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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Surely Jacobs is up there, utterly, utterly dire
  2. He couldn’t have been any worse on the stream, than he was live, surely
  3. This we can agree on, has blown from the harbour end, a lot more this year
  4. rarely picks up a man, reacts slowly to any situation, for someone of his height, rarely wins a header, or a tackle for that matter, absolute bombscare in defence
  5. Less bad than usual Absolutely not Awful 1st half, less awful 2nd
  6. Bitsindou was slightly less awful in the 2nd half, was like a man short in the 1st, absolute waste of a wage, but not the only one in the squad, unfortunately
  7. I heard he had been offered another year, but as he went off last night, looked a bit like a farewell
  8. I canna believe that Cove or Hamilton were worse than we were at times this season
  9. Just been to the BellRock chipper, couldn’t see Gayfield for fog
  10. McKenna completely wasted that far back, he needs to be further forward
  11. It actually looks like, the defeat against Cove has completely knocked the stuffing out of the team
  12. The only things we have going for us, are Morton still with something to play for and our points on the board
  13. Tbf, considering the money we have allegedly thrown at Allan, would have been better, shredding the money, then setting fire to it, at least you would have gotten a heat from it, wrong player for this season, if a mutual parting of the way, can be negotiated, good luck to him
  14. Had exactly the same thought today, about all three teams finishing on 33pts
  15. 100% this, also how often the wave that soaked Bobby Linn, gets brought up, when in reality, the wind rarely blows in off the sea
  16. Have to say, I thought it finished a bit sharp, maybe the ref thought, this pair are not going to score, so I’ll just blow
  17. Needs must am afraid, no many teams, play themselves out of trouble, survival is what it’s all about
  18. This system we now play appears to make us more solid, so it’s in until the season’s end
  19. Absolutely, few weeks ago, I thought we were done
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