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Everything posted by TheScarf

  1. What are we saying then? Nadal in an hour and a half?
  2. Indeed. I'm not saying its just Murray that does this. Hwever it's his sarcasm and his woe-is-me attitude that's possibly holding him back. Somebody mentioned earlier he maybe needs a coach that will inject the belief into him and get him to think 'fuck it, that points gone, I'll forget about it'. His bad shots seem to play on his mind a lot more visually than the other players. The Federer-Djokovic family spat video is quality.
  3. He needs to quit with the outbursts to his coaching team and the sarcastic comments he makes. It plays right into the other players hands, they can see he's frustrated and they jump on that. You never see Federer or Nadal do this. If their pissed off they make damn sure they win the next point/game, whilst looking calm.
  4. Barcelona are annoying as fuck and I take great pleasure when they get beat.
  5. He might go out in straights here. Dolgopolov would probably have beasted him more right enough. Right on queue Murray takes the third!
  6. Doubt we'll see much of him today. It's quarter past 6 local time and the womens match is still being played.
  7. Same. I absolutely detest being tagged in photos. I un-tag myself at the earliest opportunity. Mainly because I look disabled in most of them.
  8. Saw that on the French Open site yesterday, it looks too good to be true. No-one anywhere near as good as Murray until the Semi's. I'd say Troicki is a bigger threat to him that Dolgopolov however.
  9. Bolelli is giving Murray as good as he gets here. Conditions look bad too which will be somewhat of an equaliser I feel. Much like the Clijsters match earlier.
  10. Before I forget, wave goodbye to your tippy tappy pish. Grant Munro punts the ball at every opportunity.
  11. You're probably the only County fan I know who doesn't take greater pleasure in seeing ICT lose than County win. I've actually had 2 Ross County fans admit to me in person that this is the case with them.
  12. The latter. Breaks up opponents attack and gives the ball to the guys who makes things happen. Probably score a 35 yarder once every 18 months or so aswell for you.
  13. I de-activated my Facebook on Sunday and I can't say I miss it one bit.
  14. That's the way I've always seen it. Murray just lacks that special something that you need to join them. He's is in the second tier of men's tennis by himself. The likes of Soderling, Ferrer and Berdych lack the all round game needed to reach that tier.
  15. Insomnia appears to be an increasing problem in Inverness. Had a wee browse this morning whilst having my toast and counted no less than four 'AAARRRGHH CANT SLEEP!!!x' related posts. Three of which were from males.
  16. There's a girl on my Facebook who did this constantly. The last time she did one of my mates replied 'You could try the Internet, you know, that thing you're already on?. She hasn't posted stuff like it since.
  17. The politician sketch near the end was quite good.
  18. It was a 'hurry the fuck up, I'm going to be late for work' related incident. The cow took about 20 mins to do her hair.
  19. My girlfriend just posted this - Which I subsequently 'liked'.
  20. Exaclty. One of my mates is a squaddie and he's pish at football. No way is he worth £50,000 a week.
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