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Ned Nederlander

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Posts posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. 11 hours ago, sparky88 said:

    Followers of every single party believe the media is biased against them. It's quite possibly one of the defining traits of being a follower of a political party. 

    I could see that the media in Scotland was skewed in favour of the Union when I was a Tory voter - at the time I felt it was simply because the Union was 'right' and therefore it was virtually impossible to report it as anything else.

    In 2014 some of the reporting was so skewed that it started to piss me off, I watched a debate or listened to an interview and then the subsequent report was so wide of the mark that it was almost a fabrication - it actually played a small part in me switching.

  2. 2 hours ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

    I once complained to the BBC because I was bored on nightshift and, more importantly, they kept pronouncing Tonga wrong. I got a reply telling me that they knew they were pronouncing it wrong but that's how people expect Tonga to be pronounced so they were going to keep pronouncing it that way.


    Ignoring what is factually correct and, instead, focusing on what people expect sounds like the way the BBC have reported on this. 

    A bit like Sarah Smith (whatever happened to her?) telling us they focussed on devolved issues during a General Election debate because people didn't know the difference

  3. 2 hours ago, Caledonian1 said:

    Reporting Scotland will surely be cancelled tonight

    Kirsty Wark will be chucking film in the bucket.

    Douglas Ross will be looking for immediate Linesman assignments......anywhere....."I'll go anywhere"

    Ruthie will start packing boxes for her move to London

    Sir Keir Starmer will just keep speaking utter nonsense

    Wullie Rennie will just be irrelevant

    Keir Starmer - with every post I'm reminded of another fucking w'nker who tried to stick the boot in

    Kier fucking Starmer ffs !!

  4. 4 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
    29 minutes ago, sparky88 said:
    Agreed. All of the politicians I have encountered , irrespective of political affiliation, have been both intelligent and actually very personable. 

    Kirstene Hair was personable - just thick as mince.

    And an advisor to Dougie Ross.

  5. 3 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    A better question regarding politicians would be: how many of them would you trust to mind your bag of chips while you left the room?

    Think I'd trust Wee Nic. Maybe even Keef. As much as I liked him before this nonsense, Eck wouldn't have been getting near them.

    Edit: John Major, aye. Neil Kinnock, not a chance.




  6. Was sitting in the garden listening to Echoes live in Pompeii earlier this morning - fucking awesome

    Er ...

    Wish You Were Here

    Delicate Sound of Thunder


    The Wall (video only - with yon 'special effects')

  7. 1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

    Imagine how much of an invertebrate you need to be to support a politican like your favourite footballer and support a party like your team with blind loyalty. 

    I've changed my politics fairly recently (No/Tory -> Yes/SNP) and I'd be happy to change my vote again - I won't be changing it over any of this utter nonsense.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

    He's obviously going to be utterly humiliated in May.

    I assumed, possibly wrongly, that he might squeeze in via the List!?


    He was also showboating the other day about being the most recognisable opposition candidate - obviously a bit of a self own considering most people only know him for utterly cringeworthy telly.

  9. 5 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

    The billboard changing at the end is tremendous.

    And so is this.


    There's a twitter thread which suggests that fella has a reputation for not paying his bills and left Japan owing money to folk

    And some shite about a visa problem in the US but I'd lost interest by that point.

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