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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. I find it difficult to lie to people direct to their faces so I told him I am such a wimp The only window near me is two stories up and overlooks a spiked fence so I think if I threw him through it the odds on it blossoming into a beautiful friendship are slim.
  2. Guy at my work just asked me outright what my bonus and salary rating was. Manners?
  3. The Killer Inside Me - Jim Thompson. The story of a small town sherrif's deputy who is actually a sociopathic killer. It's told first person by Lou, the deputy, and tells the story of how he commits a series of murders and tries to get away with them. The book has a reputation as one of Thompson's most chilling and it's certainly an affecting portrait of someone without a moral compass. I've seen the film and the book brings out some aspects of the story a lot better - the way that Lou exhibits passive-aggressive tendancies before embarking on his murder spree, most notably by speaking in infuriatingly meaningless cliches all the time, which is only touched on in teh movie. I'd recommend reading it and am looking forward to reading more Thompson. 8/10
  4. She doesn't get free entry to all Cowdenbeath games either.
  5. All lawyers are just like Maurice Levy from The Wire. All doctors are basically Harold Shipman with less balls.
  6. I'm currently re-writing my CV so it looks funky and feel a right dick bigging myself up. I might put one of those Christian Bale smugg smilies in to round it off.
  7. I agree that the act was so extreme it made the whole programme lack a certain drama. However, the concept is a very interesting one - essentially that the dehumanising culture of the internet/Twitter/social media actually dehumanises all of us. Choosing a rather Cameron-esque PM was an interesting move as well, they made him relatively realisitic rather than a caricature. Probably the most telling scene was the slow-motion pans over the faces of the crowds watching, in disgust and fascination. Perhaps it's an indictment of a misplaced sense of entitlement in our society that sees those in authority or prominent positions to be targets deserving of utter contempt - he has succeeded, I have not, therefore I will laugh when he is brutally humiliated haha lolz.
  8. During my brief and inglorious career in the NHS I think I saw a few job adverts for NPs stating salary of around £35k. obviously, additional training, qualification required and I think most practioners were also managers in the place I worked.
  9. Do Nurse Practioners not earn around £35K a year?
  10. I saw a job advertised today doing something pretty similar to what I do now at £265 a DAY. If I was getting redundant'd this week I'd be all over that like cheese sauce.
  11. You'd have to hump a shitload of illegal immigrants over from Calais to get that much cash though.
  12. The Thing (2011) - Decent yarn, I haven't seen the 1982 film but have heard it doesn't really compare that well. It's not a remake, it's a prequel set directly before the events of 1982. The characterisation is poor but it's really a plot-driven film and not given to developing the characters. The tension is built well, I liked the way they used the fact that the characters are split between Norwegian and American to build tensino among the group. I also thought they used class well to divide the group, there were subtle ways that the lead scientists spoke and acted towards the pilots and technicians that ratcheted up the tension. The Thing itself is grotesque but I tend to have a problem with all these CGI special effects, they look like CGI special effects. To their credit, the Thing is half-puppet and animatronics. I read that some of the people who worked on District 9 worked on Th Thing, I don't think The Thing was as well done as the 'prawns' in District 9. Overall, it was fairly enjoyable, I'd give it 6/10. One point was that right at the end they use the theme from the 1982 film, which is far superior to the music through the new version.
  13. Drinking on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday means I am feeling fucking awful. I think I could do with a period off the booze, considering doing 3-6 months from New Year. Really feeling terrible yesterday and today.
  14. 60% of my job pool getting made redundant. Squeaky bum time.
  15. Yasai Yaki Gyoza (vegetable dumplings) Sakebon roll 8pcs, salmon, tuna, cucumber, avocado, crab stick
  16. I'd be happy with no snow, it's a complete pain in the city. It looks nice on the morning after it falls and then it's a horrible slushy mess for the rest of the time.
  17. I had a salad box for lunch. It had cous cous, chicken pieces, feta cheese, cucumber, tomato, jalapeno and dried onoins, with a pesto dressing. I had a portion of diced pineapple for afters. And a can of diet Cokoe.
  18. That Certain Female - Charlie Feathers
  19. I was doign deadlifts at the gym last night and have quite a sore groin today. I wasn't using a heavy weight at all, quite the opposite as I haven't done them for a while and wanted to make sure I eased myself in. Should I just stretch better or do I need to change my technique? I normally work on maintaining a straight back so I don't cripple myself.
  20. You must do it TBR. If you get chose, P&B should choose an answer you have to give to one question, right or wrong. If you did this you'd become a P&B hero. Paxman is a wayne kerr, you are right about that.
  21. Have hit the gym hard since getting back from my wedding/holiday. I seem to have pulled a muscle though, I've got a real ache in my left hand side, along my ribs. It's really rather uncomfortable as you can't rest it easily. I'm pretty pissed off because I was wanting to go back to Jiu Jitsu next week. Anyone got any tips for dealing with this weird 'injury'?
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