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Everything posted by ecto

  1. We were almost inline with this alleged offside, it was a terrible decision
  2. Think Ricky’s 2nd booking was caused by, him seething over the 1st
  3. and the people who are attempting to justify it
  4. On reflection, there’s probably some sort of drop off in midweek games, but I think, for me, the issue is, the absolute nonsense reason, for the change
  5. Am on you’re side here, I also think it’s ridiculous, and yes it was obvious
  6. To try and defend the moving of the game next month, is just as bad as the game being moved A kick about this game
  7. We seen it from directly opposite, looks like they were pals at the end
  8. Thought the two in centre mid were neat and tidy, but not a forward pass between them
  9. Would suggest they’re will be teams every week, not filling their bench, by choice
  10. Better team won Got segregation right Ref was atrocious
  11. Was surprised Broadfoot wasn’t booked for his petulant reaction
  12. Wouldn’t mind him, tbf, might be a better option than Mulgrew
  13. Who says you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks, the coming for crosses is a relatively new thing, he also now run’s and comes out of his 6 yard box
  14. Thought he had the beating of the full back
  15. Could have given them the corner, don’t think it would have increased the number that came, can’t imagine they’re will be any other team will bring less than 146
  16. It was also just about the only forward pass he made all game
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