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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I solved today's Redactle (#148) in 50 guesses with an accuracy of 72.00%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/ Two straight days of nerd shit. I shouldn't have come back.
  2. You usually cook the toppings as well as the base.
  3. I actually had a bit of a go at him, which is very much out of character. Worth it when everyone applauded though.
  4. He fixed the security certificate I solved today's Redactle (#147) in 66 guesses with an accuracy of 69.70%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/
  5. If I was in charge I would've sacked him for not leathering Klopp after he put his arm round him.
  6. Is there a reason your latest desperate cries for attention are involving putting me down?
  7. I still can't tag him. Has something happened @Bully Wee Villa @Cardinal Richelieu?
  8. Series 13 Episode 7: I have a theory As I noted earlier in the thread, despite watching all of these episodes repeatedly on Dave over the years, it appears I misplaced the point in history where I thought this programme became stupid and scripted to the point of unwatchable. It wasn't from this point onwards as I thought, it was series 6 or 7 when they changed the titles, brought on Hammond's dog and went caravanning. Maybe I was young and stupid at the time, maybe they were good actors, I don't know. I watched several series after this one in the hope that it would go back to what I loved so much in my adolescence but it just didn't. There were good features - the Lancia bit, the Saab bit, the Senna bit, all of the big specials - but then you had stuff like their electric car or the mobility scooter thing Jeremy made and I felt like I was living in a parallel universe with how popular it was. The point I definitely, definitely stopped watching was when Jesse from Breaking Bad was the guest. He was somehow even more obnoxious than that programme, which takes some doing. As I've also noted earlier in the thread, watching this back now it's hard to reconcile ever having liked it in the first place, or it ever being as popular as it was. I'm not one for the highly polarised trial by social superiority you're prone to getting nowadays but the things Jeremy Clarkson said and did on Top Gear up until this point (2010) are heinous. It feels extremely disingenuous too, with him constantly calling it "this pokey motoring show" when he's being paid millions or his constant snide complaints about the Labour government of the time. Couple this with his/their fervent anti-intellectualism and their typical reaction to the environment or sustainability, and you think if there's any civilisation left on earth in a hundred years that this sort of thing will be read about in history lessons the same way that... you know, that Roman guy did something while letting the Empire collapse (I am not a qualified historian). I remember watching Hammond drive the Zonda F and deciding that when I grew up I wanted to be a Top Gear presenter. Maybe if things in my life had been different I might have maintained the interest I had in cars in my adolescence into something else but from where I am now I'm mainly just wondering how I ever managed to have such an enthusiasm in the first place. There's no denying that a pure love of motoring goes into just about everything in Top Gear but watching it back now there's too much else which just falls flat for me to share in that any more. Now, that theory. I hold that this is the point where the programme changed for the worst. Here is a video of the ending of this episode: Jeremy drives a V12 Vantage and opines that he feels like he's driving "an ending." That because of things like the environment and the economy, cars like that Vantage won't be made any more. We'll ignore the picture of the 458 that was in development at the time that they showed on The News. As he drives through wherever it is and that music plays the camera cuts to pictures of things like the Veyron, a green Lamborghini, the 1966 Le Mans finish, while a pretty cool in-car shot of the outside changing around the car happens and he sounds glum and ironically a lot less erudite than he can be. He looks at the camera and says "good night" and that's that. This is when Top Gear finished. Jeremy Clarkson crashed that car and died. They didn't finish on a bombshell, they just ended. The show changed for the worst, everything Jeremy said about the state of the world came round again a few years later but with enough wealth inequality that cars have just got more expensive and more ludicrous. He was replaced by a body double, like Elvis or Paul McCartney. I'm sad that something I had such fond memories of from my teenage years has aged so poorly. I'm sad that my love of cars didn't last into my twenties and has only recently started to come back around at a time when the world basically stopped. I'm sad that something so stupid was ever so popular. I'm sad that nobody else has ever agreed with my theory about this video. Good night.
  9. Series 13: I have heard at least five different songs from West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum by Kasabian during these seven episodes.
  10. Week 35 update One death this week, the golfer Tom Weiskopf: Tom Weiskopf: Former Open champion dies aged 79 - BBC Sport Weiskopf died at 79, so he's worth 46 Base Points for @Arabdownunder, Bishop Briggs (who I can't tag???), @Fuctifano and @Indale Winton. As a result, the standings look like this: 1. Bishop Briggs 632 2. Indale Winton 576 3. Ned Nederlander 496 4. chompmyroot 492 5. sparky88 445 6. JustOneCornetto 431 7. Billy Jean King 382 8. weirdcal 372 9. Arch Stanton 358 10. Sweaty Morph 342 11. Savage Henry 338 12. gkneil 323 13. mathematics 321 14. psv_killie 294 15. Moomintroll 293 16. peasy23 259 17. Arbroathlegend36-0 255 18 The Master 244 19. Arabdownunder 230 20. microdave 228 21. The DA 204 22. scottsdad 199 23. jimbaxters 196 24. Desp 188 25. pawpar 187 26. The_Craig 178 27. Raidernation 174 28. Florentine_Pogen 173 29. tamthebam 169 30. thistledo 167 31. Melanius Mullarkey 163 32. senorsoupe, thisal 160 34. Blootoon87 151 35. gingette 150 36. Aim Here, buddiepaul 146 38. lichtgilphead 144 39. cdhafc1874 130 40. Lofarl 127 41. pub car king 122 42. nessies long lost ghost, The Naitch 113 44. speckled tangerine 112 45. Miguel Sanchez 105 46. Bully Wee Villa 104 47. Fuctifano 103 48. sleazy 92 49. scorge 85 50. ayrunitedfw, Les Cabbage 82 52. Mark Connolly 75 53. The Hologram 73 54. ThomCat 69 55. Hamish's Passenger 61 56. Willie adie 57 57. Cardinal Richelieu, djchapsticks, Enigma, get_the_subbies_on, Lex, RossBFaeDundee 52 63. Ray Patterson 47 64. Bert Raccoon, statts1976uk 39 66. cambozpar, Karpaty Lviv 30 68. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mup1IJllKHs0a47J8G6IXUkvShJrV28Iuc-Kkn7RKuo/edit?usp=sharing
  11. I got an email on Thursday to say my ticket was due to be sent out and I mildly opined that I didn't really feel like it Maybe this is one for the coincidence thread
  12. Series 13 Episode 6: Them at a car auction is genuinely hilarious
  13. If Asim and jupe have been banned at the expense of people who joined P&B to only post in the politics forum and whine about posting in the politics forum then it's an absolute disgrace tbh.
  14. because look we're giving our kid a stupid name but that's not enough it needs to be spelled in a redundant way to make it look more *~* unique *~* We should be like one of those Nordic countries that has a list of pre approved names the government makes you choose from
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