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Everything posted by ecto

  1. This madness has to end and this cup needs to be put out of it's misery
  2. Never been a fortress, but we do play better away from home, appears to me
  3. 4th a minimum, hope for winning it, would be happy with being close to the winners and up through play-offs
  4. Am with you, back in the day we did have one of the best playing surfaces in Scotland, being played on every week, as the reserves played on it on a Saturday afternoon when the 1st team played away, fixtures were reversed in these days
  5. This just makes sense, also sees who has it and who has not
  6. Remember watching it live, the look on the batsman face is wtf!!
  7. I also like Vaughn, find Tuffers hard work, comments on Broad were, I thought a bit harsh, but he and Anderson can't go on forever, not sure if the next group are up to much
  8. Old Sergio I had completely forgotten about him, in fact I have erased from memory everything from when Lumsden was manager
  9. What and lose the best CB in the league, you are insane
  10. I was not the previous chairman's biggest fan, but most of the current board including the present chairman, were also part of the board when Christison was chairman, so it is easy to look at the present, where everything appears to be rosie and dismiss the rest
  11. Aye, that's right, you do realise how pathetic you sound?, you don't, ffs
  12. Optimistic, heard he will not start training until the end of August at the earliest On Hill I remember seeing his debut at Gayfield for Forfar and he looked done, is John Ritchie away and Darren doing a bit of coaching?
  13. This is normally true, but not in this occasion, I could give classes in perfect parenting [emoji6]
  14. Not sure that's right, seem to remember Paul Laurie putting it in his car and driving home with it after he won at Carnoustie,the Wimbledon trophies don't leave the All England club, seem to remember Andy Murray saying he took the trophy into the locker room, went for an ice bath, got photo taken with and it was the last he seen of the big trophy, but they do get a smaller replica to keep
  15. Enjoy them at that age, mine are all adults, a**eholes, one and all
  16. Whether it thrived, survived or died, makes no difference to me at all
  17. Peem Cant, Eric Sellers, Cammy Murray, John Fletcher, Billy Pirie, Tommy Yule or Tam Cargill, for our younger viewers ask yer da or granda
  18. There is no doubt, McCord is a player, but surely next season your aim is to stay up, so whether McCord is the type if player you require, am not so sure
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