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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. In one of the adverts the homeowner rather pompously tells the fella ringing the bell to do one, I'd rob his house just to teach him a fucking lesson.
  2. Aye, Ross is probably feeling a bit of an erse.
  3. https://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/2019/07/26/club-announcement-3/ The Board of Falkirk FC is entering detailed negotiations on future ownership that will result in an exciting and ambitious vision through a multi-million pound investment in the club and its facilities. Mark Campbell, an English businessman with international interests in sport, real estate and coffee retailing is proposing an initial seven-figure cash injection in the Club under a plan to return Falkirk to the Scottish Premiership from its current place in Division One. John Park, one of Scotland’s most respected football talent spotters, will become the Club’s Football Director. He will have funds to boost the current playing squad, if the negotiations can be concluded before the summer signing deadline. Further significant investment in player recruitment is planned on the club’s return to the Championship and its push for promotion to the Premiership. John said: “I am looking forward to working with the football management team and revitalising the development of talented young players to come through the first team, as Falkirk has been well-recognised for in the past. Youth Development will be an essential part of the Club’s future.” Mark Campbell is a low-key, but highly successful businessman with a lifetime interest in football. Under his proposals, Mark is gearing his investment to return and retain the Club in the Scottish Premiership, invest in young football talent and to build new facilities at the Falkirk Stadium, including a youth academy. He is also proposing to support the Falkirk Foundation. Mark said: “We still have to go through due diligence and detailed negotiations with the Club, but we are hopeful we can have everything in place by the end of August. I’ve been hugely impressed by what has been achieved at Falkirk. The Club has a large and loyal fan base and I want to work with these fans and the staff to make the Club everything that it should be. I am looking forward to engaging with fans, so that I can get to know them and they get to know me. “I am interested in the long term sustainability of the Club which will have an exceptional football director In John Park, and working with the fans and the local community I want to make the Falkirk Stadium an exciting hub for sports and community. “I have wanted to own a football club for some time. I’ve looked at a number in England and Scotland, but when I was introduced to Falkirk I saw huge potential and an opportunity to achieve something special on the field and to make more of the facilities to help sustain the business for the long term.” His bid was one of three considered by the Board and major shareholders who together have recommended unanimously that he should be the preferred bidder, entering a period of due diligence and negotiation, with a view to completing the purchase of the Club by the end of August. Two other bids were received, including a well-researched and well-presented fan ownership proposal which was detailed and impressive, but did not match the exceptional vision and the financial strength of the proposal the board is now considering in detail.
  4. I know the chat's rightfully about the EGM but as a wee aside I see Peter Houston has just accepted a role at Celtic.
  5. Erm, it's not happening any more, don't think I did anything in particular to fix it but anyhoo it's fixed Nothing to see here etc.
  6. Started seeing videos as a grey square - had a quick look for a fix but I'm none the wiser, anyone able to help ?
  7. Unfortunately the young man on the left has since passed away.
  8. I'm visiting a new bit at work today and I'm surrounded by totally unfamiliar faces - a guy walked in and my immediate thought was he's Blue Nosed to f'ck. He's now been sitting talking utter shite about 'Rangers' for about half an hour, think it was the overly-confident way he swaggered his chubby frame across the room that gave him away. (It's like sitting within earshot of a talking Daily Record)
  9. Auld bigoted Lily sitting there in her own pish - the slash my grandma wore.
  10. Irish singer Christy Dignam, picked by myself and two other P&Bers, has been told his incurable cancer is now curable https://extra.ie/2019/07/10/entertainment/celebrity/christy-dignam-cancer-cure Excellent news, seriously, stuff like that gives us all hope.
  11. I smell shite!! How'd he start it ? And don't they stop after a few minutes for a clean cycle ? Load of pish IMO
  12. That is fucking awesome. I'm almost tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's simply adding a bit of humour ... but naw, everything about her outfit is pure dyed-in-the-wool staunchness. We should pity these poor fuckers instead of pointing-and-laughing at them. (It is a 'she' isnt it )
  13. Absolutely. A clip of backwards bellends proudly showing they're backwards bellends put online by a backwards bellend proudly showing he's a backwards bellend. And then Officer Bellend tries to intervene. Scotland is full of bellends.
  14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beth_Chapman_(bounty_hunter)
  15. Aye, not clicking it either, but I'll add that Mrs Ned's auld Gran was almost a parody level Left Footer and she absolutely loved the tunes. Personally, despite being CoS and also ex-forces, I think each and every one of them is an absolute fucking simpleton, they stomp around the streets proudly letting the rest of us know that they're into something laughably backwards and utterly pointless whilst dressed in cheap looking comedy clothes - if they didn't do it voluntarily you'd say it was fucking cruel.
  16. I ain't joking here, I love Zeppelin and I love Kashmir but I'll put Lez Zeppelin's version on ahead of the original every time.
  17. Tickets purchased - Alter Bridge in December
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