, they've had attendances in the mid to high tens of people as recently as 2021, and then in the low to mid hundreds as recently as last season after the move to Cumbernauld and the renaming to Open Goal, and presumably those attendees would drop right away again after severing the podcast association and moving 40 miles to Dumbarton. It's all utterly bizarre.
  15. Just dropping in to re-assert this.
  16. I don't appreciate you stealing my thoughts whilst I'm typing them thank you very much.
  17. The bit in their statement about "investing, putting down roots and growing" and how "a home in Glasgow isn't possible" has really riled me. Dumbarton, like all lower league clubs, are in an eternal battle to get our own locals in the doors, and now we've got another club using our ground and looking to draw locals in? Who looked at that proposal and thought "this is a winner for DFC"? And the fact that BSC are literally nobodies with no fans only annoys me more. I hated the Rangers sharing agreement because of the state of the park and the graffiti they left in the ground, but at least we knew they weren't actively trying to steal our support (not that i think for a second that BSC will actually manage to do so). Utterly absurd on every level. If we put an artificial pitch in then I could at least stomach the pitch wear issue as it'd give Sons a ready made training ground of our own, but the fact it's a made up team (a pet hate) from the LL (a pet hate) and they've released that statement (a new pet hate) has me frothing. If anyone needs me I'll be laughing, crying and vomiting simultaneously.
  18. I told you that months ago. What are we like, eh? Some laugh.
  19. Now I'm no big city fancy lawyer, but I think I speak for all the folks of this simple hamlet when I say: SUFFERING f**k.
  20. Hey guys just checking in to see what the exciting news is and... oh. Oh dear.
  21. Maybe he's planning on doing a Duffy and picking a starting 11 which includes 8 centre mids sprinkled around at random? Happy with the signings so far. All of a decent experience and ability level for League Two. Still need a couple of defenders, couple of forwards and a playmaker for my money, but it's early days yet.
  22. Get both ground sharing and Broomhill to f**k.
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