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Posts posted by ecto

  1. BBC Daily Politics are admitting the momentum is with Yes. That's from your London based journalists

    If you are suggesting the polls going up by a marginal amount since Christmas is momentum, then there is momentum

    It has changed as an event - a lot more international now - in fact probably more flags and participants from other countries than flags and folks from the UK. It is much more a celebration of music - there are usually events on simultaneous broadcast around the UK. A few friends went to the events held in Dundee over the past few years - and I wouldn't describe them as overly unionist - just music lovers.

    I am not the one who used them as a example of unionist fervour, am sure for people who attend them find them very entertaining and enjoyable, but not my thing, but then again I am not a fan of Scottish Country Dance Music or the Bagpipes

    It goes hand in hand from Northern Brits like you.

    Never considered myself as a "Northern Brit", I always thought of the North of England as being more likely to be a "Northern Brit"

  2. Braveheart, I would imagine will be shown on STV the night before the vote, just for a bit of patriotic fervour, god help us

    Sky News reporting a YouGov poll for The Times, Yes 37% No 53% Dks 10% also Ladbrokes Politics still offering No at 1/6

    Ah see what happened here the Yes vote get "hot under the collar" after a mention of Braveheart, but nothing at all about the above poll and latest betting, of course that's because they are not very good at all
  3. Whilst you watch Last Night at the Proms as you wave your little union flag...

    I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

  4. I've kept a note of many of these votes at schools and colleges. Gleaned from twitter where admittedly it's mostly fellow yessers I follow and who post these things so I'm maybe not seeing any info on debates and polls where No has won, but anyway...

    Dornoch Academy in February had 234 out of their 276 pupils vote in a mock referendum. Yes - 58.9%, No - 41.1%

    Again in February, a before and after debate poll from QM Uni. Before Yes - 59%, No - 41%; After Yes - 71%, No - 21%, DK - 8%

    12/3 Glasgow Schools Debate. Yes - 64%, No - 15%, DK - 21%

    GCU Students Assoc debate, before and after. Yes - 54%, No - 20%, DK - 26%; Yes - 62%, No - 18%, DK - 20%

    And finally, Celtic Huddleboard, 490 out of 531 Yes (92.3%)

    Really should have stopped after your 1st paragraph, not much point on going after that

  5. Hope it's a pie eating contest, wee Eck would fucking cruise it

    No since his new diet, heard him on the TV saying he was off the "carbs", if he got any thinner he would fade away, Salmond fading away to nothing, sounds fine to me, no more of his "smug pus", bliss! :thumsup2

  6. Ok, and you're saying Yes will score significantly under 40%. So let's say the vote is 35% for Yes with a 60% turnout; That's around 840000 Scots voting Yes, with just over 1.5 voting No.

    I cannot see it.

    Or you choose not to see it, just saying, guess the turn out will also depend on the polls, if it looks like one side is heading for a good victory, or people just don't engage with the campaign, but hope the turn out is 90-95%, although I wont be it might be closer to 70-75%, which is good

  7. This poll appears to have Yes Scotland at the same as they were in the Record/Survation poll, 2 weeks ago, and a couple of points up on the last ICM poll, a shift yes, but not a significant shift as the paper claims, as for John Curtice, knows his stuff, but he does come down on the side of the nationalists

  8. The polls have moved a couple of points for the Yes campaign, but not moved enough for them to feel a difference, so suddenly prompted by Daily Record/Sturvation poll, which polled 39% Yes, 48%, DKs 13%, when you take out the DKs, it becomes Yes 45%, No 55%, Yes Scotland and the SNP have taken the poll rating without the DKs and are running with it, hard

  9. There are still a lot of voters that are not really engaging with the campaign as yet.

    The referendum won't be lost or won in March. Many will make up their minds in the official campaign period.

    Yes it's nice to see your campaign in the lead or your campaign showing momentum, but it's only a snap shot of how things are at the moment.

    In my opinion it will be late August early September before we know who is likely to win this referendum.

    A wee bit rose-tinted, glass half-full kind of look at it

    I'd agree to an extent. But unless there is seismic shift in voting intentions then Yes still face an uphill battle.

    For once a common sense view of the subject

  10. It says you should not put too much emphasis on a single poll but focus on the trend instead.

    A best fit line approximation through the trend will tell you what's happening and will indicate error bars on your results.

    It's the only statistically relevant thing to do.

    The trend is clearly showing a narrowing of the gap.

    That isn't in doubt and frankly I think you'll struggle to find anyone with a brain who doesn't privately acknowledge that.

    The only important question about the polls is where they predict a crossover from majority No to majority Yes.

    Do they predict that to happen before September?

    I'm not sure if they are converging fast enough or not.

    My point is the fact at the current rate they are narrowing, but at the present rate they will not crossover, before the vote

  11. No, you tried to dismiss a swing as unrealistic, despite the fact that the two polls in question were from two different companies. They don't reflect a swing; the change of in house polling makes a swing. And it has been categorically towards Yes since the White Paper.

    It has moved 2% on panelbase towards Yes 38% to 40%, No losing the 2%, where as in Ipsos/MORI Yes vote has lost 2% going from 34% to 32%, No staying steady at 57%, YouGov showing Yes only up 3%, 32% to 35%, No only losing 1% now at 52%, so what does this say?

  12. No I think it shows what a lot of shite the polls actually are. Anyone that reads too much into them is being silly.

    Nice try at conflating to different methodologies to cover up BitterTogether's fail: 1/10

    Yes Scotland love polls, and they read loads into them, in fact like to quote them, when I mean quote them I mean, big up the good ones, an as for the methodology argument, you could say that about all polls that are done, but on this forum only poor polls for Yes Scotland are dismissed on these grounds, just my view

  13. 3 weeks ago the Yes vote polled at 32%, that was a Ipsos/ Mori poll, now a panelbase poll has them at 40%, in the last 18 months the polls have shown a small 4% improvement for Yes Scotland, very unlikely that there would be a 8% rise in 3 weeks, would suggest the truth lies somewhere in-between,

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