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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. That is interesting, interesting in how you managed to straw poll "most" Jews...
  2. Trying to cite Bill Leckie and the Sun as an argument to back up your viewpoint. As if this muppet wasn't already making enough of a roaring c**t of himself under his various guises.
  3. Right, mods, IP check this clown with the 40 different logins and get him to f**k. Between him, the St Johnstone one with the 40 logins and the Livingston one with the 8,000 logins I'm beginning to worry my ignore list will have more active users than the forum itself.
  4. There are no winners in this clusterfuck. Hamas get more support as Palestinians and Arabs are radicalised by the actions of the IDF and Israel (meaning that they will only become more hardline and extreme, remember how the Taliban weren't always the bad guys?) and the Israeli's get more behind their government and military with every rocket that lands in an Jewish family's garden. There are only losers and sadly most of those losers will be ordinary folk from both sides who simply want to get on with their lives but can't because of the actions of others. I can't understand the support for either side from countries outwith the Middle East. I just cannot bring myself to believe that either one is right or, at least less wrong than the other. I do think though that it's important for international aid agencies and the like to be involved in Gaza and the West Bank. There are many arguments to be had from various angles, but starving kids and families with no medical supplies and unsanitary conditions don't care about that and should rightly be prioritised over the squabbling of the politicians, the extremists and the military.
  5. Thanks to the most useless building materials supplier in Scotland, the tone of my Monday has been set since 8.15am and the knock on effect of their f**k up could well throw the next 14 days out. Useless fucking c***s.
  6. I was supposed to start work at 9am today. It is currently 12.35 and I'm outside my office, hungover and without keys. I'm playing a blinder today.
  7. Ah yes, the Manhattan Project.

  8. Au contrere, mes enfant.

  9. I'll cut your pretty face.

  10. I wrote it on my hand but then forgot to Tweet it. I'm afraid I've killed her. To alleviate my guilt, please write "I did not kill her" on your arse and picture message it to your maw. Thanks.
  11. "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the underground..."
  12. My wife's birthday is mid-late February, so any time during the first fortnight of Feb is good for me.
  13. Really depends on size and spec. A cheaper way is probably to hire a 17 seat Transit (or similar, assuming the size will be sufficient) for around £95 a day and pay someone you know to be the designated driver.
  14. "DERP. Any player who votes NO should never be allowed to pull on the dark blue again. DERP."
  15. The "tartan army ramblings" sub-forum may well be the worst forum on this website, and I include the Old Firm forum and the Junior forum in that analysis.
  16. Doing a full system scan and maintenance on my pc. Started around 6.30 so I'd have plenty of time to finish it all before the football started. Currently at 35%.
  17. If you get a chance to stick your head out of the window between 2 moving subway cars then you must do it and take a photo.
  18. He used to do his brothers' wage slips. Natural progression.
  19. Born in Dublin, whilst Finn Laudrup was playing for UCD, but never hit the headlines that Michael and Brian did. He's an accountant now.
  20. Tell me, Mr Savage (may I call you Savage), what was your first pair of football boots?
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