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Everything posted by Clyde01

  1. Line up is not bad but I’d have elsdon in there for sure and probably Cunningham too even if he’s not fully fit.
  2. I’d rather go for a young upcoming manager than one of the handful of dinosaurs like jim duffy who seem to get touted for every job going. If Ricky Waddell has indeed built an exciting young squad on a small budget why would he not be worth a serious look?
  3. I don’t have a problem with Danny staying on in principal BUT the recruitment has to be much much better. If some of the money that was tied up in DG can be released to make better signings then Danny needs to make that happen. Coaching and man management wise he’s great, in fact the tune he has managed to get out of our very limited squad this season has so far been remarkable. A lot depends of course on the run in and whether we can retain our league one status. Peterhead and Dumbarton look better sides than us and with alloa finally punting Ferguson I’m really not sure any of those sides will still be below us by the end of the season.
  4. That’s not far off what I would go for as our best line up. Probably Rumsby in for page and Cunningham for gomis or splaine. Makes it more of a 343 with livingstone and mcallister as wingbacks.
  5. So part of your strategy to attract ‘serious investment or sponsorship’ is to bring back a high profile rapist and the associated back lash?
  6. New account, check First post, check Talking pish, check
  7. Jones, seriously! Oh my days, he barely broke a sweat and rolled the ball into an open goal. Very difficult to pick motm as they were all rotten but balatoni and Jones were the first two I’d have hooked at half time.
  8. f**k that, raith bought him knowing full well the baggage. That’s our money now and should be used to build a more balanced squad in the summer. As for DG he was lucky to have the platform we gave him, thought he could get it better elsewhere and it blew up in his face. f**k him… I spent most of the first half yesterday watching through my fingers and yet the most embarrassing part of the day was hearing c***s singing about DG.
  9. A ground share with shettleston is what we need to take the club to the next level, don’t you know?
  10. I’ve never been a fan of Rumsby and I’m in no way convinced (even still) that he’s good enough for this level but he has been quietly effective for the most part this season. By comparison, balatoni today made him seem like maldini.
  11. That was truly awful. A disorganised, ill disciplined rabble. Even the usually reliable parry tried to chuck one in by throwing it straight to an attacker. Balatoni’s first half performance was something else, in an all round shambles and against strong competition, he shades it for the worst player on the park. Please never play him again. Jones was rotten too, despite his goal which was laid on a plate. The way he meanders about like a heavily tranquilised giraffe really boils my piss. Tade is absolutely done, he contributed next to nothing when he came on. The thought of Jones and tade being our main focus up front for the next 11 games is depressing. That result was absolutely no surprise, we’ve been riding our luck for weeks and our position in the league is false imo. We will be extremely lucky if we manage to limp to the end of the season and avoid 9th (or 10th).
  12. Wow, I hope you aren’t the chairman, is there no limits to your ambition?
  13. This is a key point for me, what will we really gain for having him another season or two, as realistically that’s all he’s got left. Sure with DG we will probably stay afloat in League One for another year or two but even that’s not a given if his salary takes up so much budget we have to fill the rest of the team with shite. As more and more kelty’s and cove’s make their way into the league a lot of clubs our size face a real battle just to stand still. We need a proper plan in place for where we want to be and how we are going to do that over the next 5 years. Rather than relying heavily on the ability of one player who is far too good for this level.
  14. You’ve accused her of dragging Goodwillie’s name through the mud, that’s up there with the wildest takes on the events of the last week. I’m not feeling victimised or personally offended by any of this but I do find it distasteful, cringey and embarrassing to have idiots posting/singing stuff like this and being associated with the club.
  15. Aye, it’s all Val’s fault, she’s the villain in this….
  16. Glad you created an account for this wonderful insight. If you can’t connect the dots between a high profile lesbian and singing about her having a short back and sides then clearly your a fucking idiot. Why was she even being mentioned at all? DG was happy to jump ship to Raith so not sure why is he getting sung about either.
  17. f**k knows why cretins were chanting about val mcdermid or david Goodwillie. Both irrelevant to todays game. 0-0 as predicted. Zzzz
  18. I think you are being incredibly naive if you think it will go back to the way it was. How do you know sponsors won’t pull out if the club is suddenly at the centre of massively negative media attention? I don’t see that public outrage is going to disappear if he drops a few places down the SPFL. Your argument of there wasn’t any outcry before is flawed because the story has been absolutely massive for the last few days. Front page on bbc website and news papers. Everyone who had forgotten DG existed is now fully aware of this and we don’t want to bare the brunt of that.
  19. When he signed our chairman at the time released a statement around the club taking on the responsibility of helping to rehabilitate DG (whether you buy that or not is a different matter of course). By jumping ship to play full time DG clearly mistakenly thought his rehabilitation was complete. The statement released by the Raith board was also unbelievably crass and certainly did nothing to ease the clamour. If they had gone for something along the lines of DG continuing his rehabilitation of the last 5 years, focusing on the fact he has a young family and is rebuilding his life and most importantly some recognition of his actions. I understand he perhaps can’t issue an apology for legal reasons but surely he could have said something along the lines of deeply regretting the distress the full episode has had on the girl and her family. Anyway ‘we know what he did but he’s good at football’ didn’t really do anybody any favours. The contribution he has made football wise over the last 5 years is appreciated but a big mistake to bring him and the associated heat back to us now imo.
  20. 0-0 looks very likely and actually wouldn’t be the worst result from our point of view if we can follow it up with a win (somehow) at home to Dumbarton next week.
  21. He chose to jump ship as he thought he could get away with it. He should not be allowed to come back here with his tail between his legs to play for us again. I don’t care what a great lad Danny Lennon or his team mates think he is, he’s untouchable now. I only hope we had the sense to get cash upfront and not instalments or some other agreement. Raith knew all about his baggage and took him on anyway, that’s their problem now.
  22. A member of this site for nearly 9 years and THIS is your first post? Away to f**k please….
  23. Perhaps Goodwillie could direct some of his now considerably enhanced weekly wages her way seeing as it’s him at fault and not Clyde.
  24. I see one possible solution Raith fans are floating is quietly loaning DG back to us. No way we should entertain that with the massive attention this story has now gained. DG didn’t realise how good he had it flying under the radar of most while with us, he was very lucky to be playing football at all. Now it’s completely blown up on him.
  25. Absolutely this. It was bad enough we harboured Goodwillie for 5 years making him captain was a step too far imo. Yes, he was a great player and pulled us up from the brink of the lowland league but at what cost to our reputation. Idiots on here saying he was their hero clearly belong on the register too. Love is a committed player but not the character we want as captain for me, although given he’s had the band recently I assume he will inherit it. Cuddihy is a good player and great servant to the club, although maybe not vocal enough to be captain. I think Parry is the stand out candidate even though he’s a goalie.
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