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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. A punter of mine specifically requested that we didn't install MDF skirtings in his property a few years back. He was a bit of an eco warrior and was concerned about the MDF dust's environmental impact. I personally prefer timber skirtings, but the MDF is cheap and convenient so I can see why it's so widely used.
  2. I agree. However, the sites I've spent the past half an hour reading all state pretty definitively that it takes long term high level exposure. Fingers crossed.
  3. Just discovered that myself and a colleague unwittingly stripped out a property containing asbestos sheeting on Saturday without any respiratory gear. I'm now frantically Googling asbestosis. It's some mild comfort that most of the websites I'm finding state that "constant" or "long term" exposure to asbestos fibres is required to trigger related medical problems, but the fact that it takes 15 + years to show means I won't know for ages anyway. ETA: Majority of info I'm finding states that one off high level exposure or frequent low level exposure is unlikely to result in related illness.
  4. On the Beats By Dre headphones, there's a wee guy who gets the same train as me in the morning who wears these dayglo monstrosities and they don't seem to keep any sound in. I've always believed that the point in headphones was that the wearer alone can hear the music being played, but although these nominally point inwards to his ears, I can still hear his music as loud as though I were wearing them myself. One day I'll kill him and it'll be both his fault and Dr Dre's.
  5. The Vale Reporter guy broke the story on Twitter. He's a Clyde supporter and the Sons correspondent for the local paper, so usually reliable.
  6. Yeah, I must confess that around 2/3rds of the way around I was pretty sure it'd result in at least one going to the cells or the A&E. My money was on me for the cells and Lichtieforlife for the hospital in a related incident...
  7. I missed the puddle drinking as I had nipped to the toilet in the Partick Tavern and when I came out everyone had just left, so when I walked outside Phantom's Livi Lass, Mozam76 and Smurph were waiting for me and regailed me with the story, complete with unneccessary pointing out of Lichtie's pool of vomit.
  8. I've got a soft spot for Killie, so technically I'm an SPL fan.
  9. I too threatened him and apologise also.
  10. We had a chippy at Partick after we left Deoch an Dorus.
  11. Aye it went down like a lead balloon, to folk who've never even seen a ballon and are unsure what lead is.
  12. Just been planning my next lot of tattoos with my mate who does my work for me. Can't wait to get going again.
  13. I'm hangover free. In fact, I'm drinking right now. [/]smug.gif[/]
  14. Nope, it's nothing to do with anger and everything to do with playing to the crowd. He knows the reactions he gets, hence he repeats his actions to get the same outcome. He's not a footballer, he's Pavlov's dog.
  15. He doesn't need help, he just needs folk to stop paying attention to him. He's a chromic attention seeker and Twitter gives him a platform that an otherwise mediocre footballer would never have had otherwise.
  16. I was astonished when you produced that in the Partick Tavern. It's like I'm at school again. I really must get my grubby little mitts on some of that.
  17. That's right, Dunning produced a bottle of Dog late on! I'd forgotten about that.
  18. Lichtieforlife running through the council planter full of bushes was funny.
  19. The bouncer was a sound big guy, so it was all good. Good rolls too.
  20. I strategically placed 4 cans in the fridge before going out yesterday, so may have to open them in a bit.
  21. It was good that Fuctifano appeared for the second half. Sloop John B might well be the youngest looking crawler we've had. Phantom's Livi Lass did indeed produce some horrendous photos of "big Aggie". FFCsam fell down an escalator and pulled off some convincing grimaces. Tryfield and Zen bumped their heads on trains. The Laurieston dug out their photo of last year's crawl and let us keep it. Desert Nomad does not live "up the hills". We picked up an elderly gent at Partick who said he'd accompany us. Me and KnightswoodBear are shite leaders, as are Fuctifano and StewartyMac. The Louden was once again excellent, as was The Laurieston and Brechin's, three pubs I always enjoy. We got lost at the last stop but found it eventually. Someone drank my pint in Dow's so I just drank KnightswoodBear's. Dunning's beard makes him look more like Anthony Kiedis. Munro's is shite. Me and Mrs M waited in the Old Schoolhouse for ten minutes waiting for everyone to catch up, but they'd gone to The Doublet instead. Kevin Bridges was in Jinty's at Hillhead where we all managed to re-group.
  22. Disappointed that fat Barry from Slough never appeared.
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