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Everything posted by Tryfield

  1. May as well get ready for this one. First beer of the day is now open.
  2. 8am Sunday morning. Live on BBC 2. The other semi is on tomorrow at 8.30am, same channel.
  3. What a shot by Murray to go 3-2 up in the 2nd set.
  4. Can O' Tennants and a Black Bottle. Ran out of Whyte & Mackay.
  5. I set off this morning for a 10 mile run. Ended up doing 12. Usual petrol garage was shut, so had to fuel up at another one.
  6. A momentary "Bi-Polar" switch thing, I think. Maybe not.
  7. Cheating Cream of Potato and Leek soup. Fry 2 leeks and an onion for 10 mins. (Garlic and dried herbs added will give more flavour). Make up two portions of "Smash Mash tatties". Make veg stock with 1 or 2 Knorr veg cube. Combine all 3 together and blend. Add freshly ground black pepper, salt and dried parsley and a dollop of single cream. Serve immediatley. Just had it, some left in fact. Took 15 mins. Lovely.
  8. Wee touch of winter this morning.
  9. Same as last night. Nippy as fcuk though, but yummy. Sliced beef, ginger, garlic, chillies, peas, sweetcorn, onions, tomato, various herbs and spices all stuffed into a couple of naan breads after thickening up. Rumbled up in 10 minutes.
  10. Bus drivers. Due to the weather, my bike is off the road and the bus is my means of commuting. Every stop a pensioner gets on, the driver steps on the throttle before the old biddies get a chance to sit down. Those fragile old bones are under threat from jobsworthy time keeping bus drivers.
  11. I see SKY have their SKYCOPTER up to bring us ariel shots. Weren't they waffling on in December about climate change, CO emissions blah blah blah?
  12. Anyone here read You'll Win Nothing With Kids(Fathers, sons and football) by Jim White? Got it as a present, but not an avid reader.
  13. Stick £20 onto road tax specifically for gritting. Or take something out the global warming budget.
  14. The guitar riff on Alright Now, by Free. How do they get that hollow sound at 2.05 -2.18.
  15. Icy pavements. Fell this morning, twisted my knee, burst my hand and got an awfy dunt on my elbow. Thank feck I was blootered.
  16. I'd like to see Barnevald win. After his 9 darter, he deserves it.
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