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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Week 11 update One death this week, Irish journalist Charlie Bird: Charlie Bird: Former RTÉ journalist and broadcaster dies aged 74 - BBC News I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about Ireland or Irish journalism (certainly not as much as the people picking him presumably do) but based on this BBC obituary, he sounds like a credit to his profession. There have been a few motor neuron disease picks in the Dead Pool over the years and it never gets any easier reading about what happens to people suffering from it. Nobody deserves that. Bird died at 74 so he's worth 51 Base Points for @Aim Here, @Arbroathlegend36-0, @Darren, @El Guapo and @mathematics. @Billy Jean King gets a Vice-Captain bonus for 77 points. @Forest_Fifer gets a Captain bonus for 102 points. After that, the standings look like this: 1. mozam76 402 2. Billy Jean King 380 3. lolls 316 4. psv_killie, sparky88 291 6. Indale Winton 284 7. Ned Nederlander 282 8. lichtgilphead 279 9. Moomintroll 263 10. The_Craig 254 11. pub car king 238 12. The DA 228 13. JustOneCornetto 225 14. Forest_Fifer 215 15. Arch Stanton 207 16. cdhafc1874 204 17. Oystercatcher 198 18. weirdcal 191 19. Melanius Mullarkant 176 20. amnarab, The Naitch 169 22. El Guapo, mathematics 164 24. Salvo Montalbano 163 25. alta-pete 156 26. blackislekillie, Bully Wee Villa, choirbairn, Desp, peasy23 150 31. tamthebam 144 32. Savage Henry 134 33. Arbroathlegend36-0 126 34. parxyz 125 35. Arabdownunder 117 36. buddiepaul, chomp my root, scottsdad, Trogdor, TxRover 113 41. sleazy, Sweaty Morph 100 43. Craig fae the Vale 95 44. ThomCat 94 45. pawpar 90 46. invergowrie arab, Karpaty Lviv, Ray Patterson 78 49. DG.Roma, Lofarl, Mark Connolly, qos_75, sensorsoupe, Sergeant Wilson, Shotgun 75 56. D Angelo Barksdale 71 57. Raidernation 60 58. Florentine_Pogen 58 59. Aim Here, Darren 51 61. stanton 25 62. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CsroU6IlQNJOesOqCc5gsI7SCw8ywBS-PUzQwLTJe4g/edit?usp=sharing
  2. I'm going to save everyone the trouble of this back and forth with both sides daring the other to ask the question they're taking too much pleasure in not asking. Alright, what would you do?
  3. Hope you stuck a tenner on this.
  4. Having a look at the related tweets to the above... Is this the level of patter we can manage? Is this what's running the country?
  5. Remember, the V in VAR stands for virgin.
  6. My favourite part of this is how the Steam version - of what is two PS2 games with some slightly shinier cutscenes - is 62GB. For younger viewers, PS2 games came on DVDs which have a maximum capacity of 7GB.
  7. I don't really consume punditry/analysis/podcasts/whatever about sports. When I watch the games on NHL TV I skip past all the intermissions. I see some bits occasionally and most of the ex-pros Altitude uses are great, but I saw an extended amount of Yan Stastny the other night and he genuinely looked and sounded like he'd been plucked out of the crowd about five minutes before. The only former player on the DNVR stuff I know of is Eric Lacroix. He wasn't a goalie. He was on Altitude briefly and seemed half decent.
  8. No I'm pretty sure this is more word salad than the original in this thread, which is I suppose impressive if not excellent.
  9. Good exchange here. I'm beginning to be of the Dead Internet theory that I am the only real person online and everything else is a bot.
  10. That Spanish away top might be the worst of the lot. Which is saying something considering the German away.
  11. ANYWAY Would you believe I doubted them while watching this game?
  12. Byram apparently wanted a trade so he could be on a team where he plays a bigger role. Considering Toews and Makar are going to be the top pairing for the next five years at least, that's fair enough. I saw a clip of a Sabres powerplay where Byram carried the puck into the zone and was trying to tell his teammates to move around and actually do things, so he might have bitten off more than he can chew. For various reasons, Byram's Avalanche career always felt like you were just waiting and willing him to do more. Injuries cost him a lot in his early years, and they were concussions so when he came back you cringed every time he had contact. He also started on the team when the schedule was disrupted because of Covid so where was never really a sense of normality in his playing time. It was obvious that he was a total baller and the best sort of sportsperson - the one who's at their best when they're allowed to do whatever they want. He's not going to get the time to do that on a team with Makar on it, so there was always a sense he was never going to properly fulfil that potential. That said, I don't think player usage here helped. Makar is the only D on the first powerplay unit. The second unit had Toews, Girard and Byram on it. The first unit basically stays out for the full two minutes. If Makar wasn't playing then Toews would take his place on the top unit. It's always going to be difficult to break into a defensive group as deep as ours, but there were definitely times when Byram could and should have played more. Mittelstadt is a player in a position we needed. He's looked alright.
  13. Forgive me if I'm missing the point but it's not fucking blue.
  14. I could be miles off here and I'm only basing this off of what e-girls streamers I've seen in brief glimpses, but I'm pretty sure chair models are the same across companies, just with different colours/logos on them. I've definitely seen people using ~my~ chair but with a different logo on it and in different colours than what's available on GT Omega's website. I think it was @Lofarl who bought something that cost two grand, we're better off asking him.
  15. Thread here I bought this The seat is very shallow. Sitting completely upright there's about an inch between the edge of the seat and the back of my knees. The seat itself is also constructed a bit awkwardly. There are really tight elastic straps across the bottom, and after.. a time (I don't remember how long exactly but not that long) they cut into the foam, so sitting on the chair causes the straps to dig in and the seat gets flatter. I've got a bit of carpet wedged between them and it's okay, but it's a £200 chair it should have carpet shoved in it. The design is also very awkward to clean and gathers crumbs/dust/hair like a magnet. Still, that's only one example. I'd agree with others saying "gaming" chairs seems like a bit of a con.
  16. Very strong LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE vibes here from the country's most popular newspaper.
  17. Is nobody going to mention the username of the bear quoted here?
  18. Are you suggesting his hair is in any way illegitimate?
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