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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. There's always a solo with an instrument that can't carry a solo.
  2. Very strong "I like the playstation do you like the playstation" vibes from this entire concept
  3. There's a lot to be said for art reflecting the society which births it. Europe appears to be having a sad, minus the bits that are on high quality psychedelics.
  4. I know you're more into Eurovision than I am but to my mind there are a good half dozen of these songs every year.
  5. The sort of thing I think is great but usually ends up with 28 points.
  6. The most memorable bit of this performance - mainly because I'm subconsciously trying to block out all the homoeroticism - is the boys on the side holding themselves up on those bars on the walls. Song's shite and he's one of the most annoying looking people ever.
  7. A forensically bald man here. Remarkable.
  8. Easily best and most arousing performance so far.
  9. Ireland targeting the tiktok vote, smart.
  10. The sort of mental entry everyone says they love but ends up with 15 points.
  11. Now we're getting somewhere.
  12. Germany and Lithuania the not particularly high highlights so far.
  13. Pick one hand to put the mic in mate.
  14. Bit ironic the intro is all about how great Sweden are at pop music then they enter the most ironically titled song possible.
  15. Why are Israel here anyway, they aren't European.
  16. Fired the sound guy too.
  17. Celtic pub next door currently blasting out Roll With It with mass accompaniment. I think I found the IRA songs earlier less offensive.
  18. I don't know who he thinks he's trying to fool.
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