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Everything posted by Clyde01

  1. I’ve made my position on DG coming back to Clyde abundantly clear on this thread but I’ve been thinking more about the NLC statement. Aren’t all player registrations ratified by the SFA? If so then the SFA have no objection to DG being a footballer at one of their member clubs. Do the SFA vet players before giving their registration the green light? If the SFA have signed off on DG as a footballer surely NLC can’t block him from doing his job. What do the SFA make of this? Is DG a PFA member? Surely the PFA can also make a case that one of their members is being blocked from working. I’m not sure the NLC threat actually holds any water and I’m not sure it would stand up to any form of challenge. It just seems like cheap opportunism from them more than anything. In saying that I am extremely glad we didn’t double down on challenging it, he should never have been back here in the first place.
  2. The council banning a player from setting foot in the stadium does seem a unique move and sets a questionable precedent. For example could we object to an opponent who had a horrible flasher as their star centre back and have the council ban him? Where does it end? Can privately owned stadia ban players from opponent sides if they wish? It’s opening a massive can of worms. On the plus side it might lead to less scumbags being employed at football teams.
  3. What a predictable, embarrassing and thoroughly avoidable state of affairs. We really are a rudderless mess of a club run by imbeciles. We’ve jeopardised the future of the club to let a rapist kick a ball about for another couple of years. The board need to take the fall for this as they are spineless idiots. Get DG to f**k, maybe we could make him honorary president of the Glasgow ‘Rape Apologist’ Supporters Branch. As for the clown pulling the strings financially that forced this through, get him to f**k too. As soon as you start threatening to pull funding if you don’t get your own way then it’s the end of the road for me. Shame our board were too stupid to see that…
  4. Read this as well and found it astounding. I imagine it was written in crayon for a start. Probably a direct plea to the singing his name, bring wur captain home brigade. Like everything else surrounding DG it smacks of caring only for himself and loaded with his own self interest, exactly as the judge described his character. Let’s be honest here if raith fans hadn’t kicked up a massive fuss at his signing he wouldn’t give a f**k about Clyde right now. He wants to turn the clock back and come crawling back with his tail between his legs now and c***s are lapping it up like a returning hero. It’s sickening.
  5. I think you’ll find the Glasgow branch Facebook page or official forum to be much more akin to toxic echo chambers than pie and bovril. Hence the repeated calling out of those championing a rapist.
  6. It’s reassuring to see posters like@Cannibal and@SouthLanarkshireWhite posting sense and echoing a lot of my thinking on the situation. The short term thinking behind this move, the lack of reading the room after the raith reaction and the fact we seem to have bowed to the pressure of one wealthy sponsor and a minority of vocal fans all very worrying factors.
  7. In other news, even with a god awful mainly reserve lineup out, a 9-0 hammering off rangers kids is an absolute minter. What’s the actual point of the Glasgow cup.
  8. Just when you thought@AlanCamelonFan had edged the weapon of the day contest…
  9. The facts are laid out in grim detail within the court documents and are easily available online. I’m fairly certain a murderer out after a 20 year stretch wouldn’t be getting a job at (most) football clubs. Particularly if they had shown no remorse. Most of the people you describe as two faced b*****ds are just struggling to see the sense in destroying the clubs reputation even further for a player we will be lucky to get another 2 years out of. The club is more important than a player. I think it’s you who should be thinking before posting but it’s about what I expected to be honest. We’ll soon be living your dream in a junior park in shettleston if NLC turf us out. Worth it I suppose?
  10. Most of the mouth pieces who supported this will be happy to see us playing at a junior park in shettleston or similar anyway. It will be painted as all NLC’s fault as they sing and cheer on our rapist captain for another season and a half till he retires.
  11. I think we can draw our own conclusions from here, good night…
  12. I’m not sure what your interest is in this mate but the irony of someone from Camelon on here calling folk junkies and knuckle draggers whilst at the same time defending a rapist is off the fucking charts.
  13. Who do you think reached the civil verdict? Mickey Mouse?
  14. Most of us managed not to rape someone though…
  15. Yeah I’m sure the sponsors were really pushing for a high profile rapist to be brought back on board.
  16. By the majority of fans you mean the cretins on the official forum who are a small representation of the wider fan base. Imagine celebrating the signing of a rapist that’s been absolutely lambasted in the press in recent weeks. Even if you’ve had your head in the sand for the last 5 years surely the reaction when he signed for raith was a wake up call.
  17. Some of the cretins that still sing his name at matches no doubt.
  18. No Parry today, and no keeper on the bench, that’s a strange one. Did he get injured in the warm up? Lineup looks reasonable but no idea why elsdon has been benched. He’s been the pick of our defence all season.
  19. Glad the board have had the backbone to turn this down, DG is untouchable now. Balatoni is no sad loss either and if he was one of our top earners that’s even better business getting shot of him. If we don’t manage to sign a replacement we could always pick someone out of the stand to perform to a similar level. Lack of activity throughout January and during the loan window is very worrying. We keep hearing there is nobody available as other clubs snap up players. If only we had a recruitment team to identify targets…
  20. Line up is not bad but I’d have elsdon in there for sure and probably Cunningham too even if he’s not fully fit.
  21. I’d rather go for a young upcoming manager than one of the handful of dinosaurs like jim duffy who seem to get touted for every job going. If Ricky Waddell has indeed built an exciting young squad on a small budget why would he not be worth a serious look?
  22. I don’t have a problem with Danny staying on in principal BUT the recruitment has to be much much better. If some of the money that was tied up in DG can be released to make better signings then Danny needs to make that happen. Coaching and man management wise he’s great, in fact the tune he has managed to get out of our very limited squad this season has so far been remarkable. A lot depends of course on the run in and whether we can retain our league one status. Peterhead and Dumbarton look better sides than us and with alloa finally punting Ferguson I’m really not sure any of those sides will still be below us by the end of the season.
  23. That’s not far off what I would go for as our best line up. Probably Rumsby in for page and Cunningham for gomis or splaine. Makes it more of a 343 with livingstone and mcallister as wingbacks.
  24. So part of your strategy to attract ‘serious investment or sponsorship’ is to bring back a high profile rapist and the associated back lash?
  25. New account, check First post, check Talking pish, check
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