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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Kenco. Drink our coffee and bring your perfectly multicultural neighbourhood together to restore a football pitch that's definitely not getting trashed by neds five minutes after you all go home.
  2. Samsung flip phone. We know smartphones are destroying civilisation, you don't need to play it up to sell us new ones.
  3. Marital problems? Go to Tesco and get stuff for a barbecue.
  4. You can be employed in being filmed while someone's checking your prostate.
  5. Are we lumping Star Wars fans in with the LOL now too?
  6. If Norris was asking for softs and they said no knowing there would be fewer than 20 laps left after a safety car...
  7. For all of the terrible Americanisation that's happened to F1 over the past five years, whoever decided to make pre-race national anthems as ridiculous as possible deserves a raise.
  8. Week 27 update Two deaths to note this week. I don't know if I mentioned it then deleted it by accident last week but American weatherman Frank Field has died. He was a Solo Shot for @Curmudgeon but the only UK mentions a week after his death are from Yahoo and.... Hello Magazine. I don't know either. Our second death this week is accupuncturist Mutulu Shakur, who died a few days ago. He was a Solo Shot for @Priti priti priti Patel but the only mentions of him from UK sources in the past year are from Yahoo and, ahem, UNILAD, mentioning him being released from prison last December. So, two deaths. No points. It's the risk you take going for the obscure punters.
  9. You lot do nothing but fucking moan. They talk about this team too much! They talk about this driver too much! What the f**k do you want?
  10. I am finally consuming Kasabian with Sergio doing the singing and frontmanning. Not for me Clive.
  11. Not a top, but worth sharing: LFC Nike 23/24 Reversible Sports Vest (liverpoolfc.com)
  12. Load of shite imo. A never ending list of reasons why George Osborne is an arsehole and I couldn't get over how irritating the person writing it was.
  13. You are the only Montrose fan I've seen on the forum.
  14. New PTTGOMN: None of it's being shown at all so I've been listening to Edith Bowman for half an hour for no reason. Fair fucks.
  15. 75 minutes into BBC Alba/Scotland's coverage of TRNSMT and there has been literally no mention of the headline act on the main stage.
  16. Channel 4's coverage is generally much better, I recommend everyone watches that instead.
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