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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Week 33 update Two deaths this week, two from the past. Up first, Australian musical sensation Archie Roach: Archie Roach obituary | Australian music | The Guardian Roach died at 66 so he's worth 59 Base Points for @Arabdownunder with a Solo Shot bonus taking that to 109. ============= Up second, Mexican president Luis Echeverria: Luis Echeverría obituary | Mexico | The Guardian Sounds like a complicated life. He died at 100 so he's worth 25 points to @Arabdownunder with another Solo Shot bonus taking that to 75. ============= Up next this week was Dundee's league winning goalkeeper Pat Liney: Dundee legendary goalkeeper Pat Liney dies aged 86 - BBC Sport The link on Dundee's website is much better: Pat Liney | 1936-2022 - Dundee Football Club - Official Website (dundeefc.co.uk) I'm not going to quote that because it's worth clicking and reading the whole thing, whether you know anything about him or not. I did enjoy this part however: This sounds hilarious and is the sort of thing that should happen more often. Liney died at 86 so he's worth 39 points for @chomp my root with a Solo Shot taking that to 89 points. ============= The final death this week is Australian singing sensation Olivia Newton-John: Dame Olivia Newton-John obituary | Musicals | The Guardian I'll say two things about her. I didn't realise she'd first been diagnosed with cancer 30 years ago. She did well. When I was in primary school, each year the P7 class put on a performance at the end of the year. Somehow, someone watched Grease and came up with the idea of performing songs from that. Every year since I've done the Dead Pool and people have picked her I've been transported back to being 12 years old, in a leather jacket and slicked back hair singing You're The One That I Want. I don't think I've seen the film since then. Newton-John died at 73 so she's worth 52 Base Points for @ayrunitedfw, @Cardinal Richelieu, @djchapsticks, @Enigma, @get_the_subbies_on, @gkneil, @Les Cabbage, @Lex, @lichtgilphead, @Lofarl, @mathematics, @Ned Nederlander, @psv_killie, @Raidernation, @RossBFaeDundee, @Savage Henry, @senorsoupe and @weirdcal. There's also a Vice-Captain bonus for @microdave for 78 points. There's also a Captain's bonus for @jimbaxters for 104 points. After all of this, the standings look like this: 1. Bishop Briggs 586 2. Indale Winton 530 3. chompmyroot 492 4. JustOneCornetto 431 5. Ned Nederlands 423 6. Billy Jean King 382 7. sparky88, weirdcal 372 9. Arch Stanton 358 10. Sweaty Morph 342 11. Savage Henry 338 12. gkneil 323 13. mathematics 321 14. psv_killie 294 15. Moomintroll 293 16. peasy23 259 17. Arbroathlegend36-0 255 18 The Master 244 19. microdave 228 20. The DA 204 21. scottsdad 199 22. jimbaxters 196 23. Desp 188 24. pawpar 187 25. Arabdownunder 184 26. The_Craig 178 27. Raidernation 174 28. Florentine_Pogen 173 29. tamthebam 169 30. thistledo 167 31. Melanius Mullarkey 163 32. senorsoupe, thisal 160 33. Blootoon87 151 34. gingette 150 35. buddiepaul 146 36. lichtgilphead 144 37. cdhafc1874 130 38. Lofarl 127 39. pub car king 122 40. nessies long lost ghost, The Naitch 113 42. Miguel Sanchez 105 43. Bully Wee Villa 104 44. sleazy 92 45. scorge 85 46. ayrunitedfw, Les Cabbage 82 48. Mark Connolly 75 49. The Hologram 73 50. ThomCat 69 51. Hamish's Passenger 61 52. Fuctifano, Willie adie 57 54. Cardinal Richelieu, djchapsticks, Enigma, get_the_subbies_on, Lex, RossBFaeDundee 52 60. Ray Patterson 47 61. Bert Raccoon, speckled tangerine, statts1976uk 39 64. cambozpar, Karpaty Lviv 30 66. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mup1IJllKHs0a47J8G6IXUkvShJrV28Iuc-Kkn7RKuo/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Very interesting to see oaksoft leap to the defence of someone who was waving their dick around uninvited, given his previous outraged defence of women being the subject of uninvited sexual advances.
  3. Love these. As shit as they are can usually see some kind of resemblance to someone. Have absolutely no idea with this one. Eugene Thundercunt and Tyson Fury
  4. I've only ever heard of Jerry Sadowitz on here. He sounds absolutely awful.
  5. I'm not surprised if people are phoning 999 for a broken arm.
  6. Series 12 Episode 3: James is being taught how to drive a rally car by Mika Hakkinen while Batcat by Mogwai plays in the background A dream afternoon, really. In contrast, Mark Wahlberg is on and Jeremy is asking him why he didn't pump Olga Kurylenko in Max Payne. He really is a creepy man, I'm sure when Rupert Grint was on he spent the whole time asking what kissing Emma Watson was like.
  7. So it's not unusual to put the food in your mouth using your dominant hand then. Now I know how oaksoft felt when you wouldn't tell him how much train drivers get paid.
  8. And to eat the cut up pieces your nurse has left you, would you use your dominant hand for the fork? Yes, since it was the only bit of cutlery I was using.
  9. Would you use your dominant hand for the fork there if there isn't a knife?... I wouldn't need a knife because in this case any big bits of food have presumably been cut up beforehand by a kindly woman - mother, wife, nurse administering palliative care
  10. Football's psychology evolution is gathering pace despite 'culture of conservatism' - BBC Sport Not sure where I should be posting this. Perhaps that thread pondering when the next non Old Firm title winner will be. I'd love to see Scottish football clubs introducing brain scans of their players.
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