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Everything posted by btb

  1. Didn't Angela Raynor call the Tories scum a few months back - now that is close to the line. Going back IIRC Aneurin Bevan called the Tories vermin and asked what was Toryism except organised Spivvery? Edit - Just checked the Bevan quote and he actually said the Tories were "lower than vermin" - how would today's Scottish Labour react to that?
  2. Sampling taking place between 30th Sep & 4th Oct so mostly before the Tories Tax U-turn - my opinion is that wouldn't turn into many extra Scottish Labour MPs as the Yoon vote has been tactically aware since the 2015 GE. Can Labour win a majority of seats in England/Wales at the next GE - it might look possible now but I reckon two years of Tory whataboutery backed up by the rightwing press will make it a tough task for Labour.
  3. Yup it seems to be causing a bit of a stushie with the Yoons over at The Herald, I've allus found those of a right-wing persuasion to be the biggest snowfakes/whingers.
  4. 1. Fairy Nuff. 2 Get what you're saying but she may be pitching at the geriatocracy which elects Tory party leaders.
  5. Can Braverman reclassify Cannabis from Class B to A on her own or would she have to get it passed through parliament? Is she serious or is this just an attempt to give DPB a semi and the opening shot in the race to be next Tory leader?
  6. A dilletante who by his own admission might have joined any of the three main UK parties - had his decision to enter politics been a few years later he might even have tried for the SNP.
  7. Their party backed them and cheered when the measure was announced in the HoC it was when it didn't go down well with the markets and mortgage rates consequently went up affecting a key part of their constituency that they changed tack but they're still as scummy and ready to implement cuts to public spending. Crazy to think that Tories like Gove & McVey now seem to be the left-wing of the party.
  8. Then the SNP should be prepared to block all UK business - nothing to be gained from being the one party playing by the rules.
  9. I note former ERG hardman and current "number 2" in the Norn Ireland Office Steve Baker was sounding conciliatory over the weekend.
  10. I saw that and understand how the system works and they'll not be the only ones who are green up until the point where it costs them just that I reserve the right to scoff the next time I see them being described as "committed to improving green issues" or similar.
  11. I see King Chuckles & his son are to stay away from Cop27 - committed environmentalists until it might affect the gravy train.
  12. Just read an article in The Grauniad (I know) where "betrayed of Basingstoke" (a pensioner) bemoans that Brexit & Boris have left him rationing his electricity use and wearing extra layers of clothing about the house and yet at the next GE he still isn't gonna vote against the Tories just not vote at all Truss has chosen the "political strongman" route openly celebrating the outrageousness of her policies presumably in the expectation that the right wing press (whose owners won't be waring extra layers of clothing) will declare her policies to be working - it's gonna be a long two years and maybe more.
  13. Are the Tories playing a game to see how far they can go now?
  14. Is it not a common for people with spare dosh to do well out of financial situations like the present one, if so then it will indeed be what he and his dodgy mates wanted.
  15. I'd prefer not to hold the WC in Qatar - tainted money. P1608 of this thread was a waste of time and if I'm that much out of step then I'd be more inclined just stop supporting football altogether. I've stopped watching English football, European football and any games on Sportscene not directly affecting St. Mirren it wouldn't take much more to cut out Saints too.
  16. I hate international football, don't watch it and don't believe that having seven players from our current squad capped at the same time is of anything more than a marginal benefit (if at all) to our club.
  17. Right so Starmer says Labour would reinstate the top tax rate at 45% aligning himself with those radical Socialists David Cameron & George Osbourne - what is the point of Labour?
  18. Perhaps the Truss govt is embarking on the first stage of The Time Machine splitting us into Eloi and Morlocks - well the boot'll be on the other foot when we start feasting on them.
  19. See Stewart Lee's Grauniad column is accepting comments this week unlike last week's which was about the Queen in a tangential manner. I kinda knew that contrarian views would be stamped on during the mourning period, although I found it cringeworthy, how soon will it be before we can express critical views of the RF - I know for a certain section of society (driven by the media) that'll be never but surely the left must be prepared to say somethin, anything now.
  20. Your 1800 wrong there! Edit - Having said that I'm not sure if your a fake persona and the greatest/saddest hoaxer on P&B.
  21. Trickle down economics - tug your foreskin whenever your betters, the super-rich, appear and spit on the scum beneath you (and don't even think about what might happen should you suffer a bit of bad luck - don't even think about it).
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