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Posts posted by nelsjfc

  1. That second goal is an example of why VAR doesn't solve all your issues. It's very difficult to say conclusively if the ball goes forward there (I think its close enough to square to say no) but I don't think its overturned either way.

    Agree about saints tv today, seemed incredibly downbeat. I'm happy enough that for 60 minutes we approached in the right manner and at least looked to play when the opportunity arose. There still issues - neither striker providing an outball or a threat, both full backs being suspect defensively, Considines lack of mobility - but it was better. At least the ideas and mentality were right even if the quality always wasn't.

    Concerns around that last half hour. Squad depth is shocking and made baffling subs again. Feel that Crawford is just coming on to try and justify his signing at this point. Brown for Montgomery had to be made, but why is MoH coming on at wb. Either change the shape or stick him as one of the three. And the reaction to going 2-0 was really poor;threw the towel in.


  2. Been okay. Defended relatively well but disappointing to lose a goal defending a set piece for the third game in a row. 

    Obviously, you really need to score chances like Bairs at ibrox. Been disappointing on the ball the few times we've had in the rangers' half particularly from the guys you'd expect better from like Murphy and Hallberg. Difficult on a day like today without the ball so much though.

  3. Not many choices to make in terms of line up. Assume back line stays the same even with Gordon fit.  Question is to you start Phillips or not and, if so, who for? Be tempted to drop one of Murphy or Carey and go with three in the middle with Bair staying up top. 


    Be nice even to get a decent performance to try and keep some of the more positive feelings from this week going. 

  4. Territoriality, as much as a 45 as I seem to remember saints having in the top flight for a while. 

    Not MacPhersons biggest fan but thought he was harshly dropped after the Ayr game and has been our best player today. 

    Biggest issue we've had is the back three playing into trouble although, to be frank, Motherwell have been rotten. Front three, bar the goal which was a great finish and nice bit of play from Bair, have been a little disappointing too. 

  5. I was actually quite looking forward to going today until I came on here. 😄


    Putting tactics and the eye bleeding football to one side,  the recruitment has been the most depressing aspect of the last 6 months. Wright never really gets the credit he deserves for the last 12-24 months of his tenure when he replaced a successful spine with younger signings while remaining competitive. That laid down the roots (McCart, Rooney, Hendry, Kerr, Gordon, Clark, McCann and Kane all signed young or given debuts) for improvement. Davidsons first windows complimented that and allowed him to play his style/shape (Conway, Bryson and Melamed) but didn't have any forward looking signings. That was fine but focus the summer after the cup win should have been building on the squad quality there and planning for those who were bound to move on. Neither happened but bringing in a full time recruitment staff member at least pointed at some forward thinking. 

    After that appointment failed , either because the signings weren't good enough or Davidson seems desperate to push anyone not signed be him under a bus at the first opportunity, things have descended in to a complete mess. There is mitigating circumstances around January but this summers "policy" has been at best short slighted and at worst disgracefully lazy. Similar to comments I made a few months ago, it's worrying to think of the money being hemorrhaged on these experienced signings. Add to that that only really Hallberg has worked out and its easy to be very nervous about the recent batch. 

    Hendry, Clark, Rooney, and McCart left. No signs of a replacement for the first two after 4 competitive matches. Rooneys been replaced with Wright.  McCarts replacement is so good, we've already had to sign another centre half. And we've still not fixed the central midfield issue. Playing one of our worst ever keepers, Gilmour at right back, relying on an aging Muzz in midfield and down to one fit out and out striker available after signing nearly 30 players in the last 12 months. A disgrace.

  6. Evens - Players let me down, i know who i can and cant trust now
    3/1 - Im having to juggle things due to injuries and fitness issues you get early this season
    4/1 - Penalties are a lottery, we win them we're on 4pts and looking good
    10/1 - Eetu Vertainen 
    10000/1 - I fucked up
    Undoubtedly Gilmour will be the one hung out to dry. Not as bluntly as Vertainen but it will be obvious.
  7. So we've started a season with one fit wing back and one mobile ball playing centre midfielder in a formation that relies on both of them?

    I had a bit of confidence returning when Considine and Wright came as it looked at least we were targeting the right areas. Murphy and Carey, and Max's emergence, allows a return to the front three. I don't even have a problem with the shape with the right players in it. Problem is we've not fixed the issues from last season. Doesn't matter about the rest if you don't have the midfielders to keep the ball and press the opposition nor have wingbacks that can carry a threat. Being an injury away from having Gilmour and Brown as wingbacks is shambolic tbh. And christ knows what we do is Hallberg isn't able to play every minute this season. AND that's before we get to the lack of replacements for Clark and Hendry.

    The club financially can't really be treating the League Cup as friendlies anyway. If Davidson really is, it would be nice to tell the fans paying. Only benefit of these experiments is that they might hasten the exit of Gilmour, Crawford and MoH although I'm not convinced well replace the last two with anything better.

  8. Been fairly unremarkable against a what looks like a decent championship side. Montgomery looked alright as has Crawford who looks a bit comfortable in this shape tbh. Gilmour looks like a midfielder playing RWB, some decent moments but obviously times where he doesn't know where to be. Need another mobile ball player in the middle to play this all season.

    May doesn't suit the 9 role in this shape but that's hardly news.

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