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Everything posted by btb

  1. Shows what I know, still it's interesting to note that the B-Babes generally considered to be fringe candidates managed to pick up just shy of 20% of the votes. For my next prediction I'll go for a final two of Mordaunt & Truss.
  2. Agreed but I reckon they're useful idiots for seeing what policies are just too extreme - like I said plum cabinet jobs await.
  3. I would expect Badenach & Braverman to get eliminated in the early rounds and Truss to pick up the majority of their votes. Is Badenoch even a serious candidate, or has she been promised a plum job if she espouses "red meat" policies to get them into the debate? The depressing aspect is that the candidates are trying to impress by the party membership - the nastiest of the nasty.
  4. Pleased to see the club have been creative in devising schemes to offset whatever the cost of restricting the OF to one stand is.
  5. Lotsa talk about bloodletting but as you say all the policy declarations so far have been fairly similar - on IndyRef2 both Hunt & Javid said "at least 10 years" yesterday morning within minutes of each other. I don't see any significant policy differences emerging so I'm hoping for PP, her being a credible candidate (whodathunkit?) but still clearly bonkers.
  6. Hunt & Javid both saying "not for at least another 10 years"...
  7. IIRC guys like Mallan & Morgan both went for around £300k as it was accepted this would be the same as any development fee due - I know Reid is younger but is £125k really all we'd get if he was to go at the end of this season?
  8. It was always thus... [on manager Leggy Mountbatten's discovery of The Rutles] Iris Mountbatten: Well, he told me that he'd been to see these young men in a dark cellar. Narrator: Yes. Iris Mountbatten: He was always very interested in young men. Narrator: Oh, yes. Iris Mountbatten: Youth clubs, Boy Scouts, that sort of thing. Narrator: Yes. Iris Mountbatten: But these, he said, were different. Narrator: In what way? Iris Mountbatten: Their hair, and... their presence... and their music... Narrator: He liked it? Iris Mountbatten: No, he hated it. Narrator: What did he like? Iris Mountbatten: Well, em... the trousers. Narrator: What about their trousers? Iris Mountbatten: Well, they were, eh, they were very, em... tight. ************** Would the Boy Scout joke be allowed today?
  9. This, if anything they'll lurch further to the right as the candidates try to attract the party members who will choose from between the final two. Having said that them choosing one who is clearly bonkers (Braverman, Patel) would be preferable to one who can pass as normal like Tugendhat if you could guarantee that voters from middleEngland would be turned off by that decision.
  10. Can't see anything - absolute whoppers or embellishments?
  11. Shirley the Tories are not gonna elect a Boche to be party leader?
  12. See Ben Wallace has withdrawn from the race - seemed to me to be one of the saner candidates..
  13. Poor performance from us, I was surprised to see us coming off second best physically after everything that's been written about Robinson. Felt we were marginally better but they frustrated us with some cute timewasting in the last 10-15 minutes and we lost our concentration - no real complaints though the more professional side won.
  14. Poor performance from us, I was surprised to see us coming off second best physically after everything that's been written about Robinson. Felt we were marginally better but they frustrated us with some cute timewasting in the last 10-15 minutes and we lost our concentration - no real complaints though the more professional side won.
  15. So Labour will work with the Tories and Lib-Dems but not the SNP. I trust we'll vote them down if we get an opportunity after the next election.
  16. I listened to the various candidates to succeed BJ & their supporters while doing my chores this morning and it's "red meat" policies from them all. The next GE campaign has already started and if they get any sorta dead cat bounce then I can see them calling a quick GE despite their massive mandate.
  17. Was James Caaaaaaan related to Dominic Raaaaaab?
  18. As was pointed out elsewhere his trips & donations to Ukraine tended to coincide with increases in his domestic problems.
  19. We've got training facilities built barely a decade ago, not some corrugated iron tin hut with the doors hanging off.
  20. Finger on the Pulse Award - Rebecca Pow who announced her resignation due to BJs staying "no longer being tenable" one hour after it was announced he was resigning!
  21. Ben Wallace, Defence Secretary (can't hurt us being "at war", ex-soldier (must be pics of him in a flak jacket somewhere), boring (definitely not Boris), don't yhink he has many enemies yet plus as an ex list MSP he's practically Scottish - he ticks a lot of the boxes.
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