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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Absolute bombscare at CB, has no idea what he's doing at cm, no sure, what that makes him better at
  2. Fair enough, but not on Bitsindou, seen nothing to persuade me otherwise
  3. Beginning to think he’s on loan at us to see if he’s good enough for the prem, when most of the time, he barely looks good enough for the championship, oh, he’s a shadow of what wee Hammy was last season
  4. If there behind the paywall, will just wait for the goals on YouTube
  5. Don’t rate Bitsindou, at all, but if he played well yesterday, fair doos, but Ricky comes back in, when available
  6. ecto

    Week 17

    The Jets after a decent start, are now the same old Jets
  7. Worse thing is, we look stuck with Allan’s contract, cannot see a place for him in the team
  8. You, like me have no clue what the actual truth is so let’s be honest here our midfield is a barren, creative wasteland and Low would have helped
  9. Low could have huffed and not came back to pre season, if he was that determined to force a move
  10. I think Low was after more money, came back after board didn’t bite, then club signed Allan, on his alleged wages, Low huffed, so speculate we will
  11. It’s a game of opinions, always has been
  12. Tbh, what we are paying Allan, allegedly, you could have given all of them a pay rise and it would have been cheaper but came back, could’ve walked out in the summer, but didn’t Bitsindou is a dreadful player, not near good enough Am no convinced the Allan transfer had nothing to do with it, think it nudged Low over the edge also, just don’t see where Allan fits in
  13. With hindsight, which is all we have, we would have been cheaper giving Low a pay rise, than signing Allan
  14. Sell him to who?, we are speaking about lower league SPFL There are players all over the world playing for teams, who are β€œ not with us”, and they make it work, I would take him over Allan or Hoti or Tait, any day
  15. Agree 100%, just can’t see a place for him yes, he is all of that, but we are a better side, with him in it
  16. 1-0 to us, thread will turn into a shitshow, as per usual, long before kick off
  17. It is, so am no going to bother Dee are not keeping up, we were getting ripped off at Tannadice 3 yrs ago
  18. Can send Bitsindou back to Livvy as well, doesn't move forward, when he tracks back, he never marks anyone, absolute bombscare at CH
  19. They hoped for the old Russ, what they have got, is an old Russ, looks done
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