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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. "f**k you, Moses, you'll never part the sea!" was my personal favourite.
  2. Midfielder signs on loan from 'Well: http://www.dumbartonfootballclub.com/news/?mode=view&id=4403
  3. Just the wee angry guy with the trail of broken and prematurely ended marriages by the looks of things.
  4. Can't help but think that you're the common link in these marriage breakdowns, champ.
  5. I really wish I hadn't clicked on that link. I now feel that odd mix of pity and apprehension that occurs when a mentally ill person addresses you in gibberish in the street.
  6. The idea of you speaking to her in a Van-Dyke-esque accent is highly amusing. Edit: I'm afraid the guy I had to spell "info" to wasn't English, just thick. There have been loads of responses, but a number are just plain garbage. For example, in one covering email a candidate states that he's looking for something else, but would take this role if necessary. Some folk really need to up their game if they want to be employable.
  7. What planet do you live on where nuclear war is actually a realistic possibility between the US and DPRK? Will everyone just please shut up about nukes, the repeated stupidity of it is bringing the forum's collective IQ down.
  8. Posted an ad for staff earlier today and the response has been mostly awful. Just had to spell "info" to a guy over the phone as part of the email address.
  9. It can be ruled out. No country, not the US, not DPRK, not China, not Russia and not Iran, is going to launch any nuclear strikes at anyone else. This is not the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is the sabre-rattling of an impoverished and badly managed nation's government in order to encourage further aid from Seoul and Washington and nothing more. They do it in this manner purely because they've been at the "America is the great satan" patter for so long that they simply can't be seen to go begging to them, so they're making it look to their uneducated, starving masses like they're holding the world to ransom at the end of a big stick, when the reality is just about as far from that as possible. There will be no war with the West and DPRK and people need to start realising that.
  10. Where is all this "The US may or may not use nukes against DPRK" bullshit coming from? Let me say this now: no country is going to use nuclear weapons against any other country. Let's all stop taking stupid pills for 5 minutes.
  11. Some realism is needed by a few folk on this. The fact is that the US are extremely, hugely unlikely to ever again take significant military action against DPRK. Unless Pyongyang sends a rocket up the arse of the White House, which they can't and won't (won't being the significant part here), then they will simply carry on with the status quo. North Korea is a shambles and built up by too many folk to be something that it isn't. It seems at times that DPRK is painted in certain media outlets and by some folk as being almost a supervillian, but the truth is that it's just a sad, poor country, brought to its knees by years of mismanagement and idiocy.
  12. Given how wholly dependant DPRK is upon aid from South Korea and the US, it always mildly amuses me that they put on these wee shows when they need something else or more of something. It'd be much easier to just phone Seoul or Washington and ask for more rice parcels and medicines, but that'd be to go against 60 years of sabre-rattling and dogma, so they pretend to be aggressive towards the, literal, hands that feed them.
  13. No idea, no access to their main page. Evidently access has been restricted from their end, the sneaky wee blighter.
  14. 'kin 'ell! You've thrown a cat amongst the pigeons there!
  15. Nah this specifically refers to a PM sent via Facebook. It's not life or death stuff, but it would sure clear up a story that reeks of shite.
  16. That's precisely what I'm asking. Replicating it would prove the matter, hence my question. I fannied about with Facebook for a bit trying to do it, but couldn't seem to find a function to get the desired effect.
  17. The so-called "Double Jeopardy Law" is no longer in use in Scotland as of 2011 and is no longer in use in England & Wales where murder cases are concerned.
  18. Hard to say without more info and a survey, but you could be looking at £15k - £30k.
  19. It's not for me, trying to figure out if an employee is feeding us bull. Trying to prove someone wrong. Thanks, but I was wondering if a false locality could be tagged rather than your real localtion hidden.
  20. Solve a puzzle for me, P&B: Is there any way, either using desktop or mobile, to change one's Facebook location for the purposes of messaging? For example, let's say I wanted to send a message to someone on Facebook saying I was in Edinburgh when I was actually in Glasgow. Is there a setting I can change which would actually tag the message as "sent from Edinburgh" to give authenticity to it?
  21. You'll die of botulism, cholera or dysentry from drinking puddle water many years before I succome to asbestos related mesothelioma. Unlucky.
  22. The annoying thing is that I'm in the management side of the industry, so I'm well versed in the protocols and almost never involved in the physical side, but was helping out a client as a favour and the asbestos sheeting was covered by ancient timber cladding, so unidentifiable until afterwards. Oh without doubt it's simpler all round. Though I have found that it doesn't have the same longevity as timber skirtings.
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