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Everything posted by thommohawk

  1. Yeah you said switch to a club more suited. Absolute balloon.
  2. Amazed you have 2 green dots. You've just posted probably the biggest load of rubbish I've ever read. Someone can magically improve their performance? Someone has a bad game so says ach let's go Juniors.
  3. The fact it's 15 hours since anyone posted on here clearly demonstrates the total apathy surrounding Dundee now. Please go McPake.
  4. I want McPake gone as much as the next person, assuming Tommy Wright would be the replacement, but can't blame him for this. Sitters missed, penalties given and not given etc
  5. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/uefa-send-message-dundee-united-23039050.amp This is a great iniative and brilliant achievement / recognition. Congratulations to everyone involved.
  6. I think what Steve Clarke has done shows us what a good manager can do. We need to get McPake gone and replaced with Tommy Wright.
  7. I'm assuming because the kids strip is delayed they're not sending mine, ie not splitting shipment. That's pretty crap tbh.
  8. Has anyone had their new strip delivered? I ordered an adult long sleeved away strip and an infant strip about 6 weeks ago and not received anything.
  9. Had a good laugh at some of comments in the post.
  10. It won't be itzdrk in your house when you buy it! I like it though, probably look back in years thinking it was awful but it looks good now.
  11. Not sure, says tbc. I was drunk when I bought it, if I'd noticed the daft Scottish flag I might have changed my mind.
  12. Just ordered the new away strip for me and my son. Looks absilutely brilliant although the sizes look a bit ticht!
  13. Do you still get 10% off in the shop with a season ticket?
  14. Fair enough. Maybe I'm only going because I've barely seen them!
  15. Apart from it being four hours later than the usual kick off, what's the difference?
  16. Why do you think that? It's a home match in the cup against a good team, but a team we have a slight chance of beating.
  17. I have seen it mentioned here before, but Dundee need to sort out their customer service. My Dad sent me through a picture from the paper last night for hospitality for the Motherwell match. I called the number today and the conversation went along the lines of: "Hi, I'm phoning about hospitality for the match tomorrow." "Sorry, it's too late, no way we can change our order when it's tomorrow". "Really, I thought it would be possible?" "No, we can't just change orders so late". "OK fair enough, but why was it advertised in the paper last night?" "What are you saying, there was a prize in the paper last night?". " "No, why was it advertised last night? I have phoned at 9AM, i.e. the next available opportunity when you are open" "Ach, let me check with commercial" I then waited about five minutes as it was silent, then rang, then was cut off The commercial department did call me back about 10 minutes later. There was availability and the lady was lovely and professional, but we need to get a bit smarter with our first contact. It's only a few hundred quid, but we need to make it easier for people to give the club money, not make it awkward!.
  18. I liked Jim McLean. I used to train with United youths wearing my Dundee strip and he would take the p. Seen him a few years ago in the Ferry and he was a shell of the man he was. RIP if true.
  19. Sure I said this the last game, but Ayr are dirty ba$t@rds
  20. I think you should add "ce" to the end of your name then go sit in a corner with your hat on.
  21. You do realise rare and normal in terms of frequency are opposites? Talk about trying to twist what he said!
  22. Fair enough, but there was obviously worse. Generally you're best listening to the fans of the team's, but his record seems pretty good.
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