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Everything posted by btb

  1. The B&W Minstrel show was cancelled in the 70s (just checked 1978) so the lampooning of Lee on the Baddiel/Skinner show shouldn't have happened almost two decades later. It wasn't edgy late Friday night material, just cringeworthy as was much of the show's content.
  2. Yeah but it's still a choice, or would be if I actually believed your boasts.
  3. So what sort of team can Morton put out tonight?
  4. Congrats to Kuss for the stage win and Valverde for sticking one in for us grey/no hairs. Pogacer looked totally in control out there today.
  5. That's the point, according to opinion polls they don't seem to be. The government can't be seen to be too far ahead of public opinion which is why they're changing their message, IMO BJs message of "if not now when?" was woefully inadequate especially when placed against Javid (?) saying cases (in the UK) might well exceed 100k per day.
  6. Faith Healer in all 4 so far.
  7. NEXT Framed Faith Healer Boston Tea Party Delilah
  8. I've always seen this particular argument coming from the right/freedom fighters as insincere and dare I say an example of Lovejoying itself.
  9. Certainly with the amount of people concerned with the latter you'd expect funding of these services to cease being a problem post-pandemic.
  10. btb

    The Watch

    It's an attempt to take the characters from Ankh-Morpocks City Watch and put them into a police procedural in a steampunk setting, the production values are pretty high and I wasn't put off by them but the story was impenetrable and I baled out before the end - won't be watching any more. Oh and it wasn't funny!
  11. I didn't know we were referring to our players by Christian name so I thought Lee was one of Ayr's players - and was calling it a close-season crisis for us!
  12. Two in the final game of the regular season, to help us to a 3-2 win - that's a 9 point swing in those two games.
  13. He made Michelle Pfieffer fly in Ladyhawke...
  14. New series based on the Terry Pratchett erm City Watch subset of Discworld Novels appeared on my recommended watches (sic) on Sky - it has a poor rating om IMDB but I will no doubt have to take a chance at some point but unless any other P&Bers who have seen it say otherwise
  15. Yeah but to repeat myself that's a different argument.
  16. So, Level 0 on July 19 which means stadiums and events – with maximum numbers. I know it's prob'ly somewhere in this thread but what are these maximum numbers?
  17. Yeah but it's not as if the SG is doing/saying nothing as you said in your original post, they've responded by going to Level O within 24 hours and also like I said have gone1% beyond down south! Feel free to change your argument with every post.
  18. Not only that but going to Level 0 on July 19 in line with England - money tree bear?
  19. We see the data it's published every day, one of the problems of the pandemic has been a data overload with most people (and I include myself) way over their heads when trying to interpret it. Having said that we've reached a situation where on one hand the UK government is willing to accept the current mortality rate and on the other, my suspicion is, the money tree is getting bare.
  20. No more Tuesday's bar scheduled reviews as they were to parliament which is now in recess. Next scheduled review is next week. Fairy Nuff - NS has made plenty mistakes during the pandemic I just don't think keeping a low profile is an accusation that can be sustained. As others have mentioned Scotland will have to follow what happens down south although I do expect NS to maintain our policy of being 1% stricter.
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