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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. My condolences. There's no way I was ever following this given some of the vitriol you get from people on the internet with a particular viewpoint on this but from what I've read this morning, it's just been a complete shambles. If you're in the UK, NHL TV remains the best way to watch the NHL. £86 for a full season of streaming every game, regular season and playoffs, whenever you want it. They seem to make accessing coverage of games as hard as possible wherever you are, but we seem to get a really good deal.
  2. I think it's only happened to me a couple of times but that ocular migraine thing would usually happen if I hadn't had much sleep. I think it was Dee Man posting about it which clued me in to what it was. Sitting with my eyes shut for 10-15 minutes usually fixed it.
  3. Kim was a homewrecker who got between JD and Elliot then tried to trap him with a baby. Steer well clear.
  4. OJ Simpson's gone. Riding his final white bronco into the sunset.
  5. I would have said fandom of teams is much more of a thing now than it's been since ~2000 since I started watching. I think Liberty have really pushed the branding and merchandising as part of the growth in popularity, so I don't know if that's actually the case or it just seems like it to me because I see people online paying ludicrous amounts for shiny tshirts covered in Brands.
  6. What age is he here? I think I've only ever seen him in Scrubs and the dark hair is very unsettling.
  7. I've been without internet for the past few days, so it's a good thing I have The X-Files on DVD. But I have some catching up to do. The Oompa Loompa from the Willy Wonka remake is in The X-Files: Bob Kelso from Scrubs is in The X-Files: The President's bodyguard (or whoever he is) from Independence Day is in The X-Files: (He also is responsible for #gamergate, apparently)
  8. Week 14 update It's been such a busy week that I forgot about this completely.
  9. Boy you hate to see someone unsuspecting getting lured into responding to Ric. Better luck next time chief.
  10. I wasn't listening, were they actually talking about the hate crime bill? Did anyone wonder why this was a necessary topic of discussion for a football programme?
  11. If you're not cheating you're not trying.
  12. Our elected officials being horny online is the most relatable thing I've seen from one of them in a while.
  13. Didn't I read somewhere that Newton Heath were back? In fact I'm pretty sure I've read that multiple times this season.
  14. Also "Britain" apparently isn't Great and doesn't include the North Irish. Someone tell them. Unlucky lads.
  15. I did not know this and it seems a bit tinpot to me. Not that I want VAR to exist or proliferate its way through the game any more than it already has, but only having twelve screens for this with one effectively touring the country each season seems cheap.
  16. Oh! Not even in the opening titles, Danny Trejo! (I realise this could be from literally anything he's ever been in, just take my word for it)
  17. Miles Dyson from Terminator 2 is in The X-Files: (Special Guest Star billing, not just Also Starring) Also Starring in this episode is Dr. Miller from Scrubs:
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