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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. I'm supposed to be on a week off but have been called in today. There is a specific task that only myself and two other people are trained on and I've been called in to do that. Now, one other person who can do this is off, the other is in but I'm still being asked to show up. The reason I've been asked in is that the person is off due toa family bereavement, it's absolutely terrible for them. But this task has three people trained on it, one of whom is in the office - yet I am being called in? This is fucking pish. Of course, if I raise this then it looks like me who is being a dick because the reason one person is off is due to an absolutely terrible bereavement. Yet the one other person who is in has obviously spun some bullshit about why they can't do this task and I've been pulled in. I'm going in but I'm going to play it by ear regarding raising this with my boss.
  2. I remember when the P&B house was first established all was good in the world. Now it seems that the prospect of P&Bers living together in peace and harmony is a vision lost, analagous to the death of the 60s dream caused by the assassinations of RFC and MLK.
  3. My Virgin TV has just gone black and white for no apparent reason. Phoned up and got engineer out on Thursday. XBL, are you sitting in work with a load of bulldog clips in your hair? You must look bizsrre to say the least.
  4. Edinburgh Council, who haven't tried to take any council tax for months and months (going back to last year) despite us setting up a direct debit have just tried to take £900 from my fiancees account She didn't have the cash to pay it so they are going to try again 'in the next few weeks' Ball park estimate guys? Quite pleased they are actually taking it though. Between my pay and her final cheque from her job we should cover it.
  5. There always seems to be riots during the play offs. Perhaps this trend can be picked up by the Scottish Football League clubs - will Cowdenbeath fans burn down Arbroath after a play-off shut out?
  6. I have had a chest infection all week and been off work. I have been given anti-biotics which look like horse tranquilisers and pulling my stomach apart, it's very uncomfortable. I'm allergic to penicillin and think I may be a bit sensitive to these fucking things as well.
  7. Virgin Media - no internet, TV or phone for around 48 hours. Cheers!
  8. Van got taken away at 0300. Please stop champing at the bit now, it's getting soggy and other children have to play with it later.
  9. If you work for Edinburgh Council you are a fucking cunt. 'We can't uplift the van until 0105 because we need to serve an order' 'But this has been happening for over 24 hours, it was reported happening by at least three people to the police and yourselves hours ago?' 'Er, um, eh, ehhh' 'So it'll be uplifted at 0105?' 'If we can get an uplift truck, might have to leave it for dayshift' 'Eh? You can't leave that here' 'Er, um, eh, ehhhh...' There are dozens of 24 hour uplift services in yellow pages, get it fucking done you council workshy little c**tholes.
  10. After 24 hours of alarmed interupption Edinburgh Council are attending my street with van P853 XGE. If you own that van you're a fucking cunt
  11. I watched Hallam Foe on Saturday - 7/10. I found it a bit awkward but it was enjoyable, especially the Edinburgh setting. Spoiler question One question for all you movie buffs etc - how the fucking hell did they film the sex scene when Hallam is looking down through the sky-light and the duty manager is shagging the HR burd and looking back at him without actually having sex?
  12. There is a white van parked on my street whose alarm is going off every 30-40 minutes. It's a manky old shitheap of a thing and the alarm sounds like someone is pressing the horn, it lasts for about a minute and a half. This happened repeatedly last night, waking me up at 3am. According to the missus it happened at 4am and 5am as well. I just phoned the police who said they'd deal with it but wish I had put a brick through the window of the fucking thing. It's also double parked and has been for the whole weekend.
  13. Lock on my front door broke last night, had to get a locksmith out to fix it at half ten as we couldn't shut the front door. To the nosy c**ts who decided to take their bins out at that time - piss off.
  14. PeterGrant could get pretty boring, his thread about the return of the Latin liturgy at Mass must go down as the least P&B-type thread ever. I think I am quite boring.
  15. Was off work last week on holiday, woke up this morning with a migraine so had to phone in. I now look like a skiver.
  16. The only time I have ever actually laughed out loud at something on here.
  17. Juno 9.5/10, absolutely brilliant film. Hopefully it wins Best Picture.
  18. Developed a thundering headache yesterday meaning I had to head home early.
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