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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Smashing pumpkins are playing Glasgow O2 Academy Glasgow for 2nd July 2013 onsale on Friday from Ticket Web
  2. Argo 8/10 Great tension build-up and very well done. I felt it was really short, but i'm not sure if it actually was or If i was just really emersed in the story. I've not bothered to check the running time. Lincoln 8/10 Got quite bogged down at the start with all the political jargon (i suppose thats the point of the film though). DDL was superb as was Tommy Lee Jones. Found myself really ejoying it towards the end. However, i did think that JGL's character could have been developed a bit further.
  3. Twitter is unbearable just now with these shite Tesco jokes..
  4. Mudhoney - Glasgow ABC June 5th
  5. Django Unchained 9.5/10 All the hallmarks of a great Tarantino movie. Christoph Waltz stole the show (again). A few awkward/funny moments which i am a sucker for and some nice cameos mixed in as well. Didn't realise just how long it was but that doesn't take anything away from it, at all.
  6. Barca legend.. Hristo Stitchkov (Stoichkov)
  7. Martin Squirtle (Skrtel) ...took me absolute ages
  8. On another note...Sonisphere France 2013 looks pretty tasty!
  9. The Hobbit 7/10 Decent watch, but as KB said, it took quite long to get going. Expendables 2 0/10 I was made to sit through this cringe-fest on boxing day. Utter, utter dross.
  10. Rafa BeniTAZ apologies if it was covered earlier in the thread
  11. 7 Psychopaths. Loved it, great performances from Sam Rockwell and Christopher Walken and a good laugh. 9/10
  12. Mik


    The Fratellis have announced a UK tour for April next year and are playing the Barras on the 19th. Presale is here: PRE-SALE I quite like a bit of fratellis
  13. Mik

    The Walking Dead

    Watched ep 4 on Tuesday night holy SHIT! My wildest dreams of Lori dying came true. (I don't read the comcis so I didn't anticipate it at all) Glad to see the non-character that was T-dogg perishing. That baby is going to become a major set-back though This governor bloke looks like it could get very interesting. Watched ep 5 last night: This seaon has been excellent so far, blows season 2 out the water already.
  14. didn't know that one, good song. The acoustic renditions of Testament are amazing.
  15. I seen a fox smeared across south street this morning. Horrific.
  16. oh god.... Apparently BVB at Download this year were absolutely laughable... I've never heard any of their songs..they look like a cross between Turisas and Motley Crue....(no disrespect intended to those bands) never heard of any the other bands there....
  17. Mik

    Red Dwarf X

    Been enjoying the earlier series on Dave at the weekend there, mostly series 5. I have series 1-4 on DVD, some absolutely classic episodes in there. Much prefer Holly as Norman Lovett though. "Backwards" is one of the best episodes ever. I thought the recent Back to Earth was lacking and it totally missed the laugh-track. I'll definitely be tuning in for the new series but don't have high hopes for it to be honest.
  18. North by Northwest (1959) Never seen this before and I've seen it crop up in peoples all-time favorite movies and is considered a hollywood classic so thought I would give it a spin. I liked how Hitchcock made himself part of the opeing credits where he tries to get on a bus - nice touch Anyway, fairly enjoyable. Some great snappy dialogue, added a bit of humour as well with Thornhills mother and also the bourbon scene. The more I think of it the more I enjoyed it actually. Cary Grant was excellent as was Eva Marie Saint 8/10 edit: Oh yeah, couldn't help but think of Eddie Izzards impression of James Mason every time he spoke.
  19. No Megadeth and no entry for The Haunted makes me a sad sad boy. Surprised there was no Judas Priest either, Judas is Rising/Angel/Prophecy - f*cking excellent tracks. Lamb of God choice is uninspired. Testament entry should be True American Hate I do agree with a few of them though
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