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Everything posted by JMDP

  1. Fair enough lads. I disagree though, thought there was a lot of mindless plodding from kovalev whereas Ward won round after round on the back foot with cleaner shots and also did a lot of excellent work inside. Guess that's the beauty of boxing that we all see it differently. Looking forward to the rematch. I like both guys a lot.
  2. I thought Ward won the first fight quite handily tbh, think I had it by three or four. I think it'll be much of the same.
  3. Your group chats sound like a laugh. And definitely not made up.
  4. Am sure last time they predicted conservatives largest party but not a majority.
  5. Akala is utterly brilliant. An all round top boi.
  6. Show your working then put the bottle down you bitter old mess.
  7. Being sick. Been off work a week now, was hoping to get back in today but still feel crap. Pretty sure my boss is pissed off but not really much I can do.
  8. I explained it to you, you absolute slaver. You get back to the comfort of the bottle, I won't be playing your rummy trolling games that revolve around piss stained pedantry.
  9. You probably can't remember tbh. It was something along the lines of them being original. It's cool though, get back to the bottle and passive aggressive posting.
  10. I saw you complaining to someone about them calling you a drunk. Tbh, until you can manage a grown up, sober point instead of the usual mix of the snidey, pedantic rantings of the town drunk you'll be treated as such. So, in those spirits: Quieten down, rummy.
  11. I didn't think Indongo looked particularly great but dominated from start to finish. Hopefully they try and unify all four belts, Crawford will totally dominate him. Burns was awful and the tactics all wrong. I had it 9 rounds to Indongo, 2 Burns, 1 level.
  12. Might hire Flanagan as an after dinner speaker at my next big do tbh
  13. They did show it. I've seen it twice today on TV news - it didn't come across as humiliating though. As usual, Farage just came across as an angry, unimpressed guy howling whilst the adults around him laughed.
  14. First bet on a horse for a while, 16/1 winner yesterday.
  15. I would echo what was said before. Nigh on flawless display from Linares, really great to watch. Seems like a top boi too. As for Taylor/Davies - I'd really like to see it and think it's a fairly 50/50 fight. Really like both of them and think it would be a cracking scrap.
  16. McGuigan "respectfully" chatting about fighting Burns again. Calm yourself. As much as I like Taylor, he is green as f**k and needs to be developed slowly to allow him to reach his potential. Talk like that at this stage is nonsense.
  17. No, "he" isn't lucky. He worked like f**k from a working class beginning (I went to school in the raploch) to acquire that skill set. It's interesting that instead of openly debating the point as to free movement, you immediately get defensive behind straw man arguments. You mention those "left behind" - please build a creditable and persuasive argument as to the circumstances of those who are left behind within the context of the EU and an independent Scotland and detail to me as to why a brexit rUK would benefit them. Also, when you are at it, define exactly who the "left behind" are. Do they only include indigenous citizens or can an immigrant be described as someone left behind by globalisation? Your second straw man about foreign voices is even flimsier - it seems like you are fuelled by a distrust and aversion to those who are different and are angry about it - it seems that by attempting to paint it as deliberate simplification (I'm pretty sure you know it isn't but are painting it as such for personal reasons) is to play into the deliberately simple argument utilised by the leave campaign of us against the establishment that never really existed. It's a deliberate simplification of nuanced, political discussion that you are attempting to exploit by looking like an "Everyman" speaker - straight from the farage playbook. Why are you so against those who want to come here and contribute to society?
  18. For many reasons. On a personal level, it's allowed to me to live and work in both Italy and Sweden which has enriched me as a person and, I would like to think, allowed me to contribute positively to society there and also promote Scotland whilst I was there - loads of people I befriended and met have visited Scotland having heard me talk about it when I was there. I think we are a more tolerant, respectful society due to free movement of people - as a primary teacher in London, I have (I think) 12/13 different nationalities in my class and I think we will see the benefits of this in years to come as children who have grown up in this environment develop into adults who have routinely grown up respecting and embracing other cultures and see it as the norm to grown up here but with a knowledge of other cultures. Economically, immigration is a benefit too and many sectors need immigrants to flourish. Indeed, it's incredible the under reporting of the difficulties in English education at the moment with regards to teacher recruitment and retention - my school (an attractive, outstanding school) wouldn't be able to function without immigrant workers. Many other sectors are the same. Finally, it offers incredible benefits in terms of travel an understanding of the world around us. Hopefully the generation who have grown up alongside children from other cultures will embrace this and prove to be more tolerant than the generation who embrace farage style rhetoric and worry about hearing foreign accents on the train.
  19. Had Jacobs by a couple in a very tight fight. Enjoyed it, fascinating to watch.
  20. Incredible stuff. I had it to Gonzalez by two but couldn't complain no matter anything that was given there - each round a mini-epic.
  21. Absolutely cracking fight this so far.
  22. Agreed, there's a few great places around there for gigs most nights of the week. I miss living in Holloway Road. Not many decent gig venues in my new area of London.
  23. I've lived and worked in north west London for the last seven years and fam is pretty prominent even amongst the primary school kids I teach. There's a clear difference between those who use it naturally and those like the utter bell in that video. Me and my girlfriend use it ironically over whatsapp but I reckon if I overheard us use it in convesation I'd want us both dead. As an aside, arsenal and spurs fans are generally complete bellends. Over inflated sense of what they are as clubs and the "bantz" between them is atrocious. I work with loads of them and it's painful, telling them I didn't know it was even a derby until I moved down here because it seems like such a nothing game always causes scenes.
  24. I actually quite like BJS but he was poor last night, looked really sluggish against a game but limited opponent. Good to hear him be honest about it afterwards too. Looked bizarre having a world title fight in that venue though.
  25. Ended up getting tickets sorted through one of the lads at the hotel. Thoroughly entertaining match with Bayern just about deserving a 2-1 win. Decent atmosphere and the Leverkusen bois made some amount of noise.
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