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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. What sort of crowds do the Scottish teams draw?
  2. I refuse to follow either. Absolute arseholes the pair of them. @chrislindsay33 if anyone wants to read a tweet every two weeks. I follow mainly news people, football stuff and MMA. Who is the most prolific tweeter that anyone fvollows, Caitlan Moran from The Times (and other fine periodicals) is on it constantly, I don't know how she finds time to write columns and books. She is pretty funny though.
  3. Black Rugby League pioneer dies
  4. How many reps do people do on weight machines and with free weights? I usually do 12 reps or if I am doing a particularly heavy load 8 reps. I'm not organised enough to have a programme or anything like that but from memory this is what I did yesterday: Seated rower - 160 lbs 12 reps; 175 lbs 8 reps Lat Pull - 160 lbs 12 reps; 175 lbs 8 reps Leg Press - 205 lbs 12 reps; 220 lbs 12 reps Bicep curls - 24 kilo dumbell 12 reps x 2 Dumbell chest press - 18 kilo dumbell 12 reps x2 Deadlifts - 22 kilo barbell (a bit light but I've only just started doing them and want to get the technique right so I don't paralyse myself!) Hip abductor - 100 lbs 12 reps x 2 Hip adductor - 100 lbs 12 reps x 2 Arm curls - 120 lbs 12 reps x 2 Tricep extension - 130 lbs 12 reps x 2 I normally use a few other machines but didn't have time yesterday. I do these reps from reading various books and articles on the best number of reps to do for each exercise.
  5. My next door neighbours left their dog in last night and the fucking thing howled and whined all night. Absolutel c***s. I've left a note on their door, assuming f*ck all will happen about it.,
  6. Didn't make it to BJJ, am off work this week so got caught up in other stuff. Went to the gym yesterday morning, the good thing about going early is that the free weights area is pretty empty. I did a few dumbell curls and then some dumbell chest presses. Finished up with dead lifts. I am always a bit nervous about doing deadlifts as obviously they have hte potential to kill your back but I felt fine with them. Fucking hell, that's a killer. Hope if heals quickly.
  7. Back at the gym tonight, did a circuit on the weights and then HIIT on the bike. Just under an hour, was a bit tired beforehand but wanted to get something in before BJJ tomorrow night.
  8. Just saw the highlights on ITV4, nasty crash for Hoogerland. Gutting for him to finish so far back.
  9. Back to the gym on Monday and back to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tonight, will be feeling it tomorrow. Really need to go on a sustained run of fitness, good diet and regular exercise. I've been out pished on each of the last three weekends (the middle weekend drinking Friday, Saturday, Sunday) and it's just a waste when you've been putting the hours in at the gym and watching what you eat to go and do that.
  10. ANyone know any good, relatively easy hills near Edinburgh reachable via public transport? Thanks
  11. We have Alex Cooper on trial, any COunty fans have opinions on him one way or the other?
  12. I quite like Brian Moore My brother read his book and enjoyed it. I enjoy his rugby summarising, although he is a bit cantankerous.
  13. Duncan is a good signing for County. I've always rated him, he does a lot of the unseen work - tracking back and putting pressure on the opposition isn't something that wins plaudits. He is often criticised for his distribution and can misplace a pass or two but generally he's a solid performer. Like Munro, he's won the First Division twice so has all the experience you'd want. He did attract a lot of criticism from our fans - it's only the last couple of seasons that he really started to be appreciated by our fans I think. He also deliberately got the Hearts keeper to get him sent off a few seasons ago in an absolutely hilarious display of wind-uppery. One of my favourite moments of his
  14. I felt a bit of a twat absolutely hammering it next to the usual gym crowd of people doing leisurely cycles after work
  15. I tried doing something HIIT-y at the gym tonight - went on the bike and after warming up with five minutes at a steady pace, did one minute full pelt, one minute slower for the next 15 minutes. Is this likely to get decent results?
  16. Michael Fraser was a decent keeper for us, I think some people were quite harsh on him. Perhaps his reputation has suffered next to Ryan Esson, who is a superb keeper.
  17. I have had to work late and so have missed jiu jitsu tonight.
  18. P&B is just as good now as it was in the 'old days'.
  19. I'm thinking of buying a tweed sports jacket. Will this make me a look like a tool?
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