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    Forfar Athletic

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  1. His number of appearances for you would suggest he was more than a bit part player.
  2. No New signings announced but the golf day is organized
  3. Chance to achieve 5th place after a woeful season, And true to form we shit the bed.
  4. 5-0 Forfar, Skelly Hatrick and Rusty brace. Ray McKinnon gets the Freedom of the town.
  5. Ray goes all out Rusty and Rayan up top two wingers and a Number 10 in an advanced role 4-0 Forfar. Sorry just woke up 0-0 it is then.
  6. Well done Arbroath. Raith shat the bed No lucky 35 yarder this week.
  7. Goals win games. I’m amazed the same set of officials let Clyde steal 6 to 8 yards every throw in.
  8. Statement will read much improved scored twice this week, Business as usual.
  9. Jacobs made the difference in the 2nd half shut down the space between the Utd Midfield and Front players.
  10. Didn't need to be at their best tonight. Can only beat whats in front of you
  11. Hopefully the board hold out for decent compensation and don't just let him Walk away, Additional Bonuses if they are in the mix and a promotion bonus if they go up and a loan of a few promising youngsters for free for the season.
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