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Everything posted by btb

  1. Anyone trying to say "he wasn't such a bad guy after all" should be shot! Do all the "principled" ministers who have resigned get their jobs back? Edit - It's started some Tory Bozo saying "we mustn't forget his many achievements".
  2. I noticed Matt Hancock doing the rounds on TV this morning in the absence of anyone from the govt willing to do it, obvs hoping to worm his way back into the Cabinet with a display of loyalty - can't help but think he's got it wrong again, being loyal to a a dead parrot (thanx IB). It's got Hitler last day in the bunker vibes now...... PS - It's at least 6 months too late to play the integrity card Tory Scum.
  3. Paisley's finest ex-schoolgirl here sporting St. Mirren's original colours....
  4. I presume most of those resigning today expect to get their jobs back shortly.
  5. Conservative MPs say that they have heard from party whips that there are now no MPs prepared to fill the vacant positions from those who have resigned en masse. One former minister who has stayed loyal to Johnson told their whip that there were absolutely no terms they were prepared to accept and said the whip had agreed with them. Another MP said they believed that message had been conveyed in “brusque tones” to Downing Street.
  6. To be fair to the Tories (and it hurts) there's gotta be a better than even chance their next leader will be brown - that's gonna hurt some folks down at the Rotarian Club.
  7. Another three junior ministers quit while I was out walking the dog.
  8. Hah so your a scientist - that's a joke you're about the biggest blowhard on here forever changing your opinions. The only thing that doesn't change is your supercillious attitude.
  9. I was wondering this, although the "75% of back benchers were against him at the last vote" figure depends on the belief that nobody "on the payroll" voted against him in what was a secret ballot.
  10. That's another junior minister quitting (Stuart Andrew - Housing Minister @12:55) I guess it's gonna require another Cabinet minister to make Johnson quit.
  11. So it would've been a different @oaksoft who was the biggest panic merchant on BAWA back at the start of the, erm, pandemic. I'm not gonna bother going back to find out when you made your U-turn on the issue just highlighting another example of your inconsistency...
  12. This, while BJ himself is a dead man walking I reckon his style is likely more likely to stay than not, Keir Starmer's decision to resign if fined for Beergate notwithstanding. ************* PMQs on a Wednesday - innit? A lot will depend on how much noise Tory MPs make in response to his "answers". Is it too late to come down with a sudden illness?
  13. Yup the thing for Labour to do is call a VoNC in Johnson it's gotta be a win-win situation - either Johnson is out or the Tories are stuck with him.
  14. Says it all about the Tory party that so many of them are reluctant to eject him.
  15. Truss saying she still supports Johnson - Bad Move IMO - No point in loyalty now. 100% behind the PM - sadly without a knife!
  16. btb


    A week shy of 41 years since Bob Marley played two gigs at the Apollo - amazing to think that he didn't sellout the venue (Capacity 3,500ish) we bought our tickets on the night (Saturday) & the gig was half full at best,
  17. The are two bad aspects to Labour chasing Tory policy Nobody will really believe them so they won't win many votes from the Redwall Rednecks and will likely demotivate their core support leading to a net vote loss. It lets the Tories of scot-free to pursue even more spiteful policies which Labour are then liable to chase.
  18. I see we're now on version 3 of what BJ knew about Chris Pincher... Nothing Nothing Specific Knew about specific allegation but considered them already resolved Telling the truth at Stage 1 would have been easier, but as always his natural inclination to lie just adds to the confusion that is his government, probably the big question is will we go back to the old standards when he goes - I'd guess not!
  19. Are Morton our rivals (I s'pose you can have more than one) but currently I'd say our main rivals are St. Johnstone & the spurious question of who are the real Saints - it's us. Since going to Glasgow Tech in the early 80s I've always considered Thistle as rivals more than Morton but I'd also say that in the internet age geographic proximity is no longer the most important issue as back in the noughties I'd have said Falkirk were the team that used to irk Saints fans most - I for one take great glee in their current woes! Currently I am developing an unhealthy interest in ICT as the guy who now has the locker next to me at work supports them, which leads me to the big questiom - who are the best Jags in the land? *********** PS - Geordie Shaw & Doug Somner, I share the love!
  20. Turning into a bit of an obsession of mine but with Starmer about to make a speech saying Labour won't seek to rejoin the Single Market but will seek to "Make Brexit Work" another ToryLite policy you've got to repeat the opening question - what is the point of Labour?
  21. Things about to get even messier with Diane Abbott saying Boris is "rumoured to like assaulting women" on BBC radio.
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