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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. Cedar Rapids - Was the only thing on when we pitched up to the cinema and didn't expect much but was pleasently surprised - Ed Helms plays a straight laced insurance agent thrust into the 'deep end' at an insurance agent conference, where he is forced to room with John C Reilly and Clay Davis from the Wire. Starts pretty slowly but develops into a great watch. Alia Shawkat is in it, she is very pretty.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9pZpcxodf4&feature=related Drug deal fail.
  3. The people in one of the flats upstairs are screaming constantly at each other and their kid, who is screaming and crying back. I'm of a mind to phone the police, they are shouting at the top of their voices and sound very, very aggressive. The guy has been locked out of the flat before, I prsume by his partner, and then when he got into the stair banged on the door for twenty minutes or more. He sounds absolutely insane. I'm hesitant to call the cops because at the moment it just sounds like an argument but they are really going at it. I wish they'd f**k off to be honest, this used to be a nice quiet stair.
  4. People that post angst ridden lyrics - fucking stop it. You are an adult.
  5. Just one more thi... oh wait, there isn't one more thing, you are clearly guilty. Get to jail now, there's a good lad.
  6. Had to go and knock on my neighbours door last night to ask him to stop playing his guitar loudly. The little git didn't even open the door, eventually spoke to him through his door. Fud.
  7. In the Sopranos when the gangsters commit murder they often drop their guns at the scene of the crime - isn't this dangerous, giving the cops more potential evidence Would the approach taken by hitmen in the Wire not be better and dispose of your weapon down a storm drain or in the bay?
  8. Am guiltily reading 'The Strain' by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan Hiding it in my work bag.
  9. Had to miss Jiu Jitsu tonight as I've got a sore shoulder. I'm sure I've got a trapped nerve or something, I have an ache in my shouler/shoulder blade which has been ongoing for weeks and I periodically get pins and needles in my hand on the same side. Have I had a stroke?
  10. I absolutely hate that Pepsi Max advert.

    1. DJP


      Hurrah, Found someone else who also hates it.

  11. Pelting with snow here. On a snow related note I honestly think I have borderline frostbite.
  12. Guy in the flat next to me shagging some woman at 4am. Do it at 10pm next time dickhead!
  13. He'll still be a backbench MSP.
  14. Suggesting that government ministers are held accountable for their responsibilities isn't contradictory to 'championing the individual over the state' or 'complaining about state interference'. Of course, people should be adequately prepared for making a journey in bad weather but that doesn't change the fact that the Transport Minister (who has responsibility for clearing motorways) didn't respond well enough and after the fact has consistently tried to pin the blame on the Met Office, despite the fact that the MO released a forecast predicting heavy rush-hour snow the previous night. The only embarrassing thing on this thread is your petty jibes at posters who disagree with you and your slavish obsequiousness with regards any criticism of the SNP or the Scottish Government. If Stewart Stevenson had stood up in Parliament and said that he was organising a slaying of the first born in order to appease the weather gods you'd probably be on here saying it was absolutely the right thing to do.
  15. My girlfriend's brother has been stuck on teh M8 all night I think.
  16. Schools shutting early in Edinburgh. Forth Road Bridge closed Southbound. All Lothian Buses cancelled. Trains to Fife off.
  17. Pelting down in Edinburgh. Airport is shut.
  18. Deal or No Deal is a programme I just don't understand. It's very puzzling to me what watching people opening boxes randomly actually is.
  19. I don't think I've ever felt forced to enjoy Christmas. I've worked a few Christmas' and spent a few with family or my partner's family and it's just a holiday. If your family want to spend Christmas with you, perhaps you should be pleased as it shows they care about you. On the other hand maybe your family actually hate you and take pleasure in winding you up about it. They probably have a 'proper' family meeting in late October to plan the annual rip the pish fest and award points and prizes for who can make you the most scarlet with teenage anger about eating roast turkey and satsumas.
  20. Why not become a Jew this Christmas? I'm going to - all I need to do is grow my sideburns, wear a black hat and hack off the end of my winkle. That's how it works isn't it?
  21. I just read this, it's absolutely brilliant. You are bang on with how understated and nuanced the writing is.
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