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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. David knows who the real opposition in WM is.
  2. Ruthy flustered - pretending she thought the audience was to speak and then tried to answer a seperate question. Didn't think I'd enjoy this but it has promise.
  3. All in response to will "Brexit turn messy" ?
  4. I stand corrected ... angry shouty Ruth already. Fucking riddy.
  5. She's been incredibly bullish recently and is believing the hype - unfortunately she'll get a free ride tonight so the BBCQT audience won't get a chance to see the nasty side of her. She'll be smuggler than ever. At least Nicola got her telt today. I'm planning on watching this but I very much doubt I'll last the 60 minutes.
  6. ... and - do these folk not understand that the Scottish elections are designed to minimise the chances of a majority government!? The fact that the SNP require Green support for Article 30 seems to be a stick to beat the SNP with for some folk.
  7. Someone just shared an Express article on my FB timeline stating that Salmon got his arse handed to him by Suzanne Evans on the programme - the reader's comments are full of gushing Unionist bravado and the usual SNP bad guff. Imagine thinking your country is that shit that you get a stiffy over UKip.
  8. Jeez - fucking massive update downloading the now. Sat down to play this feckin ages ago.
  9. Jeez - Trump's 'Time' magazine interview is an absolute fucking doozy ... still stands by all the shite he's spouted - the guy is mental. Bigly. Sad. He's still claiming that he predicted Brexit when he was in Scotland the day before the vote despite not arriving in Scotland until the day after the vote and Tweeting that Scotland had taken it's country back. His comments about Sweden were justified because of riots that happened after he said it. There's just to much shite to even mention. Guy's a fucking roaster.
  10. I've only ever stood I'm afraid so can't say ... here's an idea of the seating situation though: 'H' marks the centre point.
  11. He certainly looks 16 - i guess we might take one of his friends birth certificates just to be sure. Just noticed I booked ticket insurance by mistake due to the haste
  12. I got standing this morning as well, think the standing might be sold out now as I'm only getting offered seats when I log back in. I notice standing for this is 16 and over, the Hydro is normally 14 and over and Ned Jnr has stood in the past, he'll be 15 for this one though ... anyone had any bother with age restrictions at the Hydro ?
  13. Having worked the weekend I'm only just catching up with last week's episode now and the feeling you get is that the audience members would fucking love to get shot of Scotland but want it to stay just out of sheer fucking spite. None of them appear to be even remotely informed on the subject beyond their own petty prejudices and I guess that's the attitude the bulk of them took when they waltzed into the Brexit booths and used their cross to get rid of the browny looking person from a few doors down. Joanna Cherry is an absolute star BTW ... the stunned silence when she expertly set the case for a second referendum was better than had she been met with a solid round of applause. "What about Spain!?" they demanded, I'll just fucko that question right out the room she replied.
  14. I'm heading home soon so I'll just fire up the original - Throbber can go next.
  15. Right - went to the bother of getting the camera out:
  16. Nice one - I'm at work so have another go or nominate somebody to go next please (mobiles not allowed here)
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