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Posts posted by ecto

  1. 9 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    Spalding is my biggest surprise. Thought he was brought as a squad player but probably deserves a starting spot for his displays. Very pleasantly surprised 

    Absolutely this on Spalding, was our best player today, not called Scott Stewart, his game should come on playing with Flynn 

  2. 11 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Dicks ego probably just got in the road - couldn’t have the fans singing his name and then playing him


    Reeked of Craig Levien telling Jordan Rhodes to sit back down after the fans cheered the pictures of him on the screen ready to come on for Scotland 

    Dicks problem with Bobby was, no matter how much success Dick brought to the club, Bobby would always be more popular with us

  3. 18 minutes ago, mo83 said:


    And when are you "Bringing him home"

    Let's face facts here you would have had to pay the former manager some sort of package not sure how much and don't really care that's a bill the board of directors wouldn't have really wanted to part with.SP has just signed a new deal just last week as well how ironic 😉 till the summer of 2027 no way their splashing the cash to get him in no way in a million years SP loves the Mo.

    Insecure....ha ha a think that's you mate! Your not a championship club anymore L1 and bottom of the pile at present let that sink in!Don't get me wrong am sure that will change and you will get further up the league but AFC behind the scenes is not all as rosey as it was a few years ago every true fan knows that.


    My work here is done


    16 minutes ago, mo83 said:

    Why aren't AFC approaching Montrose then if it's that simple?

    as I said, my work here is done


  4. 1 hour ago, mo83 said:

    You couldn't afford SP and his team right now it's as plain and simple as that.

    How do know this?

    1 hour ago, mo83 said:

    Ray Mckinnon has had plenty of clubs to be fair to him but hasn't really done anything that stands out that I can remember from his Dundee Utd days.

    David Gold don't know much about his background he has the Gold and Gray academy set up which is meant to be good so my nephew tells me he has been to plenty's of the camps over the summer and other times.

    Teaching kids to going into a proper football environment is completely different though,not saying he won't do good but it would be a huge gamble if you ask me.He could bring in an older head I suppose and lean on someone like that for his first job if he was to get it but if it was just to be him and Hamilton I reckon it could end up a disaster....in my opinion.

    Och away and behave yourself, your interest in this is plain to see, and this dude 👇👇, has for once (sorry) got this absolutely spot on, you are terrified Petrie decides “you know what I’ve taken Montrose as far as I can” and to be fair, he probably has, also he owes them nothing, 

    I lived in Montrose for pretty much 20 years, my interest in Montrose FC was minimal, your interest in us is just bizarre

    30 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    And that's the truth behind all this McKinnon touting.  You're scared.  You know that Petrie has made Montrose a better club, and you also know that he started out at Arbroath.  When its time for him to come home, we're bigger and better funded than Montrose, and we'll just bring him home.  And you know this.  Its why you're so insecure.


  5. 4 hours ago, JoseMarooniho said:

    I’d agree he can’t be the only one. What is it about Young you don’t fancy though? 

    Pretty much as @1320Lichtiehas said, would like us to be a bit more ambitious, no just the same names that always get quoted 

    3 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Had a mixed bag - couple of relegations - couple of title wins 


    Winning 2 league titles, especially the one with that Albion Rovers team is really pretty impressive given his age. You’d have to imagine he built up a real team spirit and signed reasonably well on what would’ve been much smaller budgets 


    I am not against the guy at all. I’m not really absolutely set on anyone either. It’s going to be a case of just the club meeting the guy, seeing what contacts he’s got, seeing what he’s like as a character and what his plans are for us as a club. 

    Wouldn’t get too caught up on styles of play etc I feel like McIntyre sold us a lemon with that and obviously the club too. 

    I could imagine him being the kind of guy to pull out a full power point presentation.  


  6. 2 hours ago, lichtie23 said:

    Young and Kevin Thomson are the only viable candidates I can think of. Can’t see Ian Murray being interested. 

    We’re no getting anyone, who already works full time in football, think Thomson does, so Young cannot be the only viable candidate, surely to f**k

  7. 32 minutes ago, LeodhasXD said:

    Don't know if it's a sideways move but Michael Tidser's Kelty play some excellent football when they are on it and I do feel they are at the peak of their powers doing well in League 1. There's not an awful lot of scope to improve. Be interesting to see if he was given a bigger team if he could replicate it elsewhere.

    Ignoring any feasibility I'd pick him to replace Andy Graham if he was to leave tomorrow. Don't know if I've ever seen him linked with bigger moves just yet.

    No a bad shout to be fair, but think the thinking will depend on results with the caretaker duo, if results pick up, can see them being offered the gig, never know Gold and Hamilton, might be a managerial powerhouse in the making

  8. 8 minutes ago, tomato soup said:

    My thinking is thus. The Campbells ran more than just the team on the pitch. The club as a whole has been scrabbling since they left and the holes are very much exposed. There was much resting on laurels that we were now a 'big club' and a feeling of 'we will be alright' to the point of arrogance.

    We are not alright. We are a mess on the pitch, the Boardroom sounds shaky, and on the terraces the youngsters have vanished.

    Yes, we have some nice infrastructure but the eye has been taken off the ball, becoming involved with women's teams, community events etc and less focus on football from the men's first (and only) team. That balance needs to be restored, and quickly.

    Hard to argue with much of this

  9. 14 minutes ago, Smokerson said:

    It was a Terrible appointment and he should not have been given the summer, a big waste of time and money.

    The criticism of Callaghan seems over the top, he’s not started the season that well but neither has anyone realy. 

    You are probably right about the criticism of Callaghan, he’s been placed in this position, by an incompetent manager, no way did Callaghan came here expecting to be the “main man”, never been that, ever in his career

  10. 25 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

    Yes I did in fact.  I can understand certain Arbroath fans not wanting to be reminded that we told them so. 

    If you no got a result of your own to celebrate, always thought this obsession with a manager from yonks ago, was a wee bit petty, but each to their own, I suppose, so maybe now, you could kindly f**k off to your own forum and leave us to our misery

  11. 43 minutes ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    The main reason Callaghan has been playing so much is probably down to the fact Gold and Slater have had injuries.

    I do see him as a squad player but we desperately need a better option in the middle to start ahead of Callaghan and Slater.

    Easy there Tiger, love Goldie to bits club legend,can play anywhere, but  he isn’t what’s required in CM, we require a b*****d of a ball winner and someone who can pass the ball forward 

    46 minutes ago, Hammerafc said:

    I would have Scott Stewart in CM at the moment the current options.


    also need to move Slater and Stowe on

  12. 5 minutes ago, SimonLichtie said:

    That's twice I've been on the train home from a game in the past year having just gone over the tipping point in terms of the manager needing to leave, and it then happening within the hour :lol: Once again I agree with the timing of the departure - if we'd huffed and puffed and it'd been 0-0 it'd be unacceptable but there could be justification with the defence yet again being really solid. However, that is not what happened....

    The incredible thing is we were fairly good for the first hour of today and looked the more likely to score but again struggled to create,  then we absolutely fell apart. The 10 minute spell in which we lost 3 goals was a f**king disgrace, and we were lucky there wasn't another couple added in the final stages of the game. A monumental collapse all over the park from a position of relative comfort. Unbelievably bad.

    We're left with, in my opinion, a more than capable squad for the top 4 at this level with 33 games of a 36 game season to go, so ultimately as I've been saying for months, it's not a situation which worries me at all. We're a central midfielder or two away from from having a really good starting 11. Jim McIntyre's built a pretty good squad, he's just been incapable of managing them. He's obviously not a proper shite manager having succeeded at multiple teams higher up the pyramid than us, but at Arbroath he's just got things totally wrong tactically. I have absolutely no idea why our entire game today was to play through Liam Callaghan after last week's struggles.

    There's really not a huge amount out there managerial wise currently, and no obvious name at all. However, as long as we appoint someone who just isn't a total diddy they must, surely, be able to get a tune out of the squad we have.....

    Hopefully still time to move a couple out and a couple midfielders in

  13. 27 minutes ago, lichtiemike said:

    Hopefully now Jim’s away, the Dundee fans will f**k off too. 


    26 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

    I hate to say I told you so bit I did tell you so.  I forget who the two posters on here that were vehemently supporting McIntyre and proclaiming how wrong I was.  

    Did you no read the post before yours

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