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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. I'm going to do double sessions before and after work in the gym this week to try and shake the fug. I'm trying to get my fitness back up before going back to BJJ training, last time I went I was blowing out my proverbial and it was embarrassing. I do cardio before work and then weights afterwards, does that seem wise?
  2. As said above, you should start with no weights on the bar getting form correct. You see loads of people doing that and having notepads, totally normal. As for gym staff, in my gym they are all Personal Trainers who are trying to sell sessions so will be super, super friendly - they want your cash! The guys should be trained to do sessions for complete beginners as well as people with experience, if most gyms are like mine then most of the PT sessions will be sold to people who have little experience so they'll be absolutely fine.
  3. I sometimes eat a protein bar for breakfast if I go to the gym first thing in the morning before work. Normally, I'd have some eggs but my work doesn't do eggs in the breakfast canteen. Otherwise I just try to eat high protein foods following a workout. I do hear that Raoul Moat Protein Death Shakes are the best ones.
  4. I love the guys who drop weights or slap each other on the back or make massive groans in the gym all while wearing a vest four sizes too small. Hilarious stuff. I was in the gym early one morning a few weeks ago, on the cable rower machine rower. A guy came along and started doing pulldowns on themachine right next to me and every time he pulled he said, really loudly, "YEAAAAAAAAH". He did about ten reps and walked off.
  5. I think when people say that eating a certain diet won't 'work' for them they probably mean that they wouldn't or couldn't do it rather than it not physically being possible for them. It's like the Atkins Diet - when it was a huge fad I knew a few people who lost a tonne of weight on it but there's no way I could be arsed with doing it, even if I did lose loads of weight.
  6. That Enterprise advert. "Just look for the aluminium sign!" - who would actually speak like that, no matter how you pronounce aluminium?
  7. People used to eat kippers for breakfast all the time. In our shop next week I might get some tinned sardines and try it out on toast for breakfast.
  8. All sorts of breakfast food is absolutely rammed with sugar - cereal bars are another offender. If I ever have breakfast cereal I usually have Sultana Bran but not often. I try to eat porridge or poached eggs on toast for breakfast. Either that or I'll have a yoghurt and granola mix in work.
  9. I have been going to the gym quite a bit in the last few weeks. I used to only really do weights along with HIIT but having throught about it that's kind of cheating so I've started splitting my sessions up - I'll either do weights followed by some HIIT or some steady state cardio (usually 30+ minutes on cross trainer, the treadmill f*cks my knees) followed by HIIT. Does this seem a good approach to people who know about this stuff? ALso, I was doing HIIT on the stationary bike last night and noticed I was finding it more difficult to get my heart rate up. I think this is a good thing as I'm getting fitter (first few times I did HIIT I felt like I was going to die) but is it a good idea to increase the 'up' times in HIIT to get my heart rate up? I currently do 5 minutes warm up then five minutes of 30-30 split high and low intensity then two minutes warm down. I usually do it on the stationary bike but have recently started using the rower, which destroys me. Was thinking of changing to doing it for 15 minutes and doing a minute-minute split high and low intensity to see how that works.
  10. Link He grinds to a halt at 4:35
  11. There was a video on a Spanish website I saw on twitter of a SPanish journalist riding the final climb and he ground to a halt and had to get off his bike around 2km from the end.
  12. Enjoyed seeing Cummings win the stage the other day, I like it when someone from the breakaway wins the stage.
  13. A guy in my work just asked me if I knew his pal because he retweeted one of my tweets Off to check my tweets for anything work related...
  14. Did not get into a Twitter 'feud' with David Davis when he was on loan with us? Can't remember his name, absolute knob.
  15. I have had tweets favourited by both Channel 4 News economics correspondant Faisal Islam and up and coming Irish superstar Conor Pepper.
  16. We didn't even tell our parents when we got married Take that, convention.
  17. My wife wanted to watch LA Ink. What a load of utter shite. Complete rubbish!
  18. He is obviously a tremendous player but it's hard to emphasise enough what a knob he is. Nights out in Inverness will be fun for a while if he does sign for County though
  19. I had a migraine yesterday and phoned in sick. Now I'm sure all my colleagues think I skived off.
  20. weirdcal, where do you work? PM me if you don't want to say.
  21. Sadly the days when I could pass for a boy are long gone. Preverts hoping for a sleek, fresh faced twink would be horrified if my weatherbeaten pus presented itself. Aside from that, a decent suggestion. If I were a male prostitute at least I'd know who wanted to f**k me when I went to work.
  22. My work is fucking terrible, I hate it at the moment. Someone from P&B get me another job. Do it, you scraggy bunch.
  23. The first ever live tweeting from a lawyer in a trial at the Old Bailey is ongoing at themoment - #porntrial. It's, er, interesting.
  24. After a fortnight in Cyprus mainly drinking cans of Keo, eating Lamb Kleftiko and chips and smoking menthol fags I have decided to make a conscious move to get healthier and try and lose some weight. I have been trying to mix up my gym sessions a bit more, I used to basically just do HIIT and weight training, I'm incorporating more steady state cardio on the cross trainer and rower now. I can only make it to the gym for an hour or so most nights so try and split it - 20 mins on cross trainer, 20 mins on rower, 10-15 minute HIIT. In terms of diet, I'm going to try and reduce the ammount of carbs I eat and cut out sugary drinks, crisps and snacks. I'm wary of eating too much fruit as that's the easy alternative. What are the best nuts to eat as snack replacements? My food today is probably what I'm going to try and follow: Breakfast - Granola and yoghurt. Morning snack - Apple Lunch - Pasta box (pasta, sausage, cucumber, tomato, peas and chickpeas with a pesto dressing); fruit salad Afternoon snack - Banana Dinner - Grilled chicken breast, salad, potato, coleslaw. Low fat yoghurt. I think I'm probably eating too much fruit and a bit too much fat. I am only drinking water and a couple of cups of coffee. Any of the knowledgable people on here ready to tell me where I'm going wrong? I also quite often have poached eggs for breakfast to try and get more protein into my diet. Should I install a rotisserie on my desk and chomp on suckling pig all day to keep my meat count high?
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