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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Bill Hicks is terribly overrated. His shows had the same routine for about 5 years and his "sucking satan's cock" skit is one of the most shite attempts at comedy I've ever been subjected to. He's one of these folk that's held up as some sort of counter culture folk hero, but in reality he was just a comedian with a very limited repertoire.
  2. I saw Shappi Khorsandi a few years ago and she was excellent. Then again, whenever I've seen her televised since then she seems to only really have one routine now.
  3. Because we simply don't need to. If we were in a position where investment or redevelopment were necessary then of course I would be in favour of this, bu the fact of the matter is that there is no good reason for us to move other than to line the pockets of the majority shareholders. Our current ground is only 13 years old and has never been filled, so there is no reason whatsoever, even if it would put a few quid in the bank, for us to move to a new ground with three times the capacity. The fact that we are sitting on a very valuable piece of land and are solvent is the very essence of why we should not entertain a move. Wait and sit on this land and at some point in the future we may need to generate income and then we are golden. By selling now when we do not require to we do our future a disservice. Why on earth would we look to sell when it serves no useful purpose to us?
  4. What happens in ten years time? If the new ground is owned outright and the land is worth a few bob do we just sell that and move again? It's fucking ridiculous. Even if we made a packet out of a move and reinvested it into the playing side, we would only be getting temporary benefit from it as we are not a big enough club to climb much further than we already have. Short term gain is a ridiculous thing to gamble a club's future on.
  5. Nah, it sounds to me more like they're looking to keep things in house and take care of the development works themselves if possible. They then have greater control over profitability.
  6. Let me just say now, for the avoidance of doubt; there is no reason, none at all, aside from asset stripping, why Dumbarton FC should sell up and move. There is no benefit to the club (and by club, I mean us, not the property developers with the Cayman Islands PO Box) from any move to a new facility. We are a solvent club with a loyal and consistent fan base. There is no justifyable reason for us to seek to move. I do not give a single f**k how much money can be made by selling. In fact, if the land is so valuable then that's even more reason not to sell and to hold onto our only real, tangible asset. I am vehemently opposed to any move.
  7. Clubs should only move i they either need a new facility as their current one is unfit or if they are in dire straits in terms of support and need to try and generate new blood through the turnstiles. We don't fit into either of those brackets. We are not weighed down by debt and there is no good reason to seek planning consent for the land that we own and then sell it and move elsewhere. This whole thing is an exercise in profiteering and that is a very dangerous game for small provincial football clubs to play. These developers only got involved because we are solvent and own this ground and the land it sits on. They only want to turn a profit by maximising the land value, hence the application for planning consent.
  8. It's certainly not unheard of I'm afraid to say. It's been common practice in the estate agency business for decades to give the impression that you have lots of stock and a high turnover.
  9. That's the fault of the punter who placed the ad, not S1. You need to manually take the ad offline after the property has been let.
  10. Shop online then. Or stop bitching about it. I don't care either way.
  11. Just use the local supermarket. If retailers aren't making themselves available at times when it would best suit their potential customers then go elsewhere. Supermarkets are a success because they're good at recognising that people aren't interested in 9-5 opening hours and closed or restricted Sunday hours anymore. Our habits as a culture have changed and if retailers won't bend and adapt to the demands of their punters then they deserve to be left behind. Those who whine about globalisation and the death of the high street can be left with their inconvenient and overpriced wee grocers and the rest of us can get on with our lives.
  12. Sounds like a really shite episode of the Twilight Zone. Something about never having enough time. You'll probably need to learn a shitey lesson about personal growth to get out of it.
  13. That's mental! Who knew Walsall had Twitter?
  14. I'm apoplectic with rage at this revelation.
  15. No wonder, mate. I've mate that cold, heartless robot you married. You poor b*****d. Only kidding, LM, I'm just acting out because I'm jealous of Adam's new jacket.
  16. 'fishul site has a statement about new barrier entry and new parking / access arrangements. Good to see we're taking definitive action to prevent a further visit from unwanted house guests.
  17. That's what I love about you, big fella. You don't give a f**k.
  18. The ever (un)reliable Wikipedia says he's a midfielder who played a couple of games for Rangers at right back. If the red tops say he's a defender then they're probably referring to the Rangers games he featured at RB, and the good folks of P&B have just assumed he's a centre half and this thrilling discussion is the result. Clear as mud. Edit: Wiki also says he started out at Man City before joining the Rangers youth squad. A fairly impressive pedigree for a young lad, but I'll wait and see if anything comes of this speculation.
  19. That's a bit rich coming from a boy who thinks nothing of drinking filthy rainwater from a gutter.
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