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Everything posted by Clyde01

  1. He worked very hard against Falkirk last week but was completely isolated for the whole game, we made no effort to get anyone near him. Can’t comment on today as I didn’t go but overall I’ve not been too impressed. Rennie was dreadful against Falkirk and looked like he couldn’t be arsed. Some of our players are very limited but at least give their all. I’ve no time for guys who won’t even put in a shift.
  2. Hamstrung by the infamously crippling rent at Broadwood IMO. They’ll be world beaters next season if they can find somewhere that’ll let them sell a few pints and curry’s pre-match.
  3. Clyde01


    Hope they go bust, joke club. Keep relegation and auto promote east and west winners.
  4. The chairman has absolutely savaged the squad in the media saying the 11 boys Robertson signed are pulling down the rest. Don’t think it’ll be a very harmonious camp for the rest of the season.
  5. He had an ice pack on his ankle immediately after coming off.
  6. Rennie was very disappointing today and agree on Cunningham too, not sure Hynes was that bad really? Scullion had a very good first half and seemed on a mission to make amends from last week, he may have been at fault for the goal again though (not sure) and certainly had a poorer second half. Ewan Cameron offered absolutely nothing again. What did you see in Docherty’s performance today? I’m not convinced on him at all. Impressed by Salkeld’s effort, he was a one man midfield for us at times in the second half. Not sure what Duffy says at half time but both today and the Edinburgh game recently the drop off in performance in second half has been alarming.
  7. He was giving it to the Clyde fans after the equaliser. Odd little man to get so excited about levelling against an utter gang like us. What was delicious was his tantrum after the disallowed goal, lovely stuff.
  8. It’s because he’s playing at a much higher standard than the rest of the team imo.
  9. What you’ve said here is basically what’s been said on Twitter and his family and pals don’t want to hear it. He’s been putting in outstanding performances and playing at a higher standard than most of the squad according to them.
  10. Why is he still on the park. Nowhere near good enough, get him in the bin.
  11. See we are losing again already. Anyone still care?
  12. Agreed on all points, no idea what Sula is thinking on the first goal but it’s criminal and right before half time too. They absolutely battered us in that second half, a very sobering watch and the highlights don’t exaggerate edinburghs dominance. No idea where we go from this next week but I’ll not be there.
  13. His overall win ratio as Clyde manager must be absolutely brutal. Not sure there was much contact from Roberts but he did throw himself into the challenge and seemed to be out of control so no chance it will be appealed or overturned. I thought last week might have given us a lift and we did look ok in the first half. Lost a cheap goal right on half time and it was a horror show from then on. Parry the only one who turned up for the second half.
  14. Absolutely scudded off a team with a row of seats alongside a sports centre as a home. Dreadful fan experience and second half a complete farce on the park. Liam Fontaine strolled it, can someone tell me what Kyle Docherty is meant to offer, forgot he was playing.
  15. We are already looking forward to his playoff final winner that keeps you lot down.
  16. This deal makes zero sense to me. Not sure how we can afford to give game time to a guy who’s clearly miles off match sharpness either given we are in a relegation dog fight. Peter Grant has been disappointing and slow as a week in the jail but still managed to look the pick of our defence so far. Hopefully big Sula continues his form in there as we need him more than ever.
  17. If it means we never see Thicot again I’m all for it. I reckon Lithgow will be an improvement on anyone else we have in there.
  18. Teams shite, managers shite, best player sold, seasons done, we’re heading down and nobody cares. (1-0 Clyde)
  19. Don’t know why any fans should bother turning up for the rest of the season, we’ve clearly chucked it. Ray Grant crocked and Jordan Allan sold, about the only 2 from that rabble who were worth watching. The relegation express is at full steam ahead.
  20. The damage is already done, Duffy should never have been appointed in the first place. Instead of a young hungry manager looking to better himself we went with a tired old dinosaur who doesn’t care. There is no money to move him on even if the board wanted to. The sad thing is we could see yesterday coming miles away and there’s not many left who even care now. Heading down the shitter at breakneck speed.
  21. Have we appealed the sending off on Saturday? Was ridiculously soft and only given IMO to balance things out after the Falkirk one.
  22. Watched the ‘highlights’ there mainly as I was in the car after two nil and missed the last 2 goals. Peter Grant, slow as a week in the jail as he is was favourite all the way to clear it for the first goal yet let Morrison cruise past him. Fourth goal too his reaction and attempt to clear is just pathetic. That’s our captain out there and he looks like he can’t be fucked. The apathy around the club is dreadful, did any of those arseholes even come over to the fans at the end? Duffy is an absolute dud, I would happily fire him and most of that squad into the sun. We should have got a young, hungry manager in from WOS/EOS league or similar to build a team under basically no pressure for the rest of this season with a view to kicking on next year. Instead it’s the same old shite every week under a dinosaur until most of these charlatans are emptied in May. Fully expect us to be bottom by next Saturday and stay there.
  23. Can someone please explain to me how after leaving big bad broadwood, the financial millstone round our neck, we are looking at having the budget of a lowland league team next season? Weren’t we assured that selling a few pints and curries before matches would have us competing with the financial muscle of the Montrose’s and Kelty’s of the world?
  24. Remember we’re not allowed to be negative though. Positive comments on todays gubbing only please…
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