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Everything posted by banterman86

  1. Porno is a strange book I thought, I both simultaneously enjoyed it, and lso realised it wasn't a patch on trainspotting, perhpas i just enjoyed it because it was interesting to see the characters again.
  2. Feel a tad geeky now! How many episodes are left?
  3. The intital scenes at the pool was a bit off to be fair, I'm not sure i like the moriarty character. I'll need to reread the Irene adler story now, the first half hour to 40 minutes was really spot on in terms of updating it iirc. Sherlock is, in my opinion, really good stuff. Can anyone else think of other classic characters who could ge a modern do over?
  4. banterman86

    The Wire

    I was a bit underwhlemed by the last season if i'm honest, but i rewatched it last year and found it very very good - so yes, stick with it.
  5. Agree with these posts, i thought it was a great comeback, and it's clearly worked
  6. That's the point, he wouldn;t be fluking all the time, he'd grow in confidence to champion, moving from flukes to hard thought wins to main event level (in kayfabe terms) performances, he'd need the right opponent for his solidfying win - orton would be my shout. Actually, Orton in either scenario would be my suggestion, for his heel turn "snapping" or "you deserve it" win
  7. It doesn;t have to, good booking could be "guy wins belt on fluke, proves himself worthy with a series of ever incrreasingly impressive wins". i;d prefer crazy demeneted heel but still
  8. he could go all macbeth and have the belt slowly turn him heel, as he gets more and more desperate to hold onto it Start with fluke wins over show and henry, count outs and roll ups were he plays a classic face in distress Then questionable wins in terms of cheating, Before he full on blows and tries to injure folk before matches, and is hyped up as a submission specialist, by which time he;s held the belt for a period and can unveil the "best in the wolrd" type character from his RoH days I always liked the idea of a belt "corrupting" a face during their reign, I can't think of a good example
  9. One thing that occured to me. the December ppv normally underperforms, putting belts on 3 "Internet darlings" at this time may no be a good thing for them long term. I don;t think cena's turn will happen until there's a proper generational change, ala Hogan. you;d need to look at the demographic he caters to, when he started catering to them and how old they;d be now. they need a replacement in that sense as well, Punk may be a top seller, but not to the same crowd as Cena.
  10. Yes, i reread "A Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time" last year, having forst read it around 2004/2005. i was underwhelmed second time round, having procliamed it genius upon first reading. Anyways, finsihed Freedom by Jonathan Franzen. Awffy good. Very sweeping epic americana stuff, which covers a whole host of bases. Bery "liberal" in the american sense of the word though, some might fand rants from characters about enviromentalism or consumerism a bit hard to stomach. It was alos nice to read a supposed "literary" novel, which wasn't beating you over the head with how clever it was being in terms of structure. Even Franzen's prose isn;t particularly spellbinding - a can't remeber a tsand out statement or phrase form the book, it was just all about the charcaters, who felt very rounded, neither liekable nor unlikable. I even did a wee google on the book afterwards, looking at different people's interpretations and so forth, I don't think you can pay a book higher praise than that to be honest. '
  11. Does this mean CM Punk and Brian Daneilson are the two Champs in WWE? Bit early, Vince could have recreated the Benoit/Guerroro hug from back in the day at Wrestlemania.
  12. I think his general mystique,and conscience of the WWE schtick outweighs the streak but again,it;s not worth breaking unless the recepeint is worth it.
  13. I finished How I became a Famous Novelist last week - enjoyed it a lot, great characterisation, well written funny but also thought provoking. The debate between Pete Tarslaw and Preston Brooks near the end might be one of the most infiriating things I've ver read - in a good way The basic premise was a guy sets out to write an "Oprah Book Club" style best seller without any real empathy - just fires out a by the numbers book which he thinks has all the tools to make him rich and famous. I liked the fact the book didnl;t look down on airport novels, but rather the more pretentious novels and writers who look down at them. Good times Currently working my way through Jonathen Franzen's Freedom which is a pretentious literary novel, but eh, it;s good so shut it.
  14. I agree. And disagree. I don;t think it should go but, if it does, it should be used properly - as a means of really MAKING somebody. Whish means either someone who hasn't main evented, soemone needing that push to truly a-list, or to confirm the Cena heel turn,. which will be the BatB 96, WMx-7 moment for this generation. The problem with this, of course, is you only get one shot at it, and with Bobby Lashley, Brock Lesnar and technically The Rock all not hung around for too long, it's clear why the WWE has yet to find someone the trust and is capable.
  15. This won't be the right thread, but probably is the best for like-minded individuals to see. That discount book store on Sauchiehall Street - The Works (?) is doing little pockect book style collections of classic Marvel comics. For example, i got sdome Qualty Stan lee/John Romita Snr era Spider-Man - plenty of angst! They're about £1.99 and plenty of classics.
  16. I finished this years Pultizer winnger A Visit From The Goon Squad it didn't strike me as instantly brillaint, but i think I'd want to reread it to appreciate it. Biggest compliment i can play just now is that I wanted to spend more time with the characters,a nd the stories were pretty enagaging Staying with "Great American novels" I'm thinking about reading Jonathan Franzen's last two books, but should i do The Corrections or the more recent Freedom first? I have the latter on my kindle already. I'm currently reading How I Became A Famous Novelist by Steve Hey, which is shaping p well
  17. Mmm, you;d need to take it on a case by case basis I suspect, but this is a fair point. When i think "internship" i think of the Americanised "6 week placement" type of thing, rather than someone volunteering a day. can you expand or define that at all? As Swampy points out, Young Graduate doing an unpaid full time intership at, for example, a PR firm is going t have to find an income stream outwith of the 35 hour work week the full time internship demands. Now they could keep up their weekend jobs, and work 7 day weeks but it's far from ideal. I don't want this to descned to "rich wans" and the "Bank of Mummy and Daddy", but it will be easier for young people who have financial support to do unpaid internships, which tend to be in fairly elite indutries and organisations which under-represent peoplefrom low income backgrounds in the first place
  18. Yes, they discrimnate against those from lower income backgrounds.
  19. I loved Jericho's first book, and Foley's first one as well. Try and track dwn "Pure Dynamite" by Tom Bilington - The Dynamite Kid. Cmes across as a bit bitter re Bret Hart, but still a good book Non-wrassling, Titenam Brown is a coming of age novel written by Mick Foly, and is really a rather decent stab at a fiction novel
  20. Moneyball was ultimately very enjoyable, although my overall ignorance of most things baseball probably hurt my overall enjoyment of it. I might be tempted to watch a baseball game at some point now, although i think the World Series has just finished raises loads of great questions about "common wisdom" and "baseball men" which could be easily transferred to football, so in keeping with the theme i'm now reading Why England Lose which is basically Freakonomic meets Football meetsMoneyball. Enjoyable stuff, the section on Lyon is quite interesting.
  21. Absolutely, I made comments along these lines reagrding one day. Loads and loads of novels - modern and "Classic" - are filled to the brim with pointless filler,especially descritptions. When I read a two page descritiption of the bricks which make up the house which the main character visits once, i zone out
  22. Finished Happy Hour is for Amatuers earlier thisn week, a good example of blog turned book, and of the "fratire" genre geenrally. Little "story" actually happens, but the narrator is engaging, so all in it's good times I'm currently roughly a third of the way through Moneyball and finding it enjoyable, despite my ignorance of baseball lingo and slang
  23. Is Never let me Go good stuff? I;ve seen it praised to the hilt on here before, and conciously avoided the film so I could read the book, but I'm not big on sci fi
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