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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Och, away man, they’re was barely a breath of wind
  2. It’s going to the final game, isn’t it
  3. He runs along side the play, instead of getting into the box, it’s infuriating
  4. To be fair, a couple more lucky one nils, might just keep us up
  5. Thought the ref bottled that, should have been two yellows
  6. Have to say, was not a fan of the drum, but am warming to it i just can’t believe, as appalling as we have been at times this season, we could still stay up
  7. When you score as few as us, you have to stop the opponent scoring
  8. Good luck with 5, let’s hope the opposition only attack with 4
  9. Problem with our midfield is, it doesn’t get forward quickly enough to support the lone forward, when they do get forward, it doesn’t get back quickly enough to defend, leaving the defence exposed, also when we are defending, the midfield sits so deep, we struggle to get out
  10. The fat lady isn't quite singing if Hamilton win on Tuesday, but she might begin breaking out the manuka honey
  11. Whoever plays the sitter role, has to be a decent defender, that rules out Bitsindou, either Hetherington or Goldie for me in there, agree with McKenna and Balde
  12. Did we no, kick off, think Raith chose to play into the wind, or am I Havering
  13. Straight out of left field, a right back
  14. Then we differ, it has absolutely no creativity, it’s dreadful
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