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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Your boiler has a pump within that forces heated water through the system, into the rads. Each rad has a TRV (thermostatic radiator valve) at one inlet and a lockshield at the other. The heated water circulates around the radiator and heat is transferred by the fins at the back of the rad. A rad with more panels and more fins will generate more BTU's (British Thermal Units) of heat output into the room. For example, a rad with two panels (one to the front and one to the rear) and fins between the two is called a double panel, single convector, otherwise known as a type 21. A rad with two panels and a double set of convector fins between is a double panel, double convector or type 22.
  2. @cammcco But it's fine, Mikey, I don't want your charity
  3. I tried to follow Jambo Mikey off of here and got a message saying that I've been blocked from following at the request of the user. Your loss, Jambo Mikey. Your loss.
  4. Gerrard has been shite for about 3 seasons and clearly doesn't suit the playing system that Rodgers is using. He was at his best playing in front of a midfield 4 and behind a lone central striker and he has not adapted to playing in a midfield 3 well at all. Dalglish successfully marginalised Carragher, which was the other big hurdle to be addressed, but for Liverpool to really improve they'll need to do the same with Gerrard. At the end of the day, irrespective of what has gone before, players should only be picked on merit, not based on reputation and past achievements. I strongly suspect that a midfield three of Allen, Sahin and Lucas would be more successful in this system, especially allowing for Lucas to be the ball winner and freeing up Allen and Sahin to create rather than burdening them with a deeper role that they're not comfortable with. To do a straight up comparison of the most recent 4 manager's teams reveals the extent to which money troubles under the old owners and careless spending under the new ones have weakened their pool of playing staff, plus the big change in formation under Rodgers. Liverpool's midfield / forward line under Benitez generally lined up 4-4-1-1:- -------------------Torres---------------- ---- ------------------Gerrard---------------- --- Babel - Alonso - Mascherano - Kuyt Hodgson was usually 4-4-2 or 4-5-1:- -------------Torres----Ngog------------- Meireles----Lucas----Gerrard-----Kuyt Dalglish's team was usually 4-4-2 (with occasional use of 3-5-2):- ------------------Suarez--------Carroll-- ------------- Rodriguez------Gerrard------Spearing----- Kuyt And Rodgers' system of 4-2-3-1 / 4-3-3:- Sterling------Suarez------Downing/Shelvey/ Henderson/Borini/Suso/Cole Henderson/Downing/Shelvey/Sahin--------Allen- ------------Gerrard Rodgers might well be able to foster a winning style and implement his philosophy, but only if he's willing to make the difficult decisions on the playing squad and able to make a lot of moves out as well as in over a reasonable period of time. I can't imagine all the surgery that's needed being achieved in just one season or two transfer windows (this summer and the coming January). He's managed to clear out a large amount of dross and marginalise others so that they'll not feature much and will be more likely to leave in the next available window and that was necessary, but there's still plenty more to do on that front if they're to improve long term and get back to having a strong, balanced squad, which they haven't had since Benitez's tenure arguably.
  5. Big fella, you've only seen the Jekyll to my Hyde...
  6. Aye, get your care worker to phone the dial-a-bus and ask for a fresh pad, you're in the night!
  7. I switched all my business and personal stuff to Barclays lately and have found them to be quite good thus far. Not many branches in Scotland, but enough for the odd time when I actually need one.
  8. I'm not trying to convey that I would be against the signing, though in re-reading it does, perhaps, come across that way. I was more noting that a decent manager would have done a better job of keeping the young talent at the club, maybe sending them out on loan (again) to develop, rather than using them as makeweights in a transfer for a more senior player who was a risky proposition. The evidence is there for all to see where Ince is concerned, and he was performing well in his loans away from Liverpool also prior to being packed off to Blackpool. I'm simply using the situation as an illustrative example of the wasteful past excesses.
  9. He looked OK when he first broke into the team at Chelsea and was part of that front 3 of (l;r) Kolou, Torres / Drogba, Sturridge, but I wouldn't say he's anything special based on the times I've seen him.
  10. The Sturridge rumour has been floating about a while and I believe they did indeed try and sign him, albeit on a loan basis, in the summer, so that probably has legs. The papers have been reporting that he is unhappy at Chelsea because he's become a bit part player and plays wide right of the front three when he is used, but I highly doubt concern over whether he'd be used centrally or as a wide striker would negate a transfer should Liverpool make an offer. The Ince signing would be absurd, though not in the way that he'd be a poor signing. Consider this, Tom Ince was just starting to make the breakthrough to Liverpool's first team (he was ahead of Raheem Sterling (who was only 15 at that point right enough) in the pecking order and looked likely to become a regular first team player over the next season or so) when he was transferred to Blackpool on a free transfer along with Gerardo Bruna on a free transfer plus Jonjo Shelvey on loan and Danny Wilson on loan as part compensation for Charlie Adam on top of the rumoured £8m that they paid (though I suspect that this was a structured deal). To then sign Ince back again 2 seasons later would be crazy. One paper was throwing a figure of £6m around last week for Ince to Liverpool. Bonkers. A good player, but if it proved true it would surely be the clearest indictment thus far of the poor business conducted by the previous 2 Anfield regimes. When you consider some of the signings who've pitched up at Liverpool since the Hodgson era and through Dalglish / Comolli's time, it's frightening the money lost. Off the top of my head Joe Cole, Milan Jovanovic (signing may have been instigated by Benitez), Christian Poulsen, Danny Wilson (not a bad player, but will never be a Liverpool regular), Paul Konchesky (I still cannot fathom how Paul Konchesky ever played for Liverpool, also as well as the cash that Liverpool paid for PK, they also gave Fulham a striker, Lauri Dalla Valle, and a winger, Alex Kacaniclic, who has been earning good reviews since breaking into the Fulham team, meanwhile PK is in the Championship now), Brad Jones (a mediocre 'keeper and only signed because he qualified as "home grown" despite there being 4 'keepers at the club at that time and the outfield needing players in various positions and money at that time being scarce), Stewart Downing (has achieved mind-blowing transfer fees in his career and still only 28!), Andy Carroll (£35m?!), Charlie Adam (decent player, but was clearly overachieving as the fulcrum of a workmanlike Blackpool team), Jordan Henderson (again, not necessarily a bad player, just not a £20m player or a necessity in his position at that time or for that price) have all been signed for big fees / wages and have not made a positive impact upon the quality of the team. Meanwhile, also over that period, players such as Dirk Kuyt, Maxi Rodriguez, Fernando Torres, Javier Mascherano and Alberto Aqualani have all left for various reasons. Now, it could quite easily be argued that those players all left for valid reasons and that not all of them have gone onto bigger and better things (Mascherano arguably has, although he had to become a centre half to be accomodated in the Barca team, but Rodriguez and Kuyt's times were up, Aqualani went back to his comfort zone and Torres has flopped at Chelsea), but it's still a lot of quality to try and replace and they quite simply have not managed to and the blame for that must lie with whomsoever conducted those transfers in and out.
  11. Aul' Joe Ratzinger will be hosting a Twitter Q&A at noon on 12th December: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/dec/03/pope-twitter-pontifex-account The perfect opportunity to hijack it, as we have so many others before it. #askratzinger
  12. They'd retweeted someone who had posted "fair enough, the zombies it is then" or words to that effect. Not deleting it and issuing an apology instead is my favourite part. I always get amusement from that account, I'd love to know who runs it.
  13. I love Albion Rovers, they're wonderfully shambolic.
  14. It's probably because so many of them are Rangers fans tbh.
  15. I follow the Beast and he follows me, I quite often get a good laugh out of him and Ryan McStay.
  16. There's only one wee skinny, ginger, adorable muppet and you're no' him.
  17. Hhhmmm, aye, well, you're no' quite Sammy, but you're awright I suppose.
  18. I had a blazer on with an Atari hoody earlier. Don't talk to me about indie kids, I am indie kids.
  19. I am not bunnetless, that was simply one of many. Savage Henry may refer to himself as a serial hat wearer, but in reality it is I who is the true hat enthusiast.
  20. All Falkirk fans (with the notable exceptions of Sammy and Keith) are cringeworthy. It must be something in the water in that neck of the woods.
  21. The black guy from The Streets has started following me, which is odd given I don't follow him.
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