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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Norway's song was a belter, how did they fair in the public vote overall ? Must've been top 3 surely. The regional voting is starting to get on my tits, the shouts of 'Greece' from the audience whilst Cyprus was pausing for effect highlight how ridiculous it is - you might expect it from the public vote but not from the 'professional' gadgies. Italy could've won on the back of Malta and San Marino's backing for instance. The UK should just give it up now.
  2. I missed all the Danny Baker chat: I listened to Danny a lot (Brown sauce btw) and my take is that he knew exactly how the picture could/would be interpreted and had all the clever come-backs and rebuttals in mind for the wee Twitter backlash that he hoped it might create. IMO he probably searched for and had the picture/'joke' ready to go for a while before the birth. He didn't consider that he'd be punted right off the bat for it though.
  3. Qualifying obit: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-48293956 RIP etc.
  4. "You are now sitting in the eyes right position" genuinely made me lol once.
  5. Cheers MS. The obit is a bit of a strange one, the Sun covered fund-raising towards her illness and I thought that meant they'd cover her passing - I can only imagine the family (quite rightfully) kept it to themselves with the only the scant mentions I saw earlier making the matter public. Again, very young and with a young family, heart-breaking stuff.
  6. Any chance of going tits-up and giving us your league place ? It's worked for us before after all.
  7. Erm ... I listed a couple of subs, not sure if this would count !? @Miguel Sanchez
  8. My deputy, and solo pick, Belinda Gilfoyle, has passed. She passed in December so nil points. Announcements were made under her maiden name so I missed them. Tragically young and with a young family - R.I.P etc.
  9. I've had these ID requests - the emails claim my accounts will be closed if I dont provide the details ... I'm thinking that just means I can open new accounts and nab all the new account offers!?
  10. That one's down to Grangemouth - a Power Station fault here tripped the KG (and most of the fucking plant) and knocked out Mossmorran's Ethylene feed to boot. Flaring is, of course, a safety feature.
  11. Ooft, well done Morton. Deservedly going down, need to rebrand this as some sort of 'journey' or some other such shite.
  12. A wee lifeline there, seems relatively rare for a scoreline to go our way these days.
  13. I'd say rest easy Audi driver, Lyn's clearly at the bullshit.
  14. Two trips with this c'nt on board, including the stop in Gibraltar: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Grimson
  15. I know her from somewhere, absolutely definitely, some party or night out I should imagine Feel more disturbed about that than the time I worked beside a serial killer.
  16. I gave The Silmarillion about one page before ditching it, really wanted to like it, really didn't like it, ditched it. Same with Moby Dick "I've read this damn book 22 times Charlie and I still don't understand a thing" In fact I think I'll give Moby Dick another chance, it's a fucking classic right !?
  17. I know, imagine leaving your kids like that and all that happens is one of them gets abducted. Lucky b*****ds.
  18. Ken, leaving the kids for 30 minutes at a time was/is inexcusable - they're fucking paying for it now though That's no really a stretch from what they were doing to be fair! Christ on a fucking bike - 2 fuckin' hours !! C'nt!
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